Monday, April 05, 2010

Review of Bose In-Ear Headphones

I like listening to the radio, my cars speakers are for 1999, the year my car was made. I enjoy my music, but I'm no audiophile.

I do know the difference between good sounding speakers and ones that are not so great. I have heard so many mixed reviews on BOSE surround sound for home entertainment. However with all of the negative reviews out there, I have to say, I have never come across a sweeter sounding system in my life. BOSE manages to win me over in that department. I don't have $1,700 though to spend on sound. I love my HDTV, but my $120.00, 5 speaker surround sound is just as adequate; it;s just not as lovely and sharp as BOSE's surround sound.

More recently my mother has had her eye on a pair of Bose In-Ear Headphones. With her birthday around the corner, I figured I'd buy her the headphones, and call it a day.

Now I personally have never liked in ear buds, but with the name BOSE attached to them, I was excited to have a listen for myself. I figured these ear buds would sound spectacular, I assumed they would deliver the same high quality sound that their surround sound systems do. I mean heck, these little ear-buds were priced at $99.99, where most other brands don't even peak at $30.00 in max price.

I figured the $100 would be worth it, it's BOSE we're talking about! BOSE!

When her big day came around, she messed around with the ear buds for a good while, and swore by them; swore they sounded so much better than her old $10.00 pair of ear buds.

Once she passed them off to me for a listen, I must say I was surprised at how lovely everything sounded. The bass was spectacular, and everything seemed sharp and clear. They did not however drown out background noise. I was able to hear others in the room talking still.

I liked the rubber attachment's added to the buds though, because they were much more comfortable then those large plastic ear buds I remembered from the 90's. The added clear rubber also kept them in place, and I suppose they were an added attempt to drown out outside noises.

So yes, at first I thought they sounded great, fantastic even. You have to keep in mind though, that it had been nearly 10 years since I last placed an ear-bud into my ear.

I wanted to see the difference, I wanted to see the big $100 difference, so I asked her to plug her old ear buds in after listening to the BOSE In-Ear Headphones.

She plugged them in, I shoved them into my ear, and would you know... everything sounded pretty much the same. The bass the same, the sharp clarity the same, everything the BOSE headphones delivered, these cheap $10.00 ear-buds delivered the same.

I felt stupid, duped, and really dumb for falling for the BOSE high price tag. Granted I love their surround sound, I was really miffed at how perfectly the same her $10 buds were to her new $100 BOSE earphones. I wanted to pack them back up and immediately return them, but she swore by them, swore they were much better. She kept them, but I do not think she would have kept them if it was her money she had spent. Ha-ha.
For me, I'm just not convinced. They sounded just as good as a low end pair of in-ear headphones. So for all of you out there looking to add this one to your birthday list, or wish-list, do yourself a favor and just skip on it.

Playstation 3, God of War 3: Heart of Gaia Help & Tips

How to Get Out of the Room

I just got God of War 3 a few days ago, and have never become more smitten with a video game, especially one that my boyfriend should be playing, and not me. Being a girl, I enjoy colorful games like Viva Pinata or Leisure Suit Larry, however when I saw the gnarly sneak peeks on this game, and the non-stop buzz on Facebook about ho excited a lot of my female friends were about the games release, I naturally picked myself up a copy the moment I spotted it available in stores.

I didn't think the blood, guts, or muscle bound characters would keep me entertained long enough to want to continue playing. Usually when I pick up games like this I pass off the remote to my other half he moment things get tough, and then I'd forget all about it.

However here I was tapping away on my PS3 remote, happily awaiting my next kill, or big battle. Suddenly all of my fun came to a screeching halt the moment I felt the adrenaline buzz, and addiction this game presented.

It all happened once I landed in the heart of Gaia.

This is a small cave like room located within Gaia herself. Your job is to free her heart, but it is enclosed in a heap of twigs and vines. Nothing is able to penetrate the area in order to free her heart to allow her to continue climbing up towards Zeus.

In this room you are presented with only 2 options, a wall you can climb on the right, and a wall to climb on the left. After scaling the wall on the right, I collected treasures from the available boxes, and made my way down to the left wall.

On the left wall I assumed I would simply be able to climb up, and jump over the large gap to the other vine wall. However the angle would not allow me to do so. I continued to scale the wall, jump, and each time with no success.

It was then I figured I was missing something; there had to be some sort of clue, or riddle hidden somewhere within the room, and I had to find it, if I planned on ever getting out of the room.

I poked around in every nook and cranny, and still nothing came of it.

Just as I was about to give up, I noticed a flashing dot on a pillar on the right side of the room. I walked up to it and was given the R1 option. Pressing R1 near the flashing light orb allowed me to pull out th pillar. By now I knew exactly where to place this pillar, and that was the large gap across the room to the left.

One the pillar is in place, you are now able to easily cross the gap and move on out of the room.

D.L. Jardines Blazin Saddle Hot Sauce, Review

My boyfriend and I watch a lot of Man Vs. Food, and we particularly love the episodes where Man is presented with a challenge involving hot, hot, spicy foods. On a quest to finding really hot sauces we came across a few that were made with habenero peppers, which Man claims is very, very hot. So hot that some cannot even handle the heat.
I guess the heat scale has a lot to do with how much habenro pepper is in the actual hot sauce, because we came across a bunch of them that barely even raised the temperature in our mouths.
When I came across D.L. Jardines Blazin Saddle Hot Sauce, it looked like one that may have a lot more heat packed than the other sauces we had tried. Seeing that it was on sale at Marshall's for only $3.00, we figured we'd give it a try.
Hot! Hot! Hot!

Many of you probably landed here because you are looking for a sauce, worthy of being called a hot sauce. You're probably wondering how D.L. Jardines Blazin Saddle Hot Sauce weighs in.
Well, we cooked up some chicken, and sprinkled it with some of the hot sauce to see how it was. I let my significant other taste test first, in case it was too hot for my liking.
After seeing that he was not sweating, or yelping in pain over the heat, I decided it was safe to give it a try for myself.

The hot sauce itself is really good, with a nice zesty zing to it. It's a hot sauce I could eat on a regular. However just as I was about to void it off for being too weak, the heat began to raise in my mouth. It was not a scorching fire, it was a nice mild warming sensation going on, and it was actually pretty good. It did not burn, nor have me reaching for a glass of milk. It simply warmed up my mouth, which was an interesting sensation.
D.L. Jardines Blazin Saddle Hot Sauce has a pleasant flavoring, and it does warm up your mouth after you eat it. It's a comfortable heat level; not one that burns at all.

As far as dousing your fried chicken in this hot sauce, I'd say go ahead, it is safe, and adds a nice warm spice to your food, without the heat being unbearable.
Where to Buy:

I found this hot sauce for sale in the kitchen aisle in Marshall's. If you want a bottle check there, or look for it online. It sells online for around $7.00 a bottle.

Review of Slatkin & Co, Scentport, Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin, Wall Plug

I have never come across a Slatkin & Co scent that I was disappointed with. Their scents are unlike any other, as they manage to capture the pure essence of true fragrances right down to the realistic tee.

My all time favorite scents are their fall scents though, and I still have a place in my heart for the Perfect Autumn collection, which I really hope they bring back.

More recently though, I was given a Scentport, which is basically a savvy name for an oil wall plug. I never bothered much with Slatkins wall plugs though, because candles have always been my favorite way of adding warm scents to my home.
The Scentport was a starter kit, which includes the wall plug and a vile of the oil in Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin scent. You can change the oil plugs after they run out with different scents.

I opened the package and attached the vile of oil to the Scentport. I was able to smell the lovely sweet fragrance as I did so.
The Scent:

Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin first and foremost gives off a very warm and delicious realistic fragrance that matches the scent of baked pumpkin pie perfectly. The light dash of cinnamon adds to the entire realism of a pumpkin pie baking right in your oven. To better put it, the scent is delicious, and if you are a lover of pumpkin fragrances, you will quickly become a lover of Slatkin & Co, Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin.

So we have already gathered that the scent is delicious, but I am sure many of you are wondering how well the actual Scentport works once it's plugged into a wall outlet.

I plugged mine into our enclosed living room, and let it do its thing. About an hour later, I came back into the room and the fragrance had managed to fill up the entire room. I was impressed, as I took in the realistic fall scent presented before me.


This scent is a fantastic one. The Scentport itself disperses the scent throughout the entire room, giving off a long lasting warm fall vibe. I highly recommend this one to those of you who enjoy such scents. If pumpkin is not your thing, then definitely check out the other fragrances that Scentports come in.

Review of Kong Toy Cleaning Brush

We have quite a few Kong toys for our larger bull terrier. We particularly like Kong toys, because our bully has a pretty gnarly bite, and he manages to destroy all of his toys within seconds of receiving them. Kong toys however are capable of withstanding his bite.

The odd shape of Kong balls however never really kept him all too occupied. They didn't do much, and all he could really do was pop it in his mouth and carry it around; which he did not do at all unless the ball was filled with cheese or peanut butter. Then, and only then would his Kong toys be worthy of messing around with for awhile.

We do however fill his Kong ball up with cheese and peanut butter, and after awhile the inside of it gets pretty disgusting if we do not clean it out properly. Usually running it under really hot water, and then sticking our finger into the hole would keep the toy clean.

We never really thought much about it, but when it needed to be cleaned, it became an annoying little chore, so when I came across this nifty little device made specifically for cleaning out Kong toys, I had to scoop it up.

It's called a Kong Toy Cleaning Brush, and looking at it, I realized that this tool would be a perfect solution to cleaning out the ball that our dog uses.

The brush is shaped just like the Kong Toys, and they come in medium/small or large/XL sizes in order to ensure proper cleaning on the correct sized Kong toy.
My Use:

The wand contains precisely shaped bristles to get to the corners of the toy, while brushing out all of the gunk left inside. The durable wands allows you to move the bristles back and forth in a circular motion in order to get a really good surface scrub inside of the toy.

I was surprised it worked as good as it did, but I still needed to run the toy under hot water to get loose any old food particles stuck to the side walls.

All in all the Kong Cleaning Brush is not the next best invention, but it certainly makes cleaning out Kong toys a heck of a lot easier, and we no longer have to shove out fingers into the inside of the toy in order to clean it out. It saves us time, and is neater than using your finger
If you have a rather large collection of Kong Toys, or if you are just sick of sticking your finger into the inside of your dogs Kong toy, than I would highly suggest one of these brushes. The bristles are rough, and really give the toy a good cleaning.

Where To Buy:
I found the brush for sale at Marshall's for $2.99. You can find it just about anywhere Kong toys are sold, or online. It's worth the few dollars you will pay for it.

Sprinkles Cookie Crisp Cereal, Review

About 2 months ago I came across something entirely new by Cookie Crisps. They were a limited edition flavor called Birthday Cake. Lately a lot of new birthday themed cereals have been released for a limited time. I have found Cupcake Pebbles, and more recently, Sprinkles Cookie Crisp.

I thoroughly enjoyed Cookie Crisp Birthday Cake, and Cupcake Pebbles were awesome too. Both packed a delicious realistic vanilla cake flavoring. It was like having desert for breakfast.

When I came across Sprinkles Cookie Crisps though I wondered if they would taste just like Cookie Crisp Birthday Cake cereal. The reason I wondered this was due to the fact that the cereal displayed on the box, looked identical to the cereal displayed on the birthday cake version of Cookie Crisp.

The crisps are a vanilla white in color, with small colorful rainbow dashes of speckles on it.

After opening the box, I was a little disappointed in how similar they were to the birthday cake version. It gave off the same fresh vanilla frosting scent that the birthday cake version gave off. Granted it's a delicious scent, I had a really good feeling that they were going to taste the same.

As I expected Sprinkles Cookie Crisp tasted just like Birthday Cake Cookie Crisp. It had the exact same vanilla frosting flavor, and they even looked exact in appearance.

Although I was disappointed to see that these crisps were nothing more than the same one's I already tried (just different packaging), the cereal is still really delicious, and if you can find them I would recommend you try them, just don't buy these and the birthday cake version because they are exactly the same.


Sprinkles Cookie Crisp Cereal is really good, and it's like serving desert for breakfast. It has a realistic vanilla cake flavoring to it, with a morning breakfast crunch bite. They likely will be hard to find soon, so if you happen to run into them, grab a box. If you like cake, you will enjoy this one.

Febreze Sport, Is It Any Good?

Febreze has always been a top choice of mine when it comes to home fragrances. I have especially loved their Air Effects, and their latest candles and home fragrance products.

About a week ago I stopped down my laundry isle at my local Target,, down this isle while stocking up on some detergent, I came across a new product on the shelf made by Febreze.

It's called Febreze Sport, and it comes in a much different looking bottle from what I expect to usually find from Febreze. The bottle itself was rather large, with a silver color to it. Had I not looked closely, I would not have even known Febreze made it. It looked more like something Adidas would try to sell you.

At any rate, when I saw the Febreze logo, I was intrigued. Instead of a usual home fragrance freshener, Febreze Sport is designed to target more smelly of fabrics that you cannot throw into the washing machine to clean. Febreze Sport is meant for things like sneakers, sport apparel, and gear.

I wanted to try it for my sneakers, because sometimes if my shoes get wet, the smell is not something I want to keep around. Although powders seem to work well enough, they are short lived, and messy, so I could not wait to give Febreze Sport a try.

I knew exactly what shoes was going to use it on. A pair that had gotten wet a few weeks prior. I sprayed some of the Febreze Sport directly into the sneaker a few times, and waited for it to dry before sniffing the shoe.
I must say, it worked, the shoes definitely had a fresher smell to them, and the horrid stink of wet feet were no longer as present. I sprayed the entirety of the sneaker down once more, and the shoes smelled 100% fresh. I wondered if the fresh scent would last though, or if the wet sneaker stink would come back after wearing the shoe for awhile.

The wet sneaker scent was pretty much gone. I wore the shoes for the day, and not once did a whiff of wet foot creep up into my nose. I did however smell the fresh scent that the Febreze Sport has, which is a fresh linen type of smell, with a really nice breezy cool water type of scent.

Febreze Sport works, and I will continue to buy this one to freshen up fabrics, sneakers, and other apparel that do not hit the wash often; or at all. It keeps sneakers smelling fresh, and if it can do that, it can freshen up just about anything (including stinky armpit scents that get stuck in clothing after a hard workout),

I picked this one up at Target for $3.00, after using a $1.00 off coupon. If you have a pair of smelly old shoes you would like to freshen up to re-wear, than I would highly suggest picking up a bottle of Febreze Sport.

Review of New Chocolate Cheerios

Whenever I come across something new in the cereal department, I pick it up and take it home with me. I find that when it comes to breakfast cereals, we have been subjected to the same boring flavors we have had for years. Chocolate, nuts, or fruity bits.

I like when companies think outside of the box, and deliver newer things every once in awhile...even if those newer things are repeats of cereals we have already tried (ex. Cocoa Puffs vs. Cocoa Pebbles).

I was aware that Cheerios have been trying to add a new selection of Cheerios, however every single newly added flavor from Cheerios that I have tried have all been pretty nasty as far as flavor goes. It seems Cheerios are the only cereal you can't do much with. They are best as originals or as honey nut Cheerios, anything else and the flavor is too compromised and odd.

When I saw the commercial for their newest flavor, Chocolate Cheerios, I was excited to give it a try. I wondered how the original flavoring of Cheerios would taste doused in cocoa. This past week I got to find out exactly how they were. I was not intentionally seeking them out, but there they were, right on the counter, and on sale for $3.88 a box.
They are pretty easy to find, instead of the giant orange/yellow colored box that Cheerios normally comes in, Chocolate Cheerios instead comes in a brown colored box, with a photo of what the cereal is supposed to look like inside of the box

How Were They?
After getting home, and yanking the box open I took in the fragrant cocoa scent that the bag of Chocolate Cheerios gave off. The chocolate scent however was bit strange, with a cardboard like after fragrance kick. It was odd, but I figured it would be. Cheerios alone have a distinct exclusive flavor that no other cereal can reproduce. Douse that exclusive flavor in chocolate and what you have is likely going to be an odd combination, and that is exactly what you get.
As I chewed on my first milk drenched bite of Chocolate Cheerios the flavor was a nice mild cocoa flavoring. However as I chewed more, the natural Cheerios flavor begins to make itself known, and combined with chocolate you have this really odd bitter flavoring that just does not work well. The final aftertaste I got was that of cardboard with a bit of chocolate sauce.
All in all, I didn't like them. They were not horrible as to where you would gag, but they are also not something you would want to eat on a regular.

It was fun trying out the newly added flavor, but frankly I won't be buying this one again.

Review of New Chocolate Chex Cereal

Cereal isles this past month have been piling up with a bunch of brand new favorites, from some of our old time classical favorites. With a new selection of birthday cake flavored cereals, and chocolate cereals. I'm excited what else they will have in store for us these upcoming months.

More recently I came across a box of New Chocolate Chex Cereal. The box the new flavor comes in is just as ordinary as any other box of Chex. The logo is there, and it is easy to find. The only difference is that the box is a dark brown in color, and it sticks out amongst the other Chex flavors.

Chex having the best crunch and bite a corn cereal can offer, I did not hesitate to pick a box up and bring it home with me.


Once home, I poured myself a bow of the cereal. The Chex all look the way they should, the same weaved squared pattern as one would expect, only, like the box, the Chex cereal itself is brown. You can tell they were also doused in liquid sugar due to the shiny sheen that each of the Chex pieces have.

The scent is easily recognizable, and it smells no different than any other chocolate flavored cereal. More noted is Cocoa Pebbles.

I poured milk on top, and took my first bite. The flavor is delicious with a crunch cocoa flavoring that hits you first. As you chew the chocolaty flavoring subsides a bit, and you are left with a more corn Chex flavoring. The combined flavors coming in at different intervals though mesh really well together, unlike Chocolate Cheerios which I got the chance to try earlier in the week.

They have a very similar flavoring and crunch texture to Cocoa Pebbles, and the milk does turn into chocolate milk. I don't really like when milk turns too chocolaty though, and Chocolate Chex only slightly dashes the milk with chocolate flavoring, so it is not too sugary, or too intense.


All in all new Chocolate Chex Cereal is a pretty good addition to the Chex family. It's got a perfect texture, with a perfect mixed in chocolate flavoring.

If you are a fan of Chex, than I would recommend these to you. If your a fan of chocolate cereals, this would be a good one to try as well. A good flavor, a good texture, and an overall nice addition to cereals.