Friday, November 13, 2009

Movie Pre-Review: Pin (1988)

-My post also on AC

A Life Sized Doll is Brought to Life? Or is Pin Just a Creation of an Over Active Imagination?

I simply adore Netflix streaming live videos. I recently added an old horror movie titled Pin. Now normally a movie with such a ridiculous title would be a movie I'd not bother to see, however after reading the quick synopsis of the film, I realized Pin was about a ventriloquist dummy. I had to see it, nothing makes me giggle more than old 80's horror films featuring dolls, dummy's, or in Pins case, an anatomically correct human scale model of a doctors see through mannequin.

Thats exactly what Pin is see. Yep, he has a name and everything. Pin is a doctors anatomically correct mannequin. His skin is see through, so he can be used for teachings about muscles tissues, etc, etc. All in all the prop is pretty creepy looking, and even more so creepy because the doctor who owns Pin actually gives Pin a voice by using his ventriloquist skills.

The doctor's son however centers his whole world around Pin, so much so that in his adult years Pin decides to start talking to him. Naturally the guy is just moving his mouth and giving Pin a voice, just the way his father had.

When the doctor dies, Pin is brought into the home, where big brother develops an over the top creepy obsession with Pin, so much so that he clothes him, paints him so he is no longer see through, and he even sits him at the dinner table.

Basically it's a screwball psychotic young man with schizophrenia who thinks Pin is real. Little sis though knows better, but she accepts her brother for who he is, and refuses to lock him up in an institution.

All is well in the household till little sis decides that its time to start dating. Pin does not like her boyfriend though, uh-oh!!!

Without ruining what happens in Pin, I will say that I did actually enjoy the movie. Although the plot is a bit off, its still one that you can follow, and one that is actually not as bad as it may sound. If you can sit through a Chucky flick and enjoy it, than you will find enjoyment in Pin.

Overall Recommendation:

Pin gets 2 thumbs up from me. I enjoyed it, and probably would watch it again one day. It is not meant for children as there are some scenes involving sex. However no nudity is shown, its basically the sexual idea behind some of the scenes.

At any rate, 80's horror fans, enjoy the find. Its a good flick I have never known about until now, and I must say it's a decent flick.

You can watch a trailer of the movie here:

The video is available to Netflix members as well who make use of their streaming videos.

Review of Brinkmann Smoke 'N Grill Smoker

Double-Grill Charcoal
-Post also on AC

Recently a relative of mine was ranting and raving about how wonderful his smoker was. How it slow smoked a ham to a delightful flavor unlike anything he had ever had before.

I was intrigued, even more so when he told me he got a smoker on sale at Walmart for only $20.00. After taking a look at this legendary smoker of his, and liking the appearance of it, and the rave review about it, I had to have one.

Unfortunately when we went to buy our smoker, the lowest price we could find on a smoker was the Brinkmann Smoke 'N Grill, which was priced at close to $40.00. We wanted it though; we had plans to smoke a small 8 pound turkey to test it out before Thanksgiving. This should not be an issue though because the Brinkmann Smoke 'N Grill is said to hold up to 50 pounds of food!

The Brinkmann Smoke 'N Grill unfortunately did not come with the legs in the box. We had to drive back to Walmart to return it for another one. The second Brinkmann Smoke 'N Grill came dented, so we had to find yet another one. At this point my heart was feeling pretty heavy. I had a hunch that the smoker was going to suck, considering how many times we had to exchange it.

After finally obtaining a full Brinkmann Smoke 'N Grill, with all of the parts it took my boyfriend about 45 minutes to fully set the smoker up.

Inside it had 2 racks for placing food on, a charcoal bowl, and a water bowl. There is also a small hatch door that you can open to add water, and charcoal or wood chips as you are smoking your food.

We added different spices to our water to give it some flavoring, and we added some hickory flavored pre-soaked wood chips, and charcoal to the Brinkmann Smoke 'N Grill.

The first annoyance was the non-stop adding of charcoal. We luckily thought ahead and bought an 18 pound bag of charcoal. The instructions said we would only need 9 pounds of charcoal, but that was not the case. We consistently had to add coals to the smoker in order to keep the fire going.

Later on we discovered that we could have used oak wood for longer burning, and a higher heat setting.

As it was though it took forever for the turkey to fully smoke. We placed the 8 pound turkey in at around 5pm, and it was not fully done till 11:30pm. All in all about 7 hours of smoking.

The corn which we smoked came out relatively good, but honestly it was nothing worth raving about. The same goes for the turkey. It was good, but lost its entire turkey flavoring, and had an overpowering hickory smoked flavoring to it. The meat however was fantastic and very tender.

All in all the Brinkmann Smoke 'N Grill works, it just takes a really, really long time to do the job. I would definitely recommend it though because it was cheaper than the rest, and worked as described. If you do decide to buy it, I recommend you buy a lot of charcoal, because a small 9 pound bag will not cut it especially if you are smoking something more than 4 pounds in weight.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Review of The Fragrance Collection, Pine & Cedar Soy Based Candle, by Glade

Glade is impressing me more and more with each passing day. Glade used to be a well known name brand company that sold home fragrances in the form of wall plugs, gel plugs, gel sticks, and so on. However as well known as they were, they sort of took a seat on the back burner ever since Febreze moved in to town.

Glade realized quickly they needed to upgrade the look of their packages, and upgrade their collection of products, and by golly they have done it, and Febreze is taking the seat on the back burner now, because Glade is making a huge come back due to their extensive collection of new products, and fabulous scent choices.

One of their newest collections is the Fragrance Collection of soy based candles. I fell in love with their soy based candles a few months ago when I was sent one for free for a product test evaluation.

I liked the product test so much that whenever I see Glade's soy based candles, I try to pick one up.

My most recent find was a delicious holiday scent called Pine & Cedar.

In the store I opened the tin lid, and took in the delicious uplifting fragrance that this candle had to offer. To say it was good is an understatement, because this candle was fantastic.

It smelled like a pine forest, with a beautiful icy uplifting undertone of cedar. It reminded me so much of the winter holiday that I couldn't leave the store without buying it.

I was confident that the scent I was inhaling in the store would be the same fresh pine scent the candle would disperse when lit. None of Glade's soy candle have disappointed me, so I expected the same from Pine & Cedar.

At Home:

I didn't waste any time, as soon as I got home, I lit the candle and waited for it to do its magic. It did not take long at all for the scent to begin to trickle all throughout my room. The fresh pine scent was powerful, and the light undertone of cedar was also noted. Combined the room was flooded with the sweet, sweet fragrance of a winter wonderland, and I love it.

Overall Feelings and Recommendation:

Glade's Fragrance Collection, Soy Based Candle: Pine & Cedar is a true winter winner. If you love wintry smells, and especially have a love for fresh pine scents than this candle will not disappoint. For only $8.99, its a buy you won't regret.

Review of Glades Fresh Pine & Cedar Reed Diffuser

My review also on AC. I own all rights

I fell in love with Glade's newest Fragrance Collection, especially their Fresh Pine & Cedar Soy Candle. The candle smelled like a Christmas tree, and it was addicting, powerful, and set a nice winter mood in the home. When I came across their Fragrance Collection Reed Diffuser in the Pine & Cedar scent, I did not even hesitate. I scooped it up, and just assumed that it would work wonders, just like the soy candle had.

Glades Fresh Pine & Cedar Reed Diffuser came to $8.99 at my local Target and was a pretty small diffuser compared to my most recent Yankee Candle diffusers. I was willing to overlook its smaller size though, because I thought it would work just as powerful as the sister soy candle.

I was dead wrong, what a complete and utter disappointment this diffuser was.


The diffuser comes in a standard green package, which is actually pretty bland compared to other Glade products. The Fragrance Collection by Glade though has a blander overall look than other Glade products, which is not a big deal, its meant to give it that bland all natural look. I guess natural is bland because most all natural products come in these bland packages. Yawn!

Anyhow, with that aside, the diffuser came with the essentials that any diffuser would. You have a bottle of fragrance diffuser oil, reeds to stick into the bottle, and a cute wooden topper to give the diffuser a nice look for the home. The wood top is unnecessary, but its there to make things look good.

My Use:

When I got home I was excited to set the Pine & Cedar diffuser up in the living room. Prior to this diffuser I had a Yankee Diffuser in there that kept the room smelling like fresh cut Christmas trees, up until the stupid cat knocked the entire thing over.

I figured that the Glade Pine & Cedar Diffuser would make up for the loss, with its fresh realistic Christmas tree fragrance.

When I opened the bottle, I had confidence that the diffuser would work well. It had a powerful pine scent that I loved. I stuck in the rods, and let it do its work.

A few hours after re-entering the room, I noticed that there was...uhm...nothing! Not a single note of pine, nothing at all. I walked up to the diffuser and inhaled. I could smell the pine scent up close and personal, but backing up just a little, and the scent was not detectable at all.

I decided to flip the rods upside down, and let the wetter side hang out of the bottle. I figured the reeds were just taking too long to saturate. Perhaps in the morning the room would smell like Christmas trees.

Unfortunately the next day things were exactly the same. The pine scent not detectable, and the rods were saturated by then, and still nothing.


It has now been 6 days since I placed the Glade Pine & Cedar Reed Diffuser into the room, and it has been 6 days since that the room smells exactly the same. Like nothing.

All in all, I find the diffuser to be a waste of $9.00. Save your money, and buy a Yankee Diffuser. Yankee Diffusers have been the only diffusers I have used so far that actually work, and work well. From now on I will just stick with what works.

Get these instead:

Friday, October 23, 2009

Review of Simply Home Yankee Candle Reed Diffuser: Pine

Also on AC. I own all rights

My grandmother was the one responsible for putting me on to reed diffusers. I always found the concept to be stupid, especially considering that I could just buy a candle to add fragrance to our home. However, when I walked into her house, and picked up the immediate scent of fresh cut flowers. I had to ask where it was coming from, because there were no lit candles in her home.

She showed me a small reed diffuser, and I was amazed. I never thought the diffusers would do much when it came to scent.

Ever since though, I have been picking up reed diffusers whenever I come across them. The unfortunate thing about them though is that you cannot just pop open the top and inhale the scent in the store. Reed diffusers come in packages that you can't open in stores to test the scent. That's why reed diffusers are so hit or miss.

I've come across a whole heap of crummy poor quality diffusers; some which don't even release a scent.

Just when I was about to give up entirely on them, I decided to pick up a diffuser from Yankee. Although they are a bit high in price, I knew that Yankee Candle always put out pleasing products, and their products are high in quality. Yankee is one of those companies where spending a bit more, is well worth it.

Pine is one of my top favorite scents. I like burning pine scented candles, I like having pine scented wall plugs, and for me, pine is not just a scent to fill the home with during Christmas. I like it year round, but more so in the fall. It puts me in a festive mood, and overall just provides a refreshing crisp scent that I thoroughly enjoy.

When I came across Simply Home Yankee Candle Reed Diffuser in the Pine fragrance, I had to have it. Priced at $12.99 at Marshall's, I knew it was a deal because at Target the same diffusers sell for $19.99.

The diffuser is sold in a plastic package, so I was not able to test the scent. I went with my instinct and hoped for the best.

The Simply Home Diffuser is packaged with a very cute glass see through mini vase, and a bunch of curly spiral rods, straight rods, and a festive rod with a clay star attached to the top of one of the diffusers. In the package you also get a large bottle of the scent. The diffusers suck the scent up, and release it into the air.

My Use:

I poured the entire contents of the liquid fragrance oil into the glass vase. The scent hit me immediately. It was not the crisp refreshing natural pine scent I was expecting though.

Simply Home Yankee Candle Reed Diffuser: Pine did in fact have a pine scent, but there was something polished and clean about it that gave it more of a mossy meadow fragrance. Sort of like the fragrance mixes you would smell early in the morning after a rainstorm by a lake. The smell is still uplifting and refreshing, but not entirely pine.

The scent however is strong, and lasting. I placed the diffuser in my kitchen and within an hour the entire place was filled with the fragrance, which was a major plus.

I then placed the diffuser in the living room to keep it safe from tipping over. Our kitchen is too busy, and due to the very large opening in the vase, if this diffuser spilled over, the entire contents would pour out.

The living room filled up with the scent in less than 20 minutes, and has smelled fantastic for a week now, with no signs of weakening fragrance. Simply Home Reed Diffuser in Pine, is strong, powerful, and fantastic to have in the home.

It's a safe method to filling your home with scent, without having to light a candle.


I cannot recommend this one enough. The scent is strong and it is lasting. I have not come across a reed diffuser quite as potent and spectacular as Simply Home Reed Diffusers.

Review: Bounce Dryer Bar---It Sucks

I was sent a Bounce Dryer Bar for free in exchange for an honest review. I was ecstatic to be given the opportunity and went immediately to using the Bounce Dryer Bar.

The concept is simple, and seems like it would be fantastic if it worked like it was said to. The Bounce Dryer Bar is a cartridge containing a dryer bar which you place into your dryer. The Dryer Bar is supposed to be a new form of fabric softener. It is supposed to refresh your clothing and leave your clothing softer. The best thing about it is that you only need to replace it every 2 months or so.

The sticky cartridge sticks to the inside of your dryer, and you can easily slide out the Dryer Bar, and replace it with a new one.

Gosh, golly, darn, that all sounds fantastic in theory. I bet you are wondering how well the Dryer Bar works.

Now on first inspection of the Bounce Dryer Bar, I was skeptical, because the bar itself had the consistency of a bar of soap. I wondered if it would melt, and fuse into my clothing while drying them, leaving behind white flaky trails in the fabric.

The scent is fantastic, and overpowering, so I did not worry about it leaving behind a fresh scent. I just assumed it would because it was so powerful when I opened the package.

I went ahead and stuck the Dryer Bar into the very back of my dryer. You have to peel off a layer that protects the adhesive side of the cartridge.

I worried again that the bar would not stick for a week, let alone 2 months.

Ii plopped in my wet clothing from the washing machine, and let the dryer do its usual routine dry cycle.

Results On First Use:

The results were not even notable. I was actually really disappointed. My clothing did not smell like much of anything, and they were also not soft like I would expect them to normally be.

Results of Second Load:

When I do laundry I usually have one load to follow right after my first load. While the dryer was going on the first load, I had a load going in the washing machine.

My second load I placed into the dryer, and let it go to work as I normally would. Now keep in mind the dryer was just used moments before, so it still was slightly heated from the other load.

I had no idea that doing laundry the way I normally do, would unleash a white powdery mess. When I opened the dryer door to retrieve my second load, I immediately noticed white shards all over the dryer. All of my worries were confirmed.

The Dryer Bar fell from it's spot I had sticked it on, and broke up into little bits and pieces in my clothing load. As the dryer tumbled the bar pretty much crumbled. Many of my pieces of clothing were fused with white stains. Sort of like what happens when you use white deodorant and get it on your clothing.

I was pretty livid because I had to do the entire load again, and I had to spend a good portion of my time cleaning out the dryer of the bits and pieces left behind by the Dryer Bar.


Avoid it. There are no benefits I can even come up with. Stick to dryer sheets, and leave this one behind.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Review: Spore Hero For Nintendo Wii

My Review Originally Posted On AC.

I was addicted to the PC game Spore, and when news hit that Spore Hero would be made for the Nintendo Wii I could not wait to get my game on!

With the release on October 6th, I rushed out to the store and picked up my copy.

When I got home I took a closer look at the back cover. Spore Hero looked like it was going to be some sort of odd battle game, and I hate battle games.

Thankfully when I popped the game into my Wii console, I discovered that the game with a little bit of everything all rolled in to one. A battle game, mixed with a gigantic alien adventure.

The game starts off a bit differently than the original Spore game for the PC. Instead of raising an organism, you are pretty much already evolved into a creature capable of roaming on land.

The goal in this game is to collect more and more body parts for your creature. The enemy of course is also in place, and your enemy is a big hive of enemy aliens which are flaming red in color. Your goal is to kill them off of your planet, while of course super charging your creature by collecting bigger, and better body parts to use in your quest to conquering the enemy.


The graphics are all pretty phenomenal and they stick to the same lush colorful vibrant scheme that the PC game does. The planet you roam about on is full of visual wonders around every corner.


All of the controls in Spore Hero work flawlessly during game play, except for a few issues. One that takes place is during battles with other spores, or enemies. While tapping the controls for battle, sometimes as a player you get a bit excited. You have to be careful though, because many times you end up hitting the menu button, which pauses the battle. It gets really annoying while playing, and it happens often.

Another issue you will have with controls is in creature creation. While attempting to make your Spore look the way you want, one small movement of the wrist and you could end up stretching out its legs farther than you wanted. Its easily fixed, but its annoying.


Sounds in Spore Hero are all done up superbly, and the music played lightly in the background mesh really well with the alien planet you will be roaming.

Creature Creation

Creating your creature is a lot of fun, and no two creatures will ever look the same. You have tons of options and colors to chose from. As you collect body parts, your Spore will look drastically different. The creature creation menu however is not as complex as on the PC game. The Wii controls make it a little difficult to get your Spore to transform into exactly what you envision. Although the controls work well here, they are slightly flawed.


Although Spore Hero has a few control flaws, the game itself plays marvelously with no glitches. Roaming through the lush alien planet is a lot of fun, and the small tasks you complete in between your main quest are also a lot of fun.

The game is one of my favorite titles on the Nintendo Wii to date, and I highly recommend it.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Review: Musical Brain in Witches Cauldron Water Globe

I don't normally shop at Marshall's because I always figured the store only carried broken junk, junk that nobody wanted or just junk in general. The last time I was in a Marshall's was about two years ago around the Christmas holiday, and the store was in ruins.

A Marshall's recently went up close by to me, so I decided to give the store a try. Friends of mine would go on and on about how fantastic the place was, so finally I took the short drive to the store and found myself surrounded by a world of enchantments. Wow! Have I been missing out!

The fall season is upon us, so naturally the store had an entire Halloween empire of goodies stocked up. My eyes were dancing around in a Halloween daze. Witch statues, graveyard statues, little pumpkin plates, witches brew mugs and glasses! I was in heaven. I was at the same time though overwhelmed. I wanted everything! Sometimes when I get overwhelmed like this though, I walk out with nothing.

But then, just as I was about to walk away empty handed, it caught my eye. I stood still, was what I was seeing really real? Was this wondrous magical little number really for sale? Could I have it!?

I spotted a water globe. Now I like water globes and all, but I never really 'liked' them enough to buy them, and the ones I have come across are always boring little Christmas themed snow globes. Never in my life did I ever think someone would finally get it right, and create Halloween themed water globes.

Yet there it was, the most stunning water globe I had ever seen.

This was no ordinary round water globe though. This water globe was shaped like a chemistry flask. Inside the flask sat a detailed sculpture of a brain. The water itself had a very slight tint of green, that gave it a toxic look.

The chemistry flask sat perched on top of a witched cauldron.

I mean if this is not creativity I don't know what is!

I picked the globe up and realized that the flask was missing its little glued in cork. It was there, but slightly damaged. It did not deter me though. I wanted it. I was in love with it! I had never seen such a unique piece.
As I picked it up, I noticed small tear drop metallic snow sprinkle around inside of the globe. The pieces were rather large, and had a green metallic coloring to them. I didn't think that it was fitting to the piece, but it did not make the piece any less desirable. The green tear shapes I imagine represent toxic blood? That is just a guess though.

Just as I thought this little water globe couldn't get any better, I flip it over and discover a little wind up key. I wound it up and listened as the water globe played 'ding dong the witch is dead'.

Halloween heaven, I have found you! I knew immediately where this sweet water globe was going! Right on my work desk, so I could look at it every day.

All in all, the Musical Brain In Witches Cauldron is my favorite Halloween piece discovered thus far this year. Unfortunately on the water globe I was able to find no markings on the actual name of the globe. There is not even a company logo or stamp on it.

You can however find it at Marshall's. I paid $12.99 for it, and in my opinion it was money well spent.

Other Halloween Globes:

Aluminum Gothic Skeleton Hand Salad Servers!

Whenever I am shopping in superstores like Walmart or Target during the fall season, I always rush down to their Halloween section to see what new products they may have in. Every year I pick up more and more Halloween pieces.

I have props galore, and I continue to buy them because I am known for throwing one hell of a scary Halloween party every year. I like challenging myself every year with new products, bought or made.

One of my favorite pieces goes to the Aluminum Gothic Skeleton Hand Salad Servers, (or tongs as they are called).

I spotted these shiny silver gems twinkling next to a Napkin Holder. The Napkin Holder caught my eye, but it seemed to expensive for its appearance. The Aluminum Gothic Skeleton Hand Salad Server on the other hand were awesome, a piece that I never would think would exist, yet here they were, long metal bony skeleton hands glistening up at me. I had to have them, no matter what the price.

The Aluminum Gothic Skeleton Hand Salad Tongs are made obviously to serve salad. However after looking them over I knew that they could be used for numerous serving purposes. They could scoop up mashed potatoes, serve as a serving 'hand' for cakes, pies, and any other food that had a thicker consistency to it.

They have another use too that I thought was kind of neat. The Aluminum Gothic Skeleton Hand Salad Servers can scratch a mean itch. Ha-ha!

The quality of the Aluminum Gothic Skeleton Hand Salad Servers are stunning, with a shiny silver finish, and etched details into the actual bone fingers and fingernails. They are heavy pieces, but not too heavy as to where they are impossible to use. I will say though that you should keep them away from glass tabletops. Dropping one could break the table top.

The Aluminum Gothic Skeleton Hand Salad Servers are meant to be hand washed only, so don't go sticking them in the dishwasher.


If you are throwing a Halloween party this year, the skeleton servers are a must have. If you just like Halloween in general the servers are a fun piece to have around the house as well. They are definitely conversation starters, and I would highly recommend them to Halloween enthusiasts.

Where To Buy:

I was able to locate these exact skeletal sweeties for sale from online merchants. However many sites have them listed for a prices that are a scare! I found them at Target and spent $9.99. Click here to be taken directly to the servers, save yourself a bundle.

Other Products of Similar Interest:

Glade Scented Oil Candle Tin in Clean Linen - A Review

You know those deliciously superb set up aisles in the checkout lane at superstores? Sometimes they set them up with magazine racks, soda and candy.

Those aisles are amongst some of my favorite aisles in superstores because sometimes you run into things that you normally would not pick up. Sometimes those things are fantastic little finds. This is exactly where I found a collection of Glade Scented Oil Candle Tins.

I immediately fell in love with the Clean Linen scent, and for $1.99 I figured the little Scented Oil Candle Tin would be an investment well worth it.

What made the tin so special was that when I popped the lid to get a hint of the fragrance I was blown away with the clean linen scent. I was not the only one. My boyfriend exclaimed with a "Wow," and he was standing about three feet away from me. A woman behind us on line also took note of the potent delicious fragrance, and she scooped one up as well.

That's right folks, this micro small oil candle packs one heck of a powerful punch, and I knew that with a potent scent like that, it would live up to its claims; it would fill up an entire room with scent.

The Glade Scented Oil Candle Tin in Clean Linen came in three different choices of tins, but honestly I couldn't care less about the decorative tin. I wanted to get home and burn this candle to see how powerful it really could get.

My Use:

I set the small tin on my kitchen table, lit the wick, and let it works its magic. Sure enough in just a few short minutes the fresh clean linen scent was swirling around the room. The scent was so refreshing, and the thing that caught my attention the most was that I was able to smell it filling up not just the kitchen, but other rooms that had their doors open.

I was captivated, surrounded by refreshing clean linen scent, and amazed at how wonderfully this candle had worked.

The charm of the candle did not stop just while it was lit though. Even after extinguishing the flame, the Clean Linen fragrance stuck around and lingered for nearly 45 minutes after the candle was blown out. That my friend, is pretty impressive considering the small size of it.



I bought only one of these tins, and will be picking up a whole lot of them next time I am in the store. I am still amazed at how powerful the candle is, and I would highly, highly recommend you scoop them up. They will seriously fill the home with lovely fragrance and are perfect for that clean fresh house scent for the upcoming holidays.

Review: Febreze Home Collection, Scented Reed Diffuser in Green Tea Citrus

-Review also on AC.

I have always liked Febreze. It's rare for me to come across a scent by Febreze that I do not like, and I actively seek out their limited edition fragrances.

This weekend though I came across a little something, something from Febreze that got me all excited. They have a new collection called the Home Collection. The Home Collection features a bunch of new goodies from Febreze; the collection includes new flame-less light up lanterns, reed diffusers and candles.

I went straight for the Green Tea Citrus Reed Diffuser.

I was not able to open the package in the store to get a hint of what the scent might smell like, but located directly on the box were one of those scratch and sniff sample stickers. I scratched the sticker and got a nice refreshing buzz of green tea and citrus. There really is no other was to describe it. The sticker smelled good, a nice mix of green tea, and refreshing uplifting citrus. I liked the scent a lot, and went ahead and splurged on the Reed Diffuser.

It came to $9.97 for those who are curious. To me $9.97 is pretty expensive for a reed diffuser. Normally I buy them for $2.00-$5.00 the most. I told myself that if the diffuser did not work well I'd pack it back up in its box and get my money back.

Febreze, Home Collection, Green Tea Citrus Reed Diffusers come packed with a nice glass bottle which contains the oil, and it comes with a bunch of reed diffusers.

At home, I opened the package, and yanked off the protective seal that keeps the oil from leaking out. Immediately the overpowering delicious mouth watering scent filled the air. I had a pretty good hunch that this powerful little number would do its job and do it well.

I placed in all of the wooden reeds, and let the diffuser do its thing. It did not take long for the magic to begin to spread through the air. The energizing green tea scent was flawless, while the uplifting citrus puts an energetic vibe all throughout the air. I would not just call this one a scented reed diffuser, I'd call it aroma therapy at its best because the scent definitely does something wonderful to the senses.

As of right now, the diffuser is placed in our kitchen, which is very, very large. Amazingly enough, the Green Tea Citrus Reed Diffuser is capable of filling the air with its scent. The scent has remained for days, and the Home Collection Reed Diffuser gets compliment after compliment from our guests. Many of them are amazed that such a tiny thing is capable of filling up an entire room in the home with such powerful delicious fragrance.

Febreze Home Collection, Green Tea Citrus Reed Diffuser works perfectly. It delivers powerful long lasting scent, and it works a heck of a lot better than I initially thought it would.

It has become my favorite Febreze product to date, and I highly, highly recommend it.

Review: Black Skull Photo Frame

-My review is found on AC as well

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, and during the entire fall season I am consistently clicking away with my camera capturing every fall event possible. From pumpkin picking, haunted hay rides, haunted houses, I capture it all.

Many of my photos end up in scrapbooks, others sit on online social networking sites like Facebook, Photobucket, or MySpace. Some of my favorite photos however get printed and I slip them into Halloween themed photo frames.

I will usually keep the frames for years and years, and display them during the fall season. They are quick fool proof ways to adding a fall mood to the home.

It's hard finding these themed photo frames though, and many that I do find are usually poor quality plastic frames with little to no detail. Usually dollar stores sell seasonal themed frames, but sadly they usually look like they came from a dollar store.

I came across a Black Skull Photo Frame at my local Target for just $4.99, and although it was not the best photo frame in the Halloween world, it was spooky enough and made with a real glass photo protector.

Two white skulls sit nestled in two of the frame's corners to give the frame a creepy Halloween theme. The black frame itself has a high gloss finish, and fits a four-inch by six-inch photo into it.

The frame only sits one way and cannot be rotated, at the very back of the frame it has a pull out stand, or a small clip to hang the frame directly on the wall.

I recommend buying two of them to sit next to one another on an end table, mantle place, or hanging them on the wall in the living room surrounded by your Halloween props and decorations. They just add to the charm, and it's why I like them.


The Black Skull Photo Frame is not the highest quality photo frame you can find, but it serves its purpose, and the frame itself seems sturdy enough to last for years with proper care. The frame itself uses real glass and not some cheap plastic like other holiday themed photo frames. The black high gloss finish matches most HDTV's, so placing the frames on the wall next to, or around an HDTV actually looks really fancy and meshes perfectly in with the atmosphere.

-For those of you wondering, the frame fits 4 inch by 6 inch photos, but if you cannot visualize it do know that 4 inch by 6 inch is a standard photo that you would have printed at stores.

You can only pick up the Black Skull Photo Frame at Target. It sells for $4.99, which is very cheap for how nice the frame is.

Product of Similar Interest:

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Halloween Prop,

-My post originally published on AC, MelanieDee.

Halloween is hands down my favorite holiday. Every year I buy more and more props to add to my never ending collection of haunted Halloween props. Over the years I've collected everything and anything one can imagine. From professional props costing me a months pay, to cheap motion activated flying bats, spiders, or plastic cauldrons for punch.

This year I have noticed a huge dip in the quality of props found in stores like Walmart and Target. The low quality and lack of selection is disappointing to Halloween bluffs like myself. However if you love Halloween like I do, you manage to find Halloween treats no matter where they are hiding.

The most recent addition to the family is the Light Up Bones Windchimes. I found this gem hiding at a thrift store, and picked it up for $1.00. A pretty good find considering the same set can be found online for around $25.00.

Although the Light Up Bones Windchime is pretty low quality as far as appearance goes, it is a cute and fun addition to your Halloween decorations.

The bones themselves hang from a large plastic base that hangs from your ceiling. You can also place it out on your front porch. Make sure however it is protected from rain.

There are approximately 4 long strands of bones hanging from strings towards the side of the base. One large strand sits directly in the middle which is home to where the sole skull hangs.

The bones are made of lightweight plastic, which allows them to easily rattle about for when the Windchime is activated by motion or sound. You can also activate it by pressing a small button located on the base of the Windchime.

When it is activated all of the bones rattle, and a bone rattling sound is activated. While the bones shake and rattle, the base blinks an eerie blueish light that adds to the whole effect.

The quality of the bones are pretty cheap, but the small details the Windchime has is enough to make it a prop worth picking up. Although it will not scare anyone, it's still fun to have around for the holiday.

Where To Buy:

Considering I picked my set up at a thrift store, I cannot say where it originally came from. I was however able to hunt down some unique pieces similar to this one.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Review of Febreze Limited Edition Pumpkin Harvest and Fall Air Effects

I scoop up nearly every single Limited Edition Febreze Air Effects home fragrances I possibly can. When the seasons change, so does their limited edition scents. Fall scents are one of my top favorite scents, with delicious fragrances like fallen leaves, candy corn, spiced apple, and pumpkin.

When I came across Limited Edition Febreze Air Effects in a Pumpkin Harvest and Fall scent I was thrilled.

The scent manages to capture the essence of the fall season, with a delicious pumpkin spice, cream, and apple fragrance all rolled into one.

The scent is not very long lasting in large rooms, but when sprayed on linens, clothing, or fabrics the scent sticks around for much longer periods of time. When sprayed in smaller rooms like bathrooms or bedrooms the scent also lingers around for much longer.

All in all Pumpkin Harvest and Fall is a delicious scent, the downside is that it is naturally limited, so go out and buy yours before they sell out.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Review: Teeth, Werewolf or Witch Choppers

I always go all out every Halloween. I work wonders with prosthetics, create fake scars, burns, cuts and scabs, I am the Halloween queen. Roseanne does not hold a flame next to the creations I come up with every year. I have never lost a costume party, and I don't ever plan on losing.

Last year though I realized after putting together a ghoulish creation that everything looked creepy, scary, fantastic....everything except my teeth!

I have perfect white straight choppers, and even though my prosthetic was awesome, my pearly whites had to be hidden. I realized that I should probably have invested in some fake teeth.

Fake teeth have always annoyed me. I drool, I cannot talk, they fling out of my mouth. They basically suck.

This year though I wanted a pair of fake choppers to go with my costume. I needed sharp pointy teeth that were scary, intimidating, and looked real. I also needed them to stay in my mouth, while allowing me to talk without spitting or drooling.

I browsed numerous sites till I came across a pair that looked exactly like what I needed. With no other name besides Teeth, Werewolf/Witch Choppers.

These choppers though are created using professional dental lab design, and the highest quality acrylic teeth make these fangs look real. The choppers also come with dental adhesive in order to make a mold of your own teeth so the fake ones do not fall out.

Before getting into how the adhesive worked, I wanted to discuss the quality of the Werewolf/Witch Choppers.

They are simply stunning. The sharper long fangs have aging to them that make them look like they are rotting, while the smaller fangs also have the same yellow aging detail to them, with bumps, scrapes, and small cracks giving the teeth an authentic look. All in all they remind me of rotting dogs teeth, which makes them perfect for a wolf costume. The sharp rotting look though is also suitable for a witch. Me being an evil grave keeper, I figured these sharp fangs would look fantastic with my prosthetic mask.

How To Apply:

This is where the tricky part comes in, and there is no room for error. In order to get the teeth to stick to your own teeth you must first remove the 2 included bags of adhesive. One bag contains pink putty, and another contains white putty.

You are to mold these pink and white putty together until they form one solid color. One the putty is molded together you now press it into the mouthpiece of the fake teeth. You will want to get some of the putty to squeeze through the 4 holes located in the mouthpiece. This gives the putty something to hold on to, so squeeze through generously.

I found that using only half the putty will work a lot better than using all of it, so save the other half in case you make a mistake the first time. There is more than enough putty for this.

Once you have the putty in the mouthpiece, stick the choppers onto your upper teeth and push up till you feel the plastic mouthpiece hitting your own teeth.

The next step is to wait for 7 to 8 minutes before removing the teeth. After the time has gone by, remove the teeth in a slow downward motion. What you have left should be an impression of your teeth. If you mess up try again. You may be able to try one more time before the putty hardens.

Once you have an impression take care that you do not touch the putty till it is fully dry. Once dry, you now have a set of fake teeth that will stick in your mouth with no issues. No drooling, no falling out. You can remove them and put them back on effortlessly now that the impression of your teeth are in the putty permanently.


If you are looking for a high quality pair of fake teeth this Halloween than look no further. You can find these exact ones on Amazon and other Halloween websites for around $10.00.

Try These Custom Teeth As Well:

Review of Review Dogzilla Turbo Disc Durable Toy for Dogs

We picked up the Dogzilla Turbo Disc for $7.99 at our local super-center. Our bull terrier manages to rip and shred through durable toys in less than an hour, and not many dog toys are capable of withstanding his chew power. Even toys that promise to be durable against tough chewers.

The Dogzilla Turbo Disc promised just that. To be durable for tough chewers. After picking up the Turbo Disc it was pretty clear that the disc had been made of relatively durable material. I could tell though that it would likely only withstand his biting for a few days till he ripped it to shreds.

The disc itself is red in color so it is easy to find for when the dog leaves it on the lawn. It is also non-toxic and safe for dogs (duh).

The disc also floats on water which gives it a neat addition to the way you can play with your dog. Our bully likes running into the water after toys, so knowing that this one couldn't get lost in the depths of the sea was nice.

Our dog in particular loves discs with a hole in the middle, and the Turbo Disc has just that type of hole. Our bully puts half his face through the hole and runs around flipping the disc up into the air, while attempting to catch it before it hits the ground. This habit is his alone, and no one taught it to him. Watching him go mental over a disc is fun though, even if the disc only lasts a few days.

The Dogzilla Turbo Disc lasted as expected. In a week he mangled the disc so badly that it looked like a dorito. The disc however was still in one piece. It took another 3 days for him to finally yank it apart leaving shards of red pieces all of the lawn.

The Dogzilla Turbo Disc would be a wonderful toy for dogs who are not so tough on their toys. For those of us with Bully breeds though, the Dogzilla Turbo Disc will only last a week or 2 before it is completely destroyed.


It is durable, yes; but it is not durable enough for bully breeds. I honestly have yet to come across a dog toy able to withstand the force of a bullies bite. I would pay up the kahuna for such a dog toy. Till then it is expensive discs, rings and toys that promise to be durable, yet are not durable enough for our breed.

I am not saying the Dogzilla Turbo Ring is a bad toy though, by all means it is one tough disc, just not for our dog.

Dogzilla Products:

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Review: Return To Sleepaway Camp 2008

My content is originally published on AC.

As a child Sleepaway Camp was a cool flick, with a sick ending. I was never afraid of horror flicks. At 5 years old nothing amused me more than a bowl of popcorn, a warm fluffy blanket and a monster movie. By the age of 12 I believe I managed to watch every vampire flick, zombie flick, witch flick, and killer flick ever made in the 80's. Sleepaway Camp was one of those cool camp killer flicks that forever stood with me. Although I wouldn't call it the best 80's teen scream, it managed to stitch memories of itself into my brain.

When I came across Return To Sleepaway Camp I was really hesitant on watching it. Would they remake the 80's classic and chop it to crap like that Rob Zombie freak is doing to my favorite classics? Or would they actually put together something worth a damn while still keeping the original cheesy charm alive.

Return To Sleepaway Camp is not for everyone. First and foremost I must say that only a true hardcore 80's horror film lover would be able to find the cheesy charm that this movie gives off entertaining. Everyone else born in the 90's, you will take one look at the flick and want to turn it off. It's boring, cheesy, the film itself seems as if it were made in the 80's, with poor cheesy dialog, bad acting, and just ridiculous kill scenes. However if you grew up on this sort of horror, Return To Sleepaway Camp will simply dazzle you with its scrumptious way on rewinding back to the past.

The entire time watching the movie I was in love. I loved the cheesy dialog, bad acting, terrible kill scenes, and I especially loved how this film (made in 2008) felt like it truly was found buried in an old vault from 1980.

The flick starts off like most camp horror movies from the 80's. A bunch of kids are in summer camp at Camp Manabe. Immediately you are introduced to Alan. It took me about 20 minutes into the film to realize that Alan was the kid in the camp who was being tormented by others. At first though he takes on an odd role of being the bully. Feeling sorry for him is difficult because of the way he is. The bully, then the baby? The bully, then the baby?

At any rate, the torment Alan endures elevates as the film goes on, so immediately you get this sense that they want you to believe Alan is the killer when people at camp turn up dead. If you grew up on 80's flicks though, you know that Alan is a mere distraction.

So who is slashing through Camp Manabe picking off the campers one by one?

You'll have to watch the movie to find out.

Besides the lack luster plot I provided, the movie actually held my interested based off of the fact that it had me laughing my guts up every other minute. Even parts that are not supposed to be funny, come off as funny, making it an entertaining mega cheesy 80's remake. So bad, that its actually good.

I have come across numerous review sites tearing this movie to shreds, but me, I found the flick to be entertaining enough to watch again and again. I guess you'd have to come from a different generation to appreciate the way this movie was put together.

A fun tid bit that you will pick up on immediately happens during the beginning of the movie when you meet one of the camps chefs. This chef turns out to be Isaac Hayes, who also plays Chef in South Park. The interesting thing about him in Return To Sleepaway Camp, is that he is wearing the same red shirt, and white apron. Minus the chef hat of course. I thought that it was funny, and something that most fans will pick up on in seconds.

All in all, it is not for everyone. If you are into fast paced action horrors, than this slow dewy movie is one to pass up. If you enjoy fun quirky gore films like Dead Alive, then Return To Sleepaway Camp will please you.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Tire Biter Pawtracks, Tire Toy For Strong Dogs

Our Bull Terrier is one tough cookie, and the unfortunate thing about this is that he absolutely loves toys. From stuffed animals, to squeaking balls, rings, and chew toys. The thing that sucks though is that no matter what the toy promises as far as durability, or tough dog is able to chomp through them in less than an hour.

Toys are expensive, but we hate not getting them for him because he enjoys them thoroughly.

When we found the Tire Biter PawTracks Tire Dog Toy we went ahead and bought it, because it promised to be a tough max toy, for strong dogs.

We figured we would be lucky if it lasted 3 hours.

An hour after giving it to him though the toy barely looked harmed. It did in fact have a few scuffs and breaks in the tire, but for the most part it looked nearly perfect.

The dog had a blast running around the yard with it, flipping it up in the air and catching it. It lasted for about 2 weeks, which is a hell of a lot longer than most of his other toys lasted.

Although 2 weeks may not sound like a long time for most of you, 2 weeks is nearly forever compared to his other old destroyed toys.

All in all, we loved it, he loved it, and we plan on buying him the larger model with the rope next time.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Book Review: Twilight

Have you ever read a book where words were so very powerful, that they were able to intertwine you within a story so perfectly, that you imagined the words were stitched together and spoken just for you?

When the entire hype on the hot movie Twilight hit the media, I was more than welcome to ignore the sensation. In fact I never thought I would be able to relate to such a fanatic state of mind. I never liked following the crowd, nor did I ever want to like something just because 'everyone else did'.

However 5 days ago I picked up a copy of the book Twilight. It was on sale for $8.00, so I figured I would at least give it a try. Honestly had something else appealed to me on the shelf, I likely would have left the book right where it was, allowing some other fan crazed person to pick it up.

So 5 days later, and I became so consumed with the story, that I managed to finish every book in the saga from start to finish, not missing a beat...but wishing I had no pulse once I became consumed with Edward Cullen.

You see, unlike the masses, I skipped the movie, and created this story with the characters that my mind created. Oddly enough their physical appearances nearly matched those in the book, to those in the movie.

So what it is about? What is the big deal? What managed to create goosebumps on the hearts of everyone who dared pick up this incredible fiery book that made them go insane, inside and out?

Isabella Swan recently moved in with her father in a small and peaceful town called Forks. She at first hates the change, but seeing that her mother was recently married, she felt the change would be good, for not only her mother's new life, but for hers as well.

Immediately Isabelle aka Bella, becomes a very popular girl. Every guy wants her, and girls swarm to her. Bella however does not see it this way, considering she came from a school where she was nearly invisible. The welcome committee is warm, but at the same time unfamiliar to her.

Her very first day of school she sees a young man who immediately she is drawn to. His name is Edward, and Bella learns that she shares a class with him early on. He however seems to hate her, repulsed by her even.

Little to her knowledge, Edward has good reasonings to keeping his see, to him, Bella would make the perfect meal.

As delicious as her scent is though, Edward finds that he is more fascinated with keeping her alive, than he is with tasting her blood.

Slowly the romance begins between this mortal, and immortal. The love is deep, it is frustrating, and it is powerful all rolled in to one.

Without ruining the story, or how it unfolds, do know that if you pick this book up, you will be hooked from the moment you pick it up. I never would have imagined I would be so drawn to it. I have read many, many books in my time, with many different subjects, but no book has ever been as warm and intense as Twilight. I was not reading the emotions that were being spoken of in this book, I was feeling them, feeding on them, and wanting more with each turn of the page.

Review: Kaytee Healthy Toppings in Papaya for Small Animals

My name is Mr. Bubbles. I'm a little field mouse who had the unfortunate event of landing in this human's garbage pail. I couldn't get out and that's when I met her. I guess I should consider myself lucky, I'm surprised she did not kill me. Most humans are not so generous when it comes to rodents like myself. Usually they kill us the moment they spot us, and mouse traps...ugh, they make me shiver. Thankfully when I became trapped, she decided to spare me; even provided me with a home, and I no longer had to steal her Hershey Kisses, she freely gave them to me.

Yeah, it is paradise I tell ya, paradise. Things could not be better.

So why am I writing?

Well it's to inform all of you humans, and mice out there that recently my beloved filled my food dish with a snack that looked enticing. They were called Kaytees Healthy Toppings, in a Papaya flavor. They are meant for small animals. It said so on the bag. I'm pretty observant.

I never had papaya before, and I heard it was some sort of tropical fruit. I've never been to the tropics, so I figured these delightful, colorful cubes of dried out papaya would be rather good, exotic even.

Unfortunately the moment I sank my teeth into these horrendous colorful bites, I was shocked at how repulsive they were.

I figured I would try another color, maybe it would offer something a little different. I bit a red one, and it was the same. Nasty, nasty. Hated it!

I have left the nasty sugar coated pieces of dried out papaya in my sack dish for a few days, I have no touched another morsel since, and I even cleaned up the pieces on my floor to make it clear to my owner that I have no been touching them.

She finally caught on and cleaned out my snack bowl today. Thank god, the stench was starting to fill up my home, and I like keeping my place in tidy condition.

So there is your warning folks, I, Mr. Bubbles, the field mouse who now has a house, cannot stand them. I have a liking for a variety of things, but these papaya pebbles just ain't one of em!

At any rate, I'm waiting to see what she replaces these nasty Kaytee Healthy Toppings with. I hope it's Hershey Kisses.

Review: Ecotrition Donut Dunks; For Hamsters, Rats, Gerbils and Mice

It's me again, Mr. Bubbles, the field mouse who was caught in a humans basement this past summer. Instead of killing me, she decided to provide me shelter. I'm a happy mouse, but once in awhile my owner will buy me some really horrendous treats. Last week she fed me some disgusting papaya flavored dried flecks of fruit.

When I refused to touch them she was nice enough to go back out and try again. This time she delivered a very interesting treat that looked like a sugar glazed donut, with flecks of what appeared to be fruity pebbles! Even through the package this donut looked delicious.

Once I got a close look I realized she was about to give me Ecotrition Donut Dunks; For Hamsters, Rats, Gerbils and Mice.

It was rather insulting, seeing that I am no regular stinkin mouse. I am, after all a refined field mouse. Don't forget it!

Anyhow, she plopped this strange donut down in my food dish, and I was shocked that she let me have the entire thing. I mean there is literately enough for an entire family of 'refined field mice'.

I could smell the sweet sweet fragrance though my burrowing tube. Usually I only leave the comfort of my bed to eat at night. I'm quite selective about my eating, and my eating habits. I do not like people watching me eat, especially humans!

The sweet fragrance of fruit and sugar though called to me like Fruit Loops call to Toucan Sam. I had to try it, and I had to try it now.

I slowly scurried out of my bed, and made my way over to this large delicious donut. I sunk my teeth in, and yanked off a good fruity chunk of it. My world, it was pure fruity deliciousness!

I have had the delicious Ecotrition Donut Dunksin my bowl for nearly a week now. I managed to rip the entire thing apart into bite sized chunks so that way when I am feeling like a snack, I can quickly run up to my bowl, grab a piece and run back in to bed. I don't want anyone to know I am greedy, or that I eat in bed.

Overall I think Ecotrition Donut Dunks is a must have, and for any of you humans out there who have a furry little friend like myself, I suggest you treat them to one as well.

The delectable donut only come to around $3.50 each, and they will last for a really long time, so what are you waiting for!? Go get them!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

How To Make Your Own Long Arm Sand Scoop For Metal Detecting- Save Yourself Hundreds Of Dollars

Metal detecting can be an expensive hobby. You have to weigh in the cost of the detector itself, and then the cost of tools you will need in order to really make the most of your hobby.

I am new to the hobby, and was told by another metal detecting enthusiast that using my hand held sand scoop was too time consuming, and energy draining. He recommended a long arm sand scoop, or water scoop, this way I would not have to bend down to dig every time I got a hit.

I thought about it, and figured he was right. After checking out the price of long arm sand scoops though, I was more than disgusted. The detector itself was $600, so there was no way I was looking to spend another $150, on a long arm sand scoop.

Granted I could buy a mesh scoop for less, I hear that you cannot use your foot to dig if the basket was mesh.

I already had a really decent hand held sand scoop, so I decided to improvise.

Why not just add a frigging long arm attachment to the hand held scoop? Yeah, exactly! Why not!?

Well that was exactly what I did, and can you believe I put together my $35.00 rig and it was a lot easier than I thought it would be.

Step 1:

First you will need a hand held sand scoop. Some people make their own, but frankly, the scoop is only $10.00, so why bother with drilling holes in metal, when you can buy a hand held basket for $10.00, and save yourself a ton of time drilling holes in metal.

You can purchase any scoop here at this website. Just be sure to not buy the mesh ones. The Treasure Sand Scoop model that sells for $16.95 is most similar to the one I used. The RTG Pro Hand Scoop is another model that you may want to consider.

After you have chosen your sand scoop, you will now need 2 U-Bolts, and 2 Metal Cable Ties, and of course a painters extension pole.

I bought the one you see in my photos at Home Depot for $25.00. It is neat because it allows me to adjust how long I want the pole. The 4 foot extender is more than enough.

Step 2:

Place your pole on the outside of the sand scoops back area. And place your U-Bolt around the pole, and through 2 of the sand scoops holes. Now tighten the bolts as tight as you can.

Place the next U-Bolt a little bit below the first one for a nice tight solid grip.

Step 3:

Next take your cable wire and run it through a hole in the sand scoop, and around the pole. If you have a long cable tie, wrap it around twice for a really strong hold.

Repeat with the other cable tie.


A long arm sand scoop for metal detecting that is durable, and cheap. Pat yourself on the back, you just saved yourself over $120, and it will work just as good as a high end model would. I have used mine in the water, and on the sand with absolutely no issues whatsoever.

-Article is mine, and originally published on AC. No Use of Article unless you link it to the original owner at this site.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Review: Super Pet, Sleep-N-Bedroom Set For Hamsters and Other Small Pet Rodents

This week I bought my little field mouse whom I caught in my bedroom this past summer. This small female mouse was making my room her home, and it was actually really annoying. However one night, she fell into my garbage pail, and I was able to capture her.

I'm not a cruel person, instead of killing her, I made her my pet. Call me disgusting if you will, but I love her big pop out eyes, and I think she is simply adorable.

This weekend I bought her the Super Pet Sleep-N-Bedroom Set, which include a plastic bed, a plastic lamp that is attached to a donut shaped bowl which can be used to put in food or water, and the set came with a small vanity table, with a mirror attached to it.

I know it's stupid, but it really makes her tank look more like a home, and not a prison. Haha!

It's cute, it's durable, and it provides a nice slumber for her to sleep in. I recommend it, simply because I love it, and my mouse uses the items in the set. She slumbers in the bed at night, which she placed bedding in.

Her plastic abode may not be the coolest abode, but it's cool for a mouse who in turn would become owl food, or mouse trap meat. It's a winner in my book.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Twilight: A Book Review

_Originally posted by me on Associated Content
Have you ever read a book where words were so very powerful, that they were able to intertwine you within a story so perfectly, that you imagined the words were stitched together and spoken just for you?

When the entire hype on the hot movie Twilight hit the media, I was more than welcome to ignore the sensation. In fact I never thought I would be able to relate to such a fanatic state of mind. I never liked following the crowd, nor did I ever want to like something just because 'everyone else did'.

However 5 days ago I picked up a copy of the book Twilight. It was on sale for $8.00, so I figured I would at least give it a try. Honestly had something else appealed to me on the shelf, I likely would have left the book right where it was, allowing some other fan crazed person to pick it up.

So 5 days later, and I became so consumed with the story, that I managed to finish every book in the saga from start to finish, not missing a beat...but wishing I had no pulse once I became consumed with Edward Cullen.

You see, unlike the masses, I skipped the movie, and created this story with the characters that my mind created. Oddly enough their physical appearances nearly matched those in the book, to those in the movie.

So what it is about? What is the big deal? What managed to create goosebumps on the hearts of everyone who dared pick up this incredible fiery book that made them go insane, inside and out?

Isabella Swan recently moved in with her father in a small and peaceful town called Forks. She at first hates the change, but seeing that her mother was recently married, she felt the change would be good, for not only her mother's new life, but for hers as well.

Immediately Isabelle aka Bella, becomes a very popular girl. Every guy wants her, and girls swarm to her. Bella however does not see it this way, considering she came from a school where she was nearly invisible. The welcome committee is warm, but at the same time unfamiliar to her.

Her very first day of school she sees a young man who immediately she is drawn to. His name is Edward, and Bella learns that she shares a class with him early on. He however seems to hate her, repulsed by her even.

Little to her knowledge, Edward has good reasonings to keeping his see, to him, Bella would make the perfect meal.

As delicious as her scent is though, Edward finds that he is more fascinated with keeping her alive, than he is with tasting her blood.

Slowly the romance begins between this mortal, and immortal. The love is deep, it is frustrating, and it is powerful all rolled in to one.

Without ruining the story, or how it unfolds, do know that if you pick this book up, you will be hooked from the moment you pick it up. I never would have imagined I would be so drawn to it. I have read many, many books in my time, with many different subjects, but no book has ever been as warm and intense as Twilight. I was not reading the emotions that were being spoken of in this book, I was feeling them, feeding on them, and wanting more with each turn of the page.