Thursday, July 31, 2014

Pet Halloween Costume Review: Pumpkin Pet Costume for Dogs

Halloween is not a holiday just dedicated to kids and candy give outs, Halloween can be celebrated by everyone, and anyone; (so long as their religion permits), even the dogs.
Every year my sister comes over early in the afternoon and we go out trick-or-treating with her kids around the block. Of course seeing how I am not a mommy yet, I treat my little yorkie as if he is my baby. He loved being with me, everywhere mommy goes, Bubba must follow. My shadow, my friend, my little fuzzy baby. Halloween of course is no exception, he too comes out by my side dressed up and ready to collect candy...for mommy of course. Hee-hehe!
Last year I bought him more than one costume only because I couldn't make up my mind on which costume he would wear on Halloween. You see buying more than one costume is okay in my house, because he wears many different Halloween costumes throughout the month of October. It puts him in that festive mood, (or so I like to think so).
The costume he paraded around the neighborhood in last year was the Pumpkin Pet Costume that I picked up in a size XS for only $10.00. The costume is a thick puffy pumpkin suit, with an adorable stem hat. I knew while buying it that Bubba was not going to enjoy wearing the hat. He will wear shoes, he will wear coats and pants, but he does not like having a hat on.
I bought the costume anyway, because even without the hat on, he would look adorable, and his black fur would really make him stand out.
I put the costume on for Halloween, and everything fit perfectly. His arms did not end up falling out of the holes, and he was able to walk comfortably. My dog however is used to wearing clothing, so buying this costume and putting it on your dog for the first time may not work out as well as you'd like. Halloween costumes for pets should only be put on dogs who have a history of wearing clothes. Other dogs may not walk or move once you place this pumpkin costume on them.
The pumpkin costume that Target offers this year is slightly different from the one they were selling last year. This years pumpkin costume is a lot thicker and bulky looking. The face on the pumpkin though is the same though, and I am sure the thicker material will keep your pet warmer, so really you can't loose.
As usual Bubba was a Halloween hit. Although he didn't get much candy, he had a good time walking the block with us.
I recommend the pumpkin costume for your dog on Halloween, it makes for a neat, warm, and adorable look for your furry friend. The price is very fair, and the costume can be machine washed and used for years.
This costume is available at Target stores nation wide, and also on their official website at for $9.99. In stores you will find it in sizes from extra small to large. There is sure to be a size to fit your breed.

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