Thursday, July 31, 2014

Review of Women's Sauna Suit by Everlast

Sauna suits are used during extreme sports such as wrestling, boxing, ad boxing training. I'm no boxer, nor am I a wrestler. I do however enjoy putting on my sauna suit and practice beating the punching bag we have out in the garage. I will tell you why in the following paragraphs.
The sauna suit causes you to sweat excessively, however while you are losing water weight, you are also removing toxins from the body. It is important to keep yourself hydrated while wearing a sauna suit though. So while working out with one, be sure to have bottled water with you at all times.
There are a lot of sauna suits available on the market right now, and to be honest I'm no sauna suit pro when it comes to choosing the best one. Most suits are made of rubberized vinyl that will not tear or rip, so when buying one make sure it is made of this material. I chose the one tat looked best, and looked durable. I chose the sauna suit by Everlast.
I planned on using it for when I ran on the treadmill, and for when I decided to beat at the bag. The suit resembled something Marvin the Martian would wear. I knew I would feel slightly stupid wearing this metallic silver suit while working out, but heck, I was looking to loose weight, and I would have worn something worse if it promised weight loss.
It was easy getting into the suit, and one size fits most, even though it claims one size fits all. This is far from the case, and I'm shocked companies still claim it will fit all. It fit my body fine, however I could clearly see that larger women may have difficulties trying to squeeze in.
Immediately I felt hot; crap I even think I broke a sweat before I began my work out. Ewwie!
I was seriously on the treadmill no longer than 5 minutes and I felt soaked. Sweat was pouring from areas I had never sweat from before, and it didn't take long to feel totally disgusting, hot, sticky and smelly. Hehehe. But the sweat just poured out, I mean in bucket loads. I made sure I was taking large chugs from my water bottle every other minute, because I felt like I would pass out.
After about 10 minutes of working out, I could not wait to get out of the suit and wash off.
The suit had to be rinsed with soap and water afterward, because there was no way I would step back into that thing without cleaning it first. After washing off I got my butt on the scale and was amazed that I had seriously dropped 2 pounds in only 10 minutes. I knew most of it was water weight, but watching numbers decline so quickly really got me interested in working out with the suit more and more.
Aside from diet and exercise, and my sauna suit I have lost a grand total of nearly 20 pounds since I began dieting and exercising. I am sure the dieting/exercising has a lot more to do with the weight loss than the suit does, but hot damn it helps boost your confidence, and ego every time you drop pounds after using it.
Wearing this suit while doing just small minor things will also cause you to loose water weight and toxins in the body. Put this on while gardening, and watch water pour off. It may be a bit embarrassing to be gardening while the neighbors watch you in your space suit, but to hell with them.
This suit is available at almost every sporting goods store I have been in. However while browsing online I found it up for grabs at for only $12.95. This is a pretty good deal seeing how I bought mine for $19.99 in stores.
It truly is worth a buy if you have just started a diet, or you just got into an exercise routine. It helps shed pounds, and best of all, it releases toxins from the body! Dude! Get one!

1 comment:

  1. I tried so many diets! Probably tried them all and none worked. Some did work but then I 'd gain my weight back and even get fatter than before. Most diets require you to give up on everything and you can't possibly go on week after week hungry. I also tried silly workout machines but it didn't work but after I've read this information's, it inspire me to to some fitness plans, thank you . please do some feedbacks


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