Wednesday, July 30, 2014

20 Q: I Can Read Your Mind - Toy Review

My sister always gets me neat gifts every Christmas, and last year was no exception. Under the tree sat a small package with my name on it. I wondered what on earth she had dug up in the clearance bin this year. Some weird glow in the dark paint, a funny bumper sticker magnet....
Nope it was 20Q, a game in which I had never seen or heard of up until that Christmas morning. It looked dumb, yet when I read that this small round ball would read my mind I was enticed to see just how good it was.
The rules of the game are simple, I simply think of something; anything. It can be food, an animal, an object. Whatever I could think of.
Next it asks you 20 questions. In order for the game to work correctly you have to answer these 20 questions completely 100% honest. Otherwise you're just a dirty rotten cheater.
On a small screen on the ball you answer yes, no, sometimes, or unknown. Once you answer all 20 questions you will be amazed at the balls answer.
I was pretty impressed that 20Q managed to get 90% of all of my 'items' right by just asking me 20 questions.
If you do manage to stump 20Q the ball will ask you 3 more questions. Odds are that these 3 questions will give the ball the answer it needs, and again the 20Q will win. However when you do stump the ball, it will give up in defeat and say 'You win', then the ball will ask you if you want to play again. If you do hit the yes button. If not hit no. 20Q will turn off though by itself if it is left alone for a minute or so. This way batteries are saved for those forgetful folks who were too lazy to turn it off.
Although the 20Q seemed lame at first, I was hooked to it, and ended up playing with it for almost an hour afterward. Everyone else in the room also wanted a go with 20Q, and sure enough the ball got the answer correct every single time.
20Q fits in the palm of your hand, and although the orb does not talk, it does make sounds which you can adjust in volume from low to high...or off. You can also adjust how fast the ball asks questions. You can have the question scroll slowly on the screen, or fast if you read faster.
Pricing and availability:
At that time 20Q was going for around $14.99, however I have seen the hand held 20Q for $7.99 or less. They also have 20Q games where the whole family can get involved. You can find them at any local super store, toy store, or gadget store.
20Q is a really neat gift to give and to receive. Even though it looks pretty lame at first, once you turn it on you will be hooked. Anyone receiving 20Q will appreciate it, and know that you had no idea what else to get them.
20Q comes in many different colors, and you can find them in red, black, green, yellow, and more. They all do the same thing though, so color preferences are pretty lame....unless you're a kid, and you have to have blue. Hehe.
20Q is recommended for kids ages 8 and up. I recommend it to kids and ADULTS, thank you very much.

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