Thursday, May 21, 2009

Game Review: XBOX; Stubbs the Zombie In Rebel Without a Pulse

-Stubbs the Zombie In Rebel Without a Pulse also will work with XBOX360, and XBOX360 Elite.

Stubbs the Zombie looked like a game that would be right up my alley. A game where I don't have to run away and fight off zombies- but instead a game where I am the zombie, and all of the stupid little humans; well they run from me harharhar!!!

Anyhow, Stubbs the Zombie takes place in a small town called Punchbowl. The time era is the 1950's and you can tell by the clothing of the era, and by the way some of the human characters wear their hair. However the developers of the game also added in some cute futuristic elements such as robots, and hover cars. It mixes well though, and makes sense considering it was an era when robots, and talk of the future was all the rage.

The game starts off with your main character rising from the ground. Before him are two young lovers laying on the ground where the male human is trying to talk the female into kissing him and what not. You know....teen stuff?

Anyhow, the tutorial begins at this moment. You are Stubbs and you are told to eat the brains of the lovers. I don't hesitate, and go in for the first kill.

Stubbs reaches out, grabs hold of the young man and sinks his rotting teeth into his skull!

I was pretty excited by this point, but figured at any moment a clan of angry robot police would come out after me!

But nothing happened. I walked away, and followed a robot whom welcomes me to punchbowl, and showed me around.

Little to my knowledge, the guy who I just killed came back to life as a zombie! This was all too cool! Not only could I munch on the brains of humans, but they would also rise to help me along my quest to chewing apart all of Punchbowl!?!? Awesome!!!

Now the goal in the game is pretty bleak. As Stubbs I must chew the brains of the living, have them join me as zombies...and the game also seemed to throw in some sort of odd love quest. Stubbs seems to have his eyes on some blond chick, who we see in the cut scenes.

With the game set on Easy I was able to chew my way all throughout Punchbowl without an issue. Humans would shoot at me, police would try to kill me, and swat teams tried to stop me with little damage to my character. All in all the game was an easy brain eating fest when set on easy.

Basically Stubbs the Zombie feels like Night of the Living Dead made into a video game.


The graphics in Stubbs the Zombie are not so bad considering that the game is made for the original XBOX (yes, it will play on the 360 as well). The game is a modified version of Halo, and it's actually not so bad. Trees and things look real enough, characters all look pretty realistic as well. The game does however have that cartoon look to it, but that is not necessarily a bad thing at all.


Controls in the game are all quite simple to learn, and pretty much everything you will need you learn in the very first tutorial in the game. The Y button allows Stubbs to eat the brains of victims, while the X button allows him to slash at people, and items. The controls though are all very repetitive considering all you are doing is eating brains for the most part.


Stubbs the Zombie can be beaten in a few hours on easy settings, but it is a hell of a lot of fun getting to the finish line. I have never played a game where I was the bad guy, and the bad guy could win. It added an element to gaming that I rarely see in games. Although some of the controls were a bit repetitive, I had a blast chowing down on the brains of humans!

I found the game in a the used rack at my local game shop, and was glad to have picked it up. I recommend it because it is fun, and relatively simple to play.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Review: Odor Eliminating Bahama Bag Co. Scent Pouch- Tahitian Vanilla

When I came across a Odor Eliminating Bahama Bag Co. Scent Pouch- Tahitian Vanilla sitting on the shelf at the check out line, I had to try it! I was in the Bahamas last year, and am once again returning this year.

In the store I couldn't get a sniff test to see how the scent was due to the plastic seal wrap. When I got to my car though, I ripped it off and was greeted with the sweetest, most delicious spices of vanilla, honey, and a very small subtle hint of what reminded me of coconut.

The scent was definitely tropical, and it was definitely delicious.

I found the pouch for under $3.00 around a month ago, and still the sweet subtle vanilla fragrances manages to surround me. I ended up bringing the pouch to work with me to hang on my desk for a safer fragrance boost in the office.

It has yet to fail, and I have gotten many compliments on the scent (people think I'm wearing some kind of perfume!).

It's definitely one I'd recommend. Long lasting tropical fragrance, for under $3.00, you cannot beat it!