Thursday, July 31, 2014

V8 Fusion: It May Be Good for Me, but God it Tastes so Freaking Bad!

There are tons of things that are good for us, vegetables, fruits, and more. However not all of them taste good, and for some of us, we have a hard time just swallowing them. Me... I hate spinach. I can't eat it, I can't even stand to smell the green globs of poo. Yet, it's good for me. I can be like Popeye! Ark, ark, arrk! Whoa! For me, if I can't swallow it down, whats the point of it? Yeah it may be healthy and all, but what good is actually eating it, if I'm just going to puke it up minutes later? There really is no good if you ask me. Maybe it's good for everyone else; yeah let them get the runs from eating that crap.
I've been on a diet though for quite some time now, and as the weight comes off, I feel that even though I am eating diet foods, I need to also be intaking healthy foods along with it. As my food habits changed, and I began to chew on steamed broccoli, I realized that what I was drinking was not the greatest alternative. Juice. Juice; although some may be good/healthy for you, most of them are pumped with high fructose corn syrup. Why, I may as well just have some pop man.
While browsing the juice isle my boyfriend and I were shocked at how many carbohydrates and sugars the damn things had. Gez, drinking Welch's is actually a bad thing when it comes to dieting! Dammit! I love how that juicy, juicy goodness makes me tongue water as it slaps down tat juicy grape goodness....
Ehhh... anyways...
We came across a section of new juices from V8. V8 Fusion to be exact. The new juices were on sale for 2 for $5.00. How could we not give it a try. According to the bottle of Light Peach Mango (which is the lower calorie version of the regular (fatso's) Peach Mango juice) we would be getting a full serving of fruits and vegetables with each glass we slurped down. Gee just thinking of eating a full serving of fruits and veggies in one glass made me for some reason feel like a cow. I certainly don't sit down and eat a full serving of anything when I'm on a diet. Why start now? Oh yeah, because it's like healthy and stuff, V8 says so anyway.
However the LIGHT version of the juices only provided 1/4 cup of vegetables and 1/4 cup of fruit. This didn't sound as greedy, so it was all good. With the regular version of the drink I could actually see myself getting fatter. No good.
Not only that V8 fusion is 100% O'Natural! Which means they don't add any of that fake stuff... whatever that fake stuff is. Hmm... so I am already feeling good about these juices. So we took one home in Peach Mango, and one home in Strawberry Banana. These were the only flavors available in the LIGHT formula. Honestly I would rather of taken a different flavor home, but my choices were limited to 2. Bah!
At home I poured myself a glass of Peach Mango first. I just wanted to test it.
And... ewww. nasty, feet, cheese, horrible, gagging.
My God, how dare they sell me this crap in a bottle?! Peach Mango tasted just like old sweaty gym socks, with dirt, and something fishy. Yep fishy! That was it! Healthy or not, it tasted toxic.
I decided to try again though. This time I shook the bottle up in a piranha like frenzy. However it was the same; the same nasty dirty, fishy flavor. There was no way I could stomach an entire 8 ounce cup of this. No way.
I then moved on to Strawberry Banana. I gave it a shake, a rattle, and a roll, then poured myself a glass. The juice was a deep maroon color, it slid from the bottle in a creamy, slimy manner. Just watching the way it poured from the bottle into my glass was enough to make me vomit. However, maybe it was good? Maybe?
I sipped it slowly, and the slimy texture was it! Uch! It tasted mostly of strawberry, with a hint of banana, and something else... yep, jelly fish. What the hell?! What was with this fishy like after taste?!
I couldn't drink anymore, I began wondering if they were using actual jelly fish in the ingredients to give it that slimy like texture. That thick, nasty... Just ew! A big giant ewwwwwwww!
The 2 bottles are still sitting in the fridge. No one will touch them. Yet we keep them in their, because you know... we're like healthy people like that. Hahaha!
It is my opinion that you totally avoid these slime fish juices. They come in other flavors, but in all honesty they are probably going to be just as fishy.
Nutritional Value Taken from Peach Mango Bottle on
Calories 50
Total Fat 0 g
Sat. Fat 0 g
Cholesterol 0 mg
Sodium 40 mg
Potassium 160 mg
Total Carb. 13 g
Dietary Fiber 0 g
Sugars 10 g
Protein 0 g
%Daily Values**
Vitamin A 35%
Vitamin C 100%
Vitamin E 10%
Calcium 2%
Iron 0%

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