Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Review of Candy Bubbles: In Strawberry or Grape Flavors

I have always loved bubbles, I'm a giant kid. I loved them since I was a kid, and I still love them. They are a cool liquid toy to fill the summer time skies with when you are bored.
I have a niece and nephew who always have bubbles in hand. Seeing how I'm always babysitting, or spending time with them, I too get down with the bubbles. We have contests to see who can blow the biggest bubble, who can blow out the most, and so on.
My niece though at times thought it was fun to swallow them up. After catching them and making the infamous 'yuck' face, we would always laugh and tell her not to eat bubbles...up until...we came across candy bubbles.
I found the candy bubbles in Toys R Us for $4.99, and had the option of strawberry flavored bubbles, or grape flavored ones. I had tried these candy bubbles before when they first hit the market back in the late 90's at FAO in NYC. My cousin and I bought the two same exact bottles for around $9.00 then. They were nasty tasting, but I knew my niece would enjoy them a hell of a lot more than the soap ones she so often would swallow up.
I bought both flavors, remembering grape was the best. I gave her grape, and my nephew strawberry.
The bubbles smell good, and are a bit thicker than usual bubbles, with a sick cloudy like color to them. Over time this cloudy clear color converts over to a yellow tinted color. I assume that is the corn syrup. The whole concept is pretty nasty, yet fun at the same time.
The bubbles come with a standard bubble wand, I dipped it in and began blowing them and catching them in my mouth, to show my nephew who wasn't buying the whole candy bubble concept; that it was in fact okay to eat them...just don't drink them. You may barf.
The kids had a good time catching them in their mouth, and when I handed the bubbles over to them and let them low and eat them on their own, I left the room, only to come back to catching my niece licking the wand. I knew licking the wand would perhaps make her sick to her stomach. She however seemed to be enjoying it, so I let it be. Besides if she barfed my sister would have to clean it up.
They managed to blow, eat, and lick the wands till both bottles were half empty. A lot of the bubble syrup ended up on their laps, but so long as they had fun while eating it too, I was cool with it.
The grape bubbles taste like chalky watered down grape drink. It's nothing spectacular, and to me... they tasted quite nasty; however the kids didn't seem to recognize that nasty chemically powdery after taste at all.
The strawberry flavored bubbles are the same. They taste like a splenda powdered strawberry drink.
You can find candy bubbles at any local toy store in the price range of $3-$5. They only come in grape and strawberry. However I have seen other companies creating bubble candy in pineapple flavors as well.
You bet yah! These candy bubbles are fun, taste okay, and keep kids occupied for quite some time. My niece, the wand licker didn't end up sick afterward, so all is good.

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