Thursday, March 31, 2011

Review of Frosted Cheerios by General Mills

I know that Frosted Cheerios by General Mills is not a new flavor of Cheerios, in fact it has been on the market for quite a few years now. Oddly enough though, I never managed to spot them till this past weekend. It seems Target has been paying extra attention to Cheerios this year as they tend to take up a lot more real estate on the shelves than they used to. Now, you cannot miss it when Cheerios introduces a new flavor.

Frosted Cheerios comes in a dark blue colored box, which coincidentally matches that blue hue that you find on Kellogg's Frosted Flakes.

Although Frosted Cheerios cannot even come close to beating the addicting flavor that Frosted Flakes delivers, they are one heck of a good runner up for the best frosted cereal on the market as of late.

Basically what we have here is a modernized Cheerio. Frosted Cheerios blasts them up with a delicious sugary frost that actually improves the flavoring of our original classic favorites, Cheerios.

I especially enjoyed the fact that they were not over done with the frost and sweet sugary presence. While it will in fact leave your milk a bit sweeter than usual, the sugary flavoring is not overwhelming.

The best thing about Frosted Cheerios, besides the delicious sugary flavoring, is the fact that each O remains crunchy from start to finish while eating them. No sog!!!


Cheerios has lately been releasing a lot of new additional flavors to their ever growing family of Cheerios flavors, and Frosted Cheerios, although not completely new, is one heck of a welcomed delicious flavor to the family, and surely it will remain around long enough to be considered a classic favorite in due time.

This one is sweet enough for kids to enjoy, and not too sweet as to where adults couldn't enjoy them! They are good enough for the whole family, and I imagine you will be buying boxes of them quite often, especially after you try your first bowl.

You can find Frosted Cheerios just about anywhere you buy cereal. Target in particular stocks them up nicely making it impossible to miss them.

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