Sunday, July 13, 2014

Review of Michel Design Works, Beach Foaming Bubble Bath

Once I finally got my bathroom refinished, I could not wait to hop into a nice steaming hot foamy bubble bath. I absolutely adore this 'me' time, and I have not had any of that sort of quality time since moving into a new house.

I have had this truly luxurious looking bottle of Michel Design Works, Beach Foaming Bubble Bath for quite some time. I actually picked it up still sealed in the package at a yard sale for $3.00. After searching for exactly what it was that I bought, I discovered that I got it for a steal, as it normally sells for $16.00 and change.

Michel Design Works, Beach Foaming Bubble Bath comes in a glass bottle with a rubber stopper popped into the top to keep the syrup from spilling out. The bubble bath syrup inside of the bottle is a nice beach themed colored teal blue.

I popped the top and sniffed the soap. It has a beautiful, yet light floral aroma, which for me was odd because it was not really something I would associate with as a beach scent. I was thinking initially it would smell like coconuts, or some sea breeze type clean scent.

However once this syrup hit the water, and bubbles began to foam up, the scent surprisingly did smell like something from a beach, only a much more tropical sun kissed floral beach scent.

The froth that is made is very thick, and it surprised me because the best foaming bubble bath products I have ever used come from Lush. Michel Design Works, Beach Foaming Bubble Bath though surprised me at just how many bubbles it produced, and I barely used but a few spoonfuls of the stuff!

Froth Last:
Now the best bubble baths are the ones when your bubbles actually last. A lot of bath products I have used in my time produce great fragrances, but their froth pops out quickly. When it came to Michel Design Works, Beach Foaming Bubble Bath, I had a good solid 15 minutes of soak time till the bubbles really began to fizzle out.

All in all, that is a pretty good amount of time for bubbles to remain at the surface, so I have no complaints in that department. Actually, I have no complaints about this product in general.
The best thing about this bubble bath was the lingering light scent that not only remained in the bathroom for hours after my bath, but it also had draped itself on my skin, so I smelled pretty nice for quite some time.

I loved it. I would most definitely buy it again, even at the higher price asked. The one downside to this bubble bath is that the bottle is indeed glass. It should not be left on the ledge of your tub as it could fall and break! Keep it somewhere safe and away from you while bathing. I keep my bottle tucked next to the toilet in my bathroom toiletry basket.

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