Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Pee Chain - Toy Review

Everyone I know has had a one time obsession with key chains. My older sister had a collection of key chains that weighed almost 5 pounds or more. She would tote around this long hanging ridiculous hunk of metal everywhere she went, and to be honest I am surprised her actual 'key' didn't break when she put it into the ignition. One key holding all that weight! Haha! Either way though, she had a gnarly collection, and because she was my older sister, I too had to follow her example by starting my own idiotic collection of idiotic key chains.
As I grew older though, the key chain collecting obsession dwindled down to almost nothing. On my key chain now I have about 2 cute key chains, and one bizarre one, compliments of a groovy cousin who bought me the pee chain.
On Christmas she wrapped up a small item and taped it to the top of my actual gift. I thought it was a little piece of jeweler in a box. What I opened though was a key chain. It was not packaged, and I wondered why she bought it.
I picked up the small little boy plastic key chain, and took a close look. It turned out he had a penis, and a very small set of balls. I laughed. She then told me he pees. She brought him into the kitchen, filled a cup with water and submerged him into the water while she squeezed his head. His head filled with water, and she took him at and squeezed him. He did pee alright. A small stream of water came rushing out as she wet my shirt.
It was funny, but really, would I fill this thing up on a constant and actually use him? Odds were no.
I left the water in his head and attached him to my hey ring. The next morning I found that he leaks from his neck, and his weenie. So really if you do not use all of his water right away, he's just going to end up pissing all over the place (leaking). The key chain does not use much water, and really when you fill him you only get about a squirt and a half until his head chamber is completely drained.
Overall, I feel like the pee chain was a waste of money. He did make for a cute one time laugh, but other than that the pee chain is sort of lame. The boy is not even cute, and he is poorly put together, with a glued down neck, and misshaped winkie. He has hair painted only on the front of his head, and is bald in the back. Really it is hard to tell if he is a little boy, or some sort of odd animal. To me he looks like curious George.
I didn't keep they key chain on my ring for long, and with time he eventually landed him a place in nowhere in I have no idea where the hell it is now.
If you still think you want a pee chain you can purchase one at your local Spencer's. This is where I saw them selling last for around $1.99. You may also purchase pee chains online at for only $1.99 as well.
The pee chain honestly is only worth a quarter. For photos visit

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