Friday, September 18, 2009

Review: Kaytee Healthy Toppings in Papaya for Small Animals

My name is Mr. Bubbles. I'm a little field mouse who had the unfortunate event of landing in this human's garbage pail. I couldn't get out and that's when I met her. I guess I should consider myself lucky, I'm surprised she did not kill me. Most humans are not so generous when it comes to rodents like myself. Usually they kill us the moment they spot us, and mouse traps...ugh, they make me shiver. Thankfully when I became trapped, she decided to spare me; even provided me with a home, and I no longer had to steal her Hershey Kisses, she freely gave them to me.

Yeah, it is paradise I tell ya, paradise. Things could not be better.

So why am I writing?

Well it's to inform all of you humans, and mice out there that recently my beloved filled my food dish with a snack that looked enticing. They were called Kaytees Healthy Toppings, in a Papaya flavor. They are meant for small animals. It said so on the bag. I'm pretty observant.

I never had papaya before, and I heard it was some sort of tropical fruit. I've never been to the tropics, so I figured these delightful, colorful cubes of dried out papaya would be rather good, exotic even.

Unfortunately the moment I sank my teeth into these horrendous colorful bites, I was shocked at how repulsive they were.

I figured I would try another color, maybe it would offer something a little different. I bit a red one, and it was the same. Nasty, nasty. Hated it!

I have left the nasty sugar coated pieces of dried out papaya in my sack dish for a few days, I have no touched another morsel since, and I even cleaned up the pieces on my floor to make it clear to my owner that I have no been touching them.

She finally caught on and cleaned out my snack bowl today. Thank god, the stench was starting to fill up my home, and I like keeping my place in tidy condition.

So there is your warning folks, I, Mr. Bubbles, the field mouse who now has a house, cannot stand them. I have a liking for a variety of things, but these papaya pebbles just ain't one of em!

At any rate, I'm waiting to see what she replaces these nasty Kaytee Healthy Toppings with. I hope it's Hershey Kisses.

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