Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Hanging Harry Light Pull: Halloween Decoration Review

I'm always seeking out the odd and bizarre when it comes to home decor. I like to think outside of the box and buy things that you wouldn't find in your average Betty's home.
Halloween is my favorite holiday, pink is a nice color for hair, and chains make an excellent addition to clothing. I like the paranormal, I believe in ghosts, mermaids, and loch ness monsters... my room as of now is like an open book into my life. Its abnormal, yet comfortable, and very imaginative.
I enjoy odd lighting fixtures, and when I came across a lighting item that definitely thought outside of the box, I had to have it. Hanging Harry Light Pull was discovered by yours truly at for about $15 American dollars. This is a UK based website; however I could not find Hanging Harry anywhere else, so I was left with no choice but to buy him directly from the site. I could have bought him off of ebay for less, but I never buy anything for less than $20.00 there due to ebays policy on the amount of lost money.. blah, blah...
What is a Hanging Harry Light Pull?
Basically Hanging Harry is just as stated. Harry comes with 2mm of white rope, you simply find a hanging light in your home and tie Harry to it. You have to have noose tying skills in order for Hanging Harry to look his best.
Harry is a blue rubber doll with two large X's for eyes. Basically he is a dead blue stiff. He has no real neat looking details to him, but I figured he would make an awesome Halloween prop for our basement hanging light bulb.
He does not do anything cool, he does not speak, he does nada, zilch, nothing... but he sure as hell looks as cool as a cucumber, and raises a lot of eyebrows during a party or when you have guests over.
Hanging Harry Light Pull is made from silicone rubber, and will last for years and years and years. His rope though, may need replacing.
Why Hanging Harry and not just a regular old Barbie doll?
Well honestly for the price Hanging Harry goes for, I didn't think of that until after the fact. Although he is cool, you could get the same cool look with a hanging Barbie doll or G.I. Joe.
Is he worth the money?
Well after reading about Hanging Barbie...what do you think? My answer is no. Until Hanging Harry drops in price I recommend just hanging a doll up on your own.
If you really, really want a hanging blue rubber guy then go ahead and buy Hanging Harry, he is up for grabs on the site I mentioned earlier.

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