Thursday, July 31, 2014

Kleenex Lotion Facial Tissues - Product Review

When I get sick I go through boxes and boxes of tissues. In one week, with a cold I can easily go through 3 boxes. Let me tell yah tissues to some may be cheap, but when you use em' up like I do, the price adds up. Way up.
When I'm sitting there using over 300 tissues in one week my poor snout is bound for chaffing man. By the time day 2 comes along, my nose is red, sore, and chapped. Thanks a lot cheap tissues!
Browsing through the isles with a 100 degree temp I felt like a zombie, I looked like a zombie, although my nose couldn't detect scent, I knew I must have smelled like a zombie as well. People were making it a point to steer clear of me. Whatever! As if they have never been sick! My mission was to buy tissues, just a box or two, that was all.
I tried keeping my crusted eye lids open, and there they were; a box of tissues by Kleenex that came infused with actual lotion. This lotion supposedly would keep my nose from chaffing, burning, and feeling like it was going to fall off. The lotion which is infused with vitamin E and aloe would make blowing my nose a soft and pleasant experience. Oh yeah!
I bought 2 boxes for $3.98 each, made my way slowly to the car, and ripped open one of the boxes. I took out a tissue and I must say these suckers were soft. The softest damn tissues I have ever used. I brought it up to my nose, and Ppppppphhhhhhhhtttttttttttttt...... I blew. Nice. The tissue withstood my long blow horn, and I can say, it felt nice.
However my hands felt greasy. The lotion felt like they were still on them, and it was not a good feeling. They felt clammy, and buttery. Ech. This means on my nose a pile of greasy lotion rests. Perhaps though this greasy lotion would heal my chaffed sore nose though, so I didn't worry about it much. My hands however were nasty, and I hated the feeling.
I made my way home, and washed them off, and went back to bed. My box of new tissues right by my side. Throughout the day I used a total of about 30 tissues. The next morning I got up took a look in the mirror. My nose was still red, and it also had a few red friends. Zits! Zits on my frigging nose! It was obvious my face did not react well with the lotion tissues. I knew that greasy feeling crap would cause break outs, and I was foolish enough to give it the benefit of the doubt.
It sucked that things had to work out the way they did, because the Kleenex Lotion Tissues really felt nice on my nose. They were soft, and brought comfort to the snout. Oh well, I knew if I continued to use them I'd look worse than I already did. I didn't want to get well and have a face full of pimples.
If only Kleenex could make a tissue that was this soft; minus the greasy lotion. Now that would be a tissue my nose would be thankful for. Until then I will stick to the old school boxes, I just won't blow as hard. Sigh.
These lotion tissues can be found just about anywhere, Walmart, Target, super markets, super stores, and drug stores. The prices and sizes vary.
I would recommend them yes, but if you find yourself breaking out, I would not use them anymore. Test them out with a trial sized pack and see how your face reacts with them before buying a large box.

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