Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Review: Fluffie Throw, Our Cuddliest Throw Blanket Ever

-My review also on AC

They label it a throw, I call it a blanket. I buy blankets regularly, no ordinary run of the mill blankets. I'm constantly on the search for the softest, cuddliest, fluffiest plush blankets imaginable. I've purchased quite a lot of different blankets. Some were flawless, while others fell apart and turned to garbage just after one washing.

My most recent favorite find came to me this weekend while browsing my local Marshall's for Christmas gifts. I love shopping for Christmas, but shopping for others usually leads me to really spectacular finds; for myself that is.

I spotted a red plush blanket which was simply labeled as Fluffie Throw, Our Cuddliest Throw Ever. The throw came neatly wrapped and folded, and had the approximate measurements of 50X70 inches, which is more than enough to provide me warm comfort at night.

The reason I label this one a blanket though, and not a throw is because both sides of it are saturated in the same warm and soft plush material. Usually throws have one really soft side, while the other is soft, just not as thick and plush.

This particular throw is covered in fluffy plush on both sides, therefor I can use it as I would an ordinary blanket.

The material itself is soft, probably the softest material I have ever found in a plush blanket. enjoy new plush blankets because they provide a ton of comfort and help me to easily drift off to sleep. I am an insomniac and small things like a blankets comfort level really makes or breaks a good nights sleep.

It's safe to say that the Fluffie Throw provided me with a comfortable restless night of sleep, and has done so ever since.

The quality is easily comparable to a thick soft plush blanket that you would find for sale in baby isles for much, much higher prices.

The throw itself came to only $16.99, which is a really excellent deal considering how wonderfully soft it is. I easily agree with the statement printed on the package, because it is the cuddliest throw ever.

You can find this particular throw at Marshall's or TJ Maxx for the same price. If soft plush blankets are your thing, than you will definitely want to pick one up. These throws also make for excellent holiday gifts, so get them while they last!

Review: Holiday Time LED Snowflake Light Set, White/Blue

-Post also on AC

Every year I go out of my way seeking new Christmas lights that were bot available the previous year. Finding newbie items around this time of year as far as lights go is not hard, usually every store that sells lights have something new, something that was not available the year before...and of course Christmas light enthusiasts like myself scoop them up, and buy them before they are gone.

My favorite new find this year, hands down goes to the Holiday Time Snowflake LED Lights in White and Blue.

The lights themselves are strung on green wire, so I knew that they would be perfect on our Christmas tree. The string comes with approximately 60 snowflakes, which are places in order in a blue, white, blue, white pattern. 30 of the LED lights are white, while the other 30 are blue.

When lit up, these LED lights shine like no other. The lights are mesmerizing, alluring, and inviting. The blues in particular are my personal favorite which give off an eye shattering glow that is simply fantastic and beautiful. The white LED snowflakes give off the same eye shattering glow, but with a more mild, toned down harmony to them.
They go really well on our Christmas tree. We would have liked to of put them outside, but there was just not enough of them to do any real decorating dazzle.

Seeing that the LED lights are pretty expensive, covering even a small bush would have been a $60.00 project, as each 60 strand LED Snowflake set comes to $11.99. So yes, they are pricey, but if you are looking to just add some really beautiful lights to your Christmas tree this year, than 2 or 3 boxes would be more than enough to get the job done, and the results are definitely stunning, and a show stopper!

Where To Buy:

We picked up 2 boxes of the Holiday Time LED Snowflake Light Set, White/Blue at our local Walmart, and 2 boxes managed to fill up our entire tree. We decorated the bottom of the tree with one set, the middle with pink LED lights, and the top with the Holiday Time LED Snowflake Light Set, White/Blue. The result would not be the same without these LED lights.

Review: 4 Ever Kidz, with 7 Funny Snap on Faces

-My review also on AC

I usually have a hard time buying gifts for other people's children, especially if I don't know their kids all too well. Girls primarily are easier to buy for, as most little girls love baby dolls, Barbie's, or dolls in general.

Barbie dolls however are not as popular as they were when I was a kid, these days girls tend to favor more snazzy dolls with large heads, makeup caked funky dolls. Although I personally find the new look of dolls to be ugly, little girls love them.

I had to buy a gift for my friends 6 year old daughter, and without any knowledge on what she would like, I figured I would buy her some sort of cute doll. The kind that kids 'these days' like.

I came across 4 Ever Kidz. The collection had a lot of different things to choose from. I however came across a set for only $4.95, called 4 Ever Kidz Funny Faces. This particular set came with one doll, and 7 masks that can snap onto her face in order to create different funny looks.

The masks include, a clown face, a bunny rabbit face, a kitty cat face, a gypsy, a girl with blue hair and glasses, a pirate and a cowboy.

The doll itself looks a lot like some sort of cheap mock up of a Bratz doll, only this doll is bendable and her outfit is a blue denim dress that is clearly made of plastic. Other outfits for the doll can be purchased separately. The doll has real hair which is blond in color, that the child can brush or style.

The 4 Ever Kidz doll reminds me a lot of a snap/click doll I had as a kid, only this one is on a much larger scale.

All in all the collection is really cute, and due to an error on pricing, I got the set for really cheap. Normally the set comes to $17.99 which find to be way overpriced for what you are really getting.

At any rate though, price aside, my friend's daughter was thrilled with the set. I gave it to her on her birthday and even with all of the high end toys she got, she was most interested in the 4 Ever Kidz Funny Faces set. I did not think the set would be as popular as it was, so I guess this is a doll/toy that little girls really like.

I'm happy, she is happy, so everybody is happy. 4 Ever Kidz is a winner in my opinion, especially with the little ones.

You can find this set, and other 4 Ever Kidz sets and collections at just about any super center that sells dolls. I picked this exact set up at Target.

Review of as Seen on TV, Bottle Top

-Review of mine also found on AC
So today while browsing for last minute gifts for Christmas at my local Rite Aide, I came across an interesting concept that initially I was going to buy for someone else for a gift. However I found the idea to be so neat and thrifty that I had to keep them for myself.

Normally I don't like buying As Seen On TV things, but this one seemed pretty fail proof. They are called Bottle Tops.

If you drink a lot of soda or beer from cans than Bottle Tops may be something you will want to pick up for yourself as well. I drink soda in a can daily, and the Bottle Tops concept seemed like something I'd really use, and like if it worked properly.

What are Bottle Tops?

Basically these nifty plastic devices snap on to the top of your soda can, allowing you to close the can up as if it were a bottle. This saves fizz, and will keep your drink from pouring all over the place if it were to be knocked over.
For me I especially liked the idea because I always have a can of coke with me in my car during my commute to and from work. I have to take extra precaution during sharp turns because sometimes the can would tip over and spill. I hoped Bottle Tops would be the quick fix I always wanted, but never thought of.

The Bottle Tops came in a plastic package with approximately 12 toppers. There are many different colors, and all of them are transparent so you can see whats going on inside. They all have a black attached cap that you can push down for when you are not drinking your drink.

My Use:
I really, really hoped they worked. My main concern was having them leak or come loose while drinking. My concerns were all pushed to the side the moment I snapped my first Bottle Top onto my can of coke. The result was pretty remarkable. This simple device actually worked! It held on with a tight leak proof seal, and I didn't feel that at any point it would come loose.

The black cap is probably the only tid bit that's annoying because it rubs against your face as you drink from it.

Overall I find Bottle Toppers to be one of those As Seen On TV products that works, and works well. The set of 12 came to $9.99, and it was well worth it because they are reusable, and came with enough as to where I was able to add them to stockings for friends and family.

Review: As Seen on TV, HD Vision Wrap Arounds

-My review also on AC

Tis the season for tons of As Seen On TV holiday gifts.

I think everyone receives a cheesy As Seen on TV gift during the holidays. Heck, when you don't know what to buy someone, As Seen On TV can be a life saver, regardless of how stupid the product seems.

I'm guilty of gift giving such gifts, but this year I was pleasantly surprised at the newest selection of As Seen on TV goodies. HD Vision Wrap Arounds was one product in particular that sold me. Call it stupidity, call it clever marketing. Call it what you want. HD Vision just sounds cool.

What They Are Supposed To Do:

It's the age of HD. You seriously are not up to times if you have a standard television set still. It's all about HD. So when I came across these glasses, I assumed that they used the clever HD initials in their products name to sell a cheap gimmick.

The glasses are basically supposed to clarify your vision, or I should say enhance your vision. HD Vision. If you got an HDTV you know HD stands for high definition, and if you have a good HDTV, then you know there is a huge difference in clarity compared to your old box boob tube.

HD Vision is supposed to do for your eyes, what your HDTV did for your boob tube. Enhance it.

So the big million dollar question is, do they work?

Hmh, well... it's hard to say they don't work because they do clarify colors, and enhance them a bit, but no more than any standard yellow lensed pair of sunglasses can do. So they work, but they are definitely not new.

HD Vision works the same as those ugly cheap $2.00 yellow lensed glasses; so for $8.00 more you're buying a clever package, with a clever name inked on to it.

Another downside is that HD Vision glasses are ugly. They are big, hefty and have an 80's appearance to them which makes them all the more tacky. The heftiness added to these glasses is done so that way those who wear prescription glasses can fit them underneath their HD Vision glasses. Talk about dork city right?


HD Vision is a clever marketing product. I can't say they don't work, because they do. For the price which is set at $9.99 a pair, I must say that I am disappointed because they work no better than yellow lensed sunglasses which clarify colors in the same manner.