Friday, November 30, 2012

Review: Febreze's, Air Effects, Sugar & Spice Room Spray

This past month local super centers have been flooding their shelves with all new scents for the home, and with the fall season quickly approaching, it was not shocking to find the scents of the season on shelves this early.

Over the course of the past few weeks I managed to scoop up any and every fall related scent I could find. My most recent pick was Febreze's, Air Effects, Sugar & Spice Room Spray. At first glance I thought that this can of spray belonged to their newer Special Edition collection as it features an amber colored can with swirls of dark browns that looked like a wood texture, similar to their Sandalwood & Soothe can,Sugar & Spice however is not part of the special edition scents; it is however a Limited Edition.

The Scent:

The name Sugar & Spice had me thinking that the scent would feature vanilla and a hint of cinnamon. I was not even sure I would like it, but after testing the scent in the store, I made up my mind that I would not be leaving without it.

For me, Sugar & Spice had no high sweet notes of anything sugary or powdery, but it was definitely a scent that I would relate to the fall season, as the scent was fully loaded with delicious nose tickling spices. The first initial scent you get from it is a vague cinnamon, but there are other nice spices in the mix that remind me of a fall harvest. I detected dead leaves and a fresh hint of squash.

All in all, the scent captures the essence of a crisp cool autumn day perfectly. I was hooked.

The Last:

Most Air Effects, and other room sprays do not last very long. They are meant for a quick pick me up, and Sugar & Spice does that with just a quick squeeze of the nozzle. Overall though, you get about 15 minutes of detectable spicy scent till it fizzles out.


Febreze Air Effects Sugar & Spice Room Spray is a lovely scent, and if you are a huge fan of fall seasonal fragrances, than this one surely will not disappoint.

This scent is a limited edition, so if you do happen to come across it, do not leave it behind!

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