Thursday, July 31, 2014

Review of Azeal! Krypt Kiddies Series 1 Baby Doll!

Collecting Krypt Kiddies for me began about 3 years ago. I wanted each and every evil little abused baby doll. I wanted these dolls to grace my home each and every October, because they make for neat props around the house during Halloween time.
When I came across baby Azeal, I feel in love with him. I knew he would be the perfect newest addition to my Krypt Kiddie collection. I loved his expression, that is of pure anger, and the need for revenge. This evil baby doll looked as if he were ready to spring to life and begin strangling me!
I was attracted to this particular Krypt Kiddie only because he reminded me of one of them possessed children from Village of the Damned, and he had these eyes! These piercing eyes!
Azeal has a pale gray and blueish skin tone, with blond hair so blond that it looks almost white. His eyes are a piercing blue, with red bags on the lids.
He comes wearing a silky white overall type suit. He has no shirt underneath, making it easy to see the red veins that crawl around his sickly colored body and face.
Azeal's nails are sharp and painted black. His mouth is wide open displaying pearly white fangs on the top and bottom of his mouth. Keep in mind that these teeth are sharp and they could cut you if you horse around with the doll.
Like with any Krypt Kiddie, Azeal comes with his death certificate. This death certificate gives his day of death, how he died, and why he is doomed. It is always neat to find a Krypt Kiddie that may have died on your birthday.
Azeal also comes with a clear miniature plastic baby bottle filled with gooey blood; you know in case Azeal gets hungry.
I place Azeal on top of our fridge every year. He really makes for conversation when we have a Halloween party, either people love him or hate him. What makes him so unique though, is how his eyes seem to look as if they are following you no matter where you stand.
Seeing how his eyes are positioned to look as if he is looking down, it is best to place him on a high counter so it looks as if he is peering down at everyone.
Azeal is from the series 1 collection of Krypt Kiddies, making him a little harder to find than most dolls. He however can be found on ebay for fair prices ranging from $40-$50. You may also get lucky and stumble upon him at a local Spencer's store for only $29.99.
Azeal and the rest of his Krypt Kiddie friends are not meant for children, and this is why you will not find them in any toy stores. These dolls are collectible dolls, and should be handled with care seeing how their prices increase in value each and every year. It is recommended to save their boxes. Krypt Kiddies also have sharp teeth and should not be given to children to play with.
I recommend this doll for Krypt Kiddie collectors, and for those looking for a really neat and unique Halloween prop for their home or party. Azeal is sure to get a reaction from anyone who lays eyes on him.

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