Thursday, July 31, 2014

My Teacher Ate My Homework: Movie Review

I have always enjoyed children's movies that involves camping, school, or friendship. These movies are geared more towards kids in the age groups of 7-12, and usually have a funny comical edge to them that I still enjoy. Not only are movies like this funny, but they always teach a lesson that is good for kids; no matter how odd the lesson is.
My Teacher Ate My Homework (1997) surrounds the school/home life of a young boy named Jesse Hackett. In the beginning of the movie Jesse is portrayed as a lazy kid who doesn't like to do his chores, or his homework. Mostly though his main downfall is not being able to be to school on time, and every time he is late his teacher Mrs. Fink who is played by Shelley Duvall (Popeye/The Shining), always rides on him about not being on time. Jesse hates her because he feels she is always picking on him and no one else.
One day while out shopping with his friend he finds an odd looking doll that he thinks looks like Mrs. Fink. However the store shop owner is adamant about the doll not being for sale. Suddenly out of nowhere though the old clerk changes his mind, and tells Jesse that it's his now, that the doll choose him and he can take it for free. Jesse not thinking anything of it, brings the doll home with him.
It does not take long for Jesse to figure out that there is something odd with the doll, as he is playing with it and pretending it is Mrs. Fink, he accidentally bends the dolls arm back.
The next day in school Mrs. Fink is in an arm brace. As time goes on he realized the doll is actually a voodoo doll of Mrs. Fink, and that whatever happens to the doll happens to her. Instead of wanting to bring harm to his teacher he once hated, he now is trying to protect it from getting hurt. However as fast as his mind changes about Mrs. Fink, so does the doll. Suddenly it begins speaking, and even fighting to take over the body of Mrs. Fink.
Jesse must now turn to his best friends sister who practices magic to try and figure out a way to stop the doll from taking over Mrs. Fink.
Does he ever stop the doll? How does he do it? Does the doll eventually take Mrs. Fink's body?
I will leave that up to you on whether or not you watch it to obtain the answers.
My feelings on My Teacher Ate My Homework:
It was pretty neat, and suitable for children in all aspects. There is no cursing, light violence (if you consider a doll punching a teacher violence?), and some light blood. However nothing is so brutal as to where kids will have nightmares, and my age group remains 7-12.
It is an all around family fun movie, and teaches children an odd lesson about hating their teachers.
I would recommend a rent, or even a purchase. It's funny, has some harmless spooky moments for children, and has some decent actors in it.
In my opinion it is an extremely low key Chucky movie.
Run time is 1 hour and 31 minutes.

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