Thursday, July 31, 2014

Review of Hagen Crabworx Hammock

I love my hermits, they are probably the easiest pet I have ever owned. They don't make loud noise, they don't beg for things, and if they don't want to be bothered, they simply hide in their shells.
Lately though I have been noticing that Mister Crabs shell was getting a bit tight. He was practically hanging out of his shell, and the empty shells I had available were far too small for him. So my quest was to drive on up to Petco and see if they had larger shells to accommodate my growing Mister Crabs.
While in the store though I ran into quite a few things that seemed necessary. You see, when the crabs are good, I spoil them. To be honest they are always good, so while buying a few new larger shells I figured I would buy a little something to amp up their party scene. (There home).
I bought a few things that I knew they would like, and one thing that I bought because I thought it was adorable. The Hagen Crabworx Hammock. You see I knew the crabs could do without it, but I have this gnarly little Terrarium going on for them, which includes waterfalls, pyramids, vines, and much, much more. There I times I wish I could shrink down and take a stroll through their jungle paradise.
When I spotted the hammock I knew it would go perfectly on the sand where I have created a beach like atmosphere for them. The hammock is tied to 2 coconut trees, and measures 6.5" L x 3.25" W x 5" H. Below the hammock is a fake scenery of the beach. On this small island beach lies some starfish and shells. I knew though that this part would have to be slightly buried in order to hold it in place while the crabs went climbing.
I knew my crabs would not lay in it and have fun, but I did know that if I added the new larger shells, that Mister Crabs would most likely crawl on up to check out the new available real estate.
I placed the hammock on the beach and buried it under some sand so they didn't knock it over while climbing. I then added a few rocks around it for more stability. You would be surprised at how much pull such a little crab has got.
I sat and watched the crabs make their way around the newest additions. I knew it would be a waste of time waiting for the crabs to climb into the new hammock, so I left them alone.
The next day Mister Crabs was actually in the small netting making a fuss. I figured he was choosing a new shell, so it would be best to leave him be. A few hours later I came back to see how things went, and it turned out he had chosen a new home. Yippie! I put in a few smaller shells for the other little guy in the tank. He is not ready for a shell yet, but they are up there for them when they need them.
I see my guys up in the hammock every now and then. They seem to enjoy it, and it is sturdy enough to support their weight.
They like it, I like it, everybody is happy!
This piece would look best in tanks where there is a beach or pirate beach theme going on. My larger tank is a bunch of themes, from pirate ships to pyramids, jungles and waterfalls. This piece does not clash with my theme, and looks great.
You can purchase this one right now at for $11.69. It is much cheaper than the one I paid for in the store which at the time was somewhere around $14.00

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