Thursday, July 31, 2014

Review of Three Dog Bakery: Itty Bitty Beagle Bagels Available at Petco

Our dog Bully is not a Beagle, but his breed does begin with the letter B. Bully the Bull Terrier. This guy can eat anything, I mean anything, and seriously if you let him out of your site for just a few minutes he will turn whatever is on the floor into a meal. However we all know, as dog owners, that electrical wires don't necessarily make the best treat, nor the safest.
Seeing how Bully helped himself to an entire box of treats because we had left it on a low counter, he was banned from treats for awhile. Yep, he gets punished. Without treats though, getting him to do his normal, sit and stay tricks were becoming impossible. The dog is smart, the dog rebelled, and he knew that if we wanted him to sit, he better damn well get rewarded for doing so.
When I came across Itty Bitty Beagle Bagels I bought them only because they were adorable. Usually bully gets standard treats like jerky, or bones, but because mommy thought they were cute, he was about to receive an extra special treat.
What made them so attractive was the not only the packaging, but the fact that they resembled real life human bagels...only they were for dogs.
Itty Bitty Beagle Bagels are also made with all natural ingredients, and they are baked, so it not only was a cute treat to give Bully, but it was also a healthy one. Not to mention peanut butter flavored. Not that I care what flavor they are, it's not like I'm eating them, but I am sure Bully would appreciate the extra flair of flavor.
The bag box comes filled with 14 ounces of bagels, and in my opinion it looked as if there were around 30-35 bagel treats within the box.
When we got home and opened the box, we were not shocked by the hard texture. They were meant to look cute like bagels, but they certainly did not have that moisturizing texture to them too much. This is a good though, because if they were filled with moisture, they would have gone moldy before the dog could have eaten them all. (Unless he helped himself again).
I first called my little guy Bubba over to see if he would be at all interested, the bagels smelled like roasted peanut butter, so I figured he may like them. When I handed him the bagel, he gladly took it into his bed, and dropped it there as he walked away. The dog has this weird hoarding behavior where he will hide his food under stuffed animals and go back to them later if no one else swipes it. Usually though, Bully sniffs it out within a few minutes.
We then called Bully over to give him his treat he waddled over in glee. He heard the rustling of the box and knew that whatever was in it was for him. We did not even have to tell him to sit, he sat down and waited for us to toss him one. I don't even think he chewed it, it looked more like he had caught it in the air and swallowed it down in one huge gulp. He got up and paced around the kitchen frantically looking for a possible crumb that he may have missed. Of course, he sniffed out the one Bubba had left in his bed and swallowed that one nearly immediately.
Ah, so we knew Bully liked them, but we knew he would like them before he even tried them. Like I said this dog thinks socks are good hearty meals, so when giving him the bagels, we knew he'd scarf it right down like it was steak.
My moms little dogs would not touch the bagels, so it was official, the Three Dog Bakery, Itty Bitty Beagle Bagels make delicious treats for big greedy dogs, but smaller breeds such as yorkies will not even give it a chance.
I probably would buy these treats again solely for Bully only if they were to go on sale. I spent $6.00 on the box only because I thought they looked cute, but in all reality Bully seems just as happy as he would when he get $1.99 treats. Basically I bought them because they seemed like a cute novelty. The price though is way too high for me to want to purchase them again. Now if my little guy liked them, it would be a different story. He is picky, and finding a treat he actually likes does not come easy, so when I do find one he likes I tend to buy it time and time again.
Wheat Flour, Peanut Butter, Canola Oil, Dried Whole Egg, Peanuts, Peanut Flour, Rosemary Extract
I bought Three Dog Bakery Itty Bitty Beagle Bagels at my local pet store. However I believe they may also be available for puchase at Petco.

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