Thursday, April 02, 2009

User Review: Gorilla Glue- Is It Strong? Really Strong!?

I've seen really neat commercials on gorilla glue. One that sticks out was the dinosaur bones that claimed "put together by Gorilla Glue" -Worlds strongest glue. Even though the small print claimed otherwise, I found this advertising to be extremely catchy, and cute as well.

I avoided it however, seeing how I never really had any major uses for a strong bond glue; until I broke the heel of my favorite Maryjane shoe!
My heart was broken. I was in such love with these shoes. It's as if they were designed for my foot, comfort, shape, the whole nine. (I'd do a review on my shoe, but unfortunately I never jotted down the make/style.) Anyways; this is why I needed the glue.

I did a few circles around Acmoore, until I found it sitting right on the shelf near the check out line.
A small fee of $5?
I was at least expecting to pay $10 for the worlds strongest glue; and for some reason I'm one of these simple minded folk that think, 'if it's expensive, it must be better than the rest'. Based on that, I assumed right away that this worlds strongest glue was going to be another useless rip-off. I bought it anyway though. I was willing to at least try and fix my shoe myself, before spending a large fee for a shoe repair. (I was that desperate) -true!

I read the instructions on the box when I got home.
4 small easy to remember steps.

1. Make sure your working on a clean surface first. (Cinchy!)

2. Wet surface before applying glue. (Easy enough)

3. Use only a small amount of glue, as for the glue will expand. (Oh this must be good, that's different)

4. Wipe any excess glue off of edges.

-Let dry for up to 4 hours, and wallah! Fixed!

So this is exactly what I did. Only I waited for an entire day before actually using my shoes.

I seriously thought that it was not going to work, that as soon as I tried walking in my shoes, they were again going to come apart.

I'm now a proud owner of my 5 year old shoes again!
I've been walking around in them for a good solid 4 days now, without any signs of the glue giving up its strength. For only five bucks, I was not expecting the shoe to last me more than a few hours; if that.

Gorilla Fixer Upper Project Number Two-

My clumsy stupid self went and sat her toosh right on her $75 designer sunglasses. I must admit I shed a minor tear, and of course I cursed my butt out!
How could I be so stupid, how could.... wait- I've got that glue, the one that fixed my shoe. (Sorry I had to)

That's what I did, and with perfect results. There was originally a crack right in the top part plastic that holds the lens in. I had to try and fit the lens back into place, then I simply wet the crack, applied a mini dot of the Gorilla Glue, and let it sit for a few hours.
The glue bubbled up a bit (because I guess I used more glue than needed-no big deal), but it was not even recognizable, unless you were right up in my grill.

The glasses are fixed, but who knows when I may sit on them again? I cannot hold the makers of Gorilla Glue responsible if I decide to plant my rear on the glasses again.

Now if I were to trip and fall, and break my teeth, I bet this glue could fix it too. Save me a big ol' trip to the dentist. Mm hmm...(Don't try that at home though, I can't be held responsible for crafty ideas that flow from my mind-nope!)

Gorilla glue has done me justice in less than one week, and saved me quite a lot of money. If I were to get the shoe fixed professionally it would of cost me God knows how much. If I were to buy new glasses, well there goes another $75.

I'm extremely happy with my $5 purchase, and would buy this product again. I'm sure I will have to; and soon. I'm such a klutz, I manage to somehow break almost half of the things I own- or sit on them. The gorilla can fix that though, so I'm not worried about it anymore.

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