Thursday, July 31, 2014

Review of Devilynne! Krypt Kiddies Series 1 Doll

Hello Devilynne, my name is Melissa Lynn... I think we'd make a good team. Plus my dear Devilynne, I have some other Krypt Kiddie friends for you to play with at home. I think you will like them.
My, your nasty aren't you. Did you just give me the finger?
Yes! Muauahahahaha!!!!!
So Devilynne, thats a pretty sweet box you live in, but wouldn't you rather come out of that box and breath some fresh air?
Bah! Grrrooowwllll.
I take that as a yes?
Alright so Devilynne really doesn't talk, but upon stumbling upon this Krypt Kiddie baby, she had a look permanently etched on her face that seemed like she was about to scream, or laugh.
I wasn't exactly thrilled with her, as a matter of fact I only bought her because she was the only doll left in the Krypt Kiddies series 1 that I didn't have. I needed o complete my collection, and Devilynne was the last on my list.
It wasn't that I thought she was ugly (because the fact of the matter is all of these dolls are pretty dang ugly), it was her hair. It was flaming red, Ronald McDonald red, and her tealish blue skin really allowed that mop of nappy hair to stick out like a sore thumb.
Her eyes were red, and matched her hair, her dress though is a softer velor like maroon colored pile of puke that didn't match anything about her at all. I would have perhaps liked her more if she was dressed in red. Basically she just looked like a poor miss matched mess, and thats sort of what kept me from purchasing her.
Like all Krypt Kiddies Devilynne came with a death certificate that explained how she died, when she died, and why she is doomed to be a Krypt Kiddie. She also comes with a plastic baby bottle filled with fake blood.
Her teal colored face is covered with dark purple scars that look more like veins than they do anything else. Her lips are painted a pale pink, while her sharp nails are painted black. Her mouth is left gaping open to display all of her little sharp teeth. Keep in mind that her teeth really are sharp, and if you mess around with them she may bite (not really), but you could cut yourself.
On top of her head 2 long horns come growing out, however instead of facing upwards, her horns sort of drape down to the sides of her face. Another addition that made this particular doll look stupid.
I do recommend the Devilynne Krypt Kiddie even though she's not my personal favorite. 3 years ago when I bought her she was only about $30.00, but because she is part of a collection, her value has since increased to around $60.00 or more. With time her value will only increase, so you could consider her an investment baby if you were to leave her in her box.
You can purchase Devilynne on, or You may also still be able to find Krypt Kiddies series 1 dolls ar Spencer's for only about $30.00. Check there before ordering a doll online for higher prices.
To see more Krypt Kiddies visit the official site at
-Krypt Kiddies are not for children. They are collectible dolls for display purposes only. They also make excellent Halloween props for around the house. Put a Krypt Kiddie up on a coffee table or cabinet and you are sure to have people asking about the doll.

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