Thursday, July 31, 2014

Review of Colgate Children's 2 in 1 Toothpaste and Mouth Wash, Watermelon Flavored

I have said it time and time again, why on earth are kids the ones who get all of the cool stuff!? They get the cool toys, cool amusement parks, video games, and gadgets, and now they are also getting the cool toothpaste flavors! What gives?!
Okay I know that strawberry flavored toothpaste, or watermelon flavored toothpaste does not sound very appealing to most adults; but I however am part of a small group of adults who still want to live like a child. It's not that we missed out on ours, it's just that the toys and doo-dads kids have nowadays make us jealous. All we had when we were kids were dolls that looked like they were possessed, and wooden toys on pull strings. There was no yummy flavored toothpaste, and even when they were available it was a cold day in hell that our parents would spend the extra bucks just so we could go mmmm...
So when I saw Colgate's Children's toothpaste in watermelon flavor, I had to have it. This was something good ol' ma would never let me have as a kid. Watermelon is also one of my favorite flavors. Plus oh yeah, it's like good for you and what not. Colgate is calling it a 2 in 1, toothpaste and mouth wash. Oh cool! I was not impressed by that though, I was just drawn to the new flavor. I had seen bubble gum flavors when I was a kid, but never in my time have I seen a flavor as yumm-o-licious as watermelon.
I grabbed up the odd shaped toothpaste. It came in a green plastic stand up bottle shaped like, well, I don't really know. But if I use my inner child's imagination it looks like a giant's green tooth. On the cover of course Colgate's brand name is present, with a slice of Watermelon drawn in a cartoon like manner. The Watermelon is smiling big, as his teeth sparkle.
The tooth paste costs anywhere from $2.96 to $3.69 depending on where you buy it. I got mine at Target for $2.96.
Once home, this was the first thing I wanted to try. I grabbed my tooth brush, and popped open the watermelon toothpaste click up cap. I squeezed a bit of the toothpaste onto my brush. I was surprised by the pretty pink transparent color of the paste. I was also surprised at the watermelon scented greeting I got as I lifted the brush up to my teeth.
In my mouth it went, and yumma-yumma- it was fantastic. It tasted like melted down jolly rancher's with a hint of mint. It was certainly a brushing experience I had never had before.
I brushed for the required 2 minutes, and I then rinsed my mouth out with water. The watermelon flavor was left in my mouth, as well as a refreshing subtle mint flavor. Together it made for a nice combination, my teeth were clean, and my breath was watermint fresh. Come to think of it, watermint would have been a more suitable name for this paste.
The next morning I went to brush my teeth and was shocked by the flavor this early in the morning. Yesterday afternoon while using the paste I liked it, but waking up to this flavor in my mouth was actually quite nasty.
It all was clear now, this was made for a child for a reason. Kids perhaps would not mind this flavor being the first flavor to hit their palette in the morning, but for an adult, using this in the morning is perhaps a bit too much candy coating flavor.
I whipped out my usual Crest tooth paste and brushed with that instead. I find that Colgate Children's 2 in 1 Watermelon flavored toothpaste is excellent to use in the afternoon if you are an adult, but it is definitely not something you want to wake up to.
It's a great flavor for afternoon brushings, and it is also a flavor, kids, will love. For its low price it is worth a try for yourself, or for your kids.

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