Friday, December 09, 2011

Review of Limited Edition Febreze Air Effects: Winter Magic & Glow

I was actually hoping to see a heck of a lot more limited edition seasonal scents from Febreze this holiday, however I found that their winter scents are just as limited as the limited edition label they slap on to them.

Dang it!

So the selection is scarce, and I have yet to see a ton of variety, however I finally came across one new scent for their winter line up (which I hope grows). This one is called Limited Edition Febreze Air Effects: Winter Magic & Glow, and it comes in the standard aluminum spray can that all Air Effects come in.

This one separates itself from the standard spray bottles though, by gracing shelves with a fancy icy dark blue coloring, and a pretty snowflake centered around the logo.
I was excited about what this scent would deliver, as I am when it comes to anything Febreze puts out there. The name however gets me tongue tied still, and that's annoying.

The Scent:

Winter Magic & Glow surprised me when it came to the spray can of Air Effects. The reason being was that I took a sniff of the candle that Febreze released; also called Winter Magic & Glow, and I have to say the 2 scents do not at all smell alike, which was definitely something Febreze has never done before. Usually their candles scents match the spray cans, and plug ins. In this case though you have a candle the smells like a soft laundry detergent, and then this room spray that smells like men's cologne.

It has a very mountain cool air type vibe about it, which I really like a lot, but at the same time, I have to say that it truly smells like a cologne that a man could spray on himself and wear. I even had a friend tell me that it smelled like a manly mans cologne.


Many of Febreze's Air Effects are short lived once you spray them. I am OK with that though, as many other room spray brands have the same lasting quality. Febreze though always has that extra special uplifting mood setter, so this is why I continue to buy them.

When it comes to Winter Magic & Glow though, this one has a longer last to it when you spray it. It lingers around for quite a bit, especially in smaller rooms, or if sprayed on linen.


Although I do not smell anything wintery going on in this one, I still like it a lot. It has this manly cooling sensation about it, which I like.

Review of Glade Spruce It Up Spray

The holidays are quickly approaching. Just as quickly as they flew in, they will also fly out. I find ways to hold on to my favorite holidays for just a little longer, usually in the form of candles with a holiday scent, or room fragrance sprays.

Febreze is usually one of my top favorites throughout the year when it comes to home fragrances. However Glade, is truly holding its own as a top competitor. They spiced up their overall look, and it seems like they are a brand new brand on a battlefield for best home fragrances. When I came across Glade, Spruce It Up, Room Fragrance Spray, I knew immediately that this would be one that would be coming home with me.

They painted up the can nicely in a dark Christmas Tree colored green, and added a white slashed drawn Christmas Tree to the can. All in all, it stands out more than Febreze's pine scented holiday limited edition can this year.

While the can beats out its competitors, does the scent?
The scent of Glade's Spruce It Up, smells just like an authentic pine tree, however they add a small hint of what smells like creamy vanilla to it, which takes away the total authentic vibe. However the overall scents combined are not a bad one, and even Febreze couldn't capture the true scent of a Christmas Tree, as their scent tends to have this crisp air undertone about it as well.
Glade's Spruce It Up fragrance is definitely one that reminded me of the holiday, but I wish they would have avoided mixing that creamy vanilla undertone to it, as it made it seem less pine in overall scent.


Like many room fragrance sprays, this one did not last all too long after spraying it into the air. The nozzle sprays out the fragrance in a more wispy manner, but not as thin and fine as Febreze Air Effects does.

However, the scent seems to last just as long as any other room spray. I got a total of around 10 minutes of detecting notes of scent, before it was gone completely.


Spruce It Up is a decent scent, however it did not capture that total essence of the holiday due to the added mixture of vanilla undertones, which ruined the overall freshness that the pine scent initially had. It's still good though, and I would rate this one 4 out of 5 stars.

-Review also on AC/YAHOO

Review of Limited Edition Air Wick Candle, Winter & Candlelight Warmth

Every year, around the fall season I begin my annual stock up of seasonally scented candles, as fall and winter fragrances are my favorite. Sadly, I only come across these limited edition fragrances once a year, so it is natural to do a test run with newly released scents to decide if it's something I want to stock up on.

Limited Edition Air Wick Candle, Winter & Candlelight Warm is by far a candle that I will be heading back for to do a stock up on.

Anyhow, when it comes to Air Wick, I have never before viewed them as a fragrance company that would manage to stick around for too long, especially ever since Glade picked up their slack, and Febreze took over in nearly every department relating to home fragrances, from candles, plug ins, and even laundry detergent.

However after coming across Limited Edition Air Wick Candle, Winter & Candlelight Warm, I am pretty confident that Air Wick will hold their own, and do it without issue.

This particular candle comes in a cup shaped frosted glass, inside you have a pretty robins egg blue colored wax, which does in fact remind you of arctic iceberg ice. It's pretty, but gives off a wintery vibe when looking at it.

The Scent:

Limited Edition Air Wick Candle, Winter & Candlelight Warm smells simply fantastic and it gives off a unique icy type of scent. It's scent initially is that of a fresh running river, but with this perfect hint of cool and refreshing mountain air topped with a fresh blanket of snow.

When lit, the candle gives off the same scent that I got from the initial in store sniff test.

The Last:

The candle begins to disperse this iced scent nearly immediately, which I really liked. While burning the scent never changed, which was a major plus in my opinion.

After the candle is blown out, the scent will linger for a very long time, which is another major wow factor for me.


Limited Edition Air Wick Candle, Winter & Candlelight Warm floods a room quickly with this wintery blizzard like fragrance, which is unique and definitely new to what is out there as far as competition goes. I would recommend this one to just about anyone who enjoys a fragrance that manages to capture an actual outdoor scent.

For $5.00, I do not think I could find a better wintery candle.

Review of Glade Peppermint Crush Room Spray

Ho! Ho! Ho! The holidays are approaching, and just about every home fragrance company already has their holiday line of fragrances packed up and shelved for consumers. Glade in particular has released some new gems, and I have to give them props, this company was borderline failing a few years ago with the lack of eye candy on shelves. Over the past 2 years though, they have revamped their home fragrance line with enticing and eye catching new products.

Glade, Peppermint Crush Room Spray caught my eye immediately, and even while sitting on a bottom shelf in the fragrance isle.

The can is a pretty ruby red, featuring 2 candy canes overlapping one another. I was not sure what to expect from it, as most companies that release a peppermint fragrance never manage to hit the mark when it comes to something people would want to smell in their homes. Glade however managed to bottle up a very uplifting scent, which definitely captured the essence of the Christmas holiday.

Glade, Peppermint Crush Room Spray smells like a candy cane, that's for sure, but it is not overwhelming or too peppermint like. It has a warm undertone of something more vanilla cream in the peppermint mix which works well, and blends with the peppermint fragrance perfectly.

Does It Last?

Many room sprays have a glorious scent when you first spray them around the room, but sadly many of them also fizzle out just as quickly as they come flowing out of the can.

When it comes to this particular holiday fragrance, the scent does have some lasting effect, however they are not very long lived. You can detect the scent if you leave the room and come back 10 minutes later, but after that, there is not much left that you will notice.


The scent is delicious, brings in a holiday essence, but does not really stick around that long. The plus however, is that a very small spray of it floods the room quickly. If the scent could stick around for a loner period of time though, this one would have been a 5 star home fragrance. However due to it's lack in staying power, I'd flop a 3 star rating on it.