Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Halloween Prop,

-My post originally published on AC, MelanieDee.

Halloween is hands down my favorite holiday. Every year I buy more and more props to add to my never ending collection of haunted Halloween props. Over the years I've collected everything and anything one can imagine. From professional props costing me a months pay, to cheap motion activated flying bats, spiders, or plastic cauldrons for punch.

This year I have noticed a huge dip in the quality of props found in stores like Walmart and Target. The low quality and lack of selection is disappointing to Halloween bluffs like myself. However if you love Halloween like I do, you manage to find Halloween treats no matter where they are hiding.

The most recent addition to the family is the Light Up Bones Windchimes. I found this gem hiding at a thrift store, and picked it up for $1.00. A pretty good find considering the same set can be found online for around $25.00.

Although the Light Up Bones Windchime is pretty low quality as far as appearance goes, it is a cute and fun addition to your Halloween decorations.

The bones themselves hang from a large plastic base that hangs from your ceiling. You can also place it out on your front porch. Make sure however it is protected from rain.

There are approximately 4 long strands of bones hanging from strings towards the side of the base. One large strand sits directly in the middle which is home to where the sole skull hangs.

The bones are made of lightweight plastic, which allows them to easily rattle about for when the Windchime is activated by motion or sound. You can also activate it by pressing a small button located on the base of the Windchime.

When it is activated all of the bones rattle, and a bone rattling sound is activated. While the bones shake and rattle, the base blinks an eerie blueish light that adds to the whole effect.

The quality of the bones are pretty cheap, but the small details the Windchime has is enough to make it a prop worth picking up. Although it will not scare anyone, it's still fun to have around for the holiday.

Where To Buy:

Considering I picked my set up at a thrift store, I cannot say where it originally came from. I was however able to hunt down some unique pieces similar to this one.

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