Thursday, July 31, 2014

Why Rapala Tournament Fishing for the Nintendo Wii Sucks

The first game I wanted when I bought my Nintendo Wii was of course a fishing game. I imagined that my wii remote would become the rod, while my nun chuck attachment was the reel. The first fishing game available though was Rapala Tournament Fishing. The game itself cost $39.99 at the time, and me being new to the whole wii thing, I figured that a $39.99 game meant it was a good game. Who knew that when games are priced in this range that it sucks? I didn't, but now I do.
I figured I would share the reasons as to why Rapala Fishing is not even worth a rent.
1. The beginning start up screen makes the game look fantastic. I was drooling, and could not wait to start playing. However when the real fishing occurred, it looked absolutely nothing like the start up screen. It sucked.
2. Water fishing takes your view to underwater. However there is nothing beach, ocean, or lake like about it. The underwater environment looks murky at all times. No matter what the weather is. The underwater environment looks like a dead scarce moon surface. The seaweed, if you are lucky to spot any, looks all the same. A moss green colored stick shaped thing that hangs out of the sea bed. The seaweed does not move, and each piece is all the same size.
3. The camera angels flip out of control when you try to move your pole around.
4. The controls are all out of whack when you actually manage to catch a fish.
5. I'm catching the same two fish over and over again. It seems that there are only bass and some other type of rainbow fish. No matter what lake or sea I choose to fish from I'm catching them over and over again. The fish all have a different weight, so I guess that is supposed to be cool?
6. The idiotic mini game you must play right before you reel a fish on board. It's like some stupid Atari like mini game thrown in just to annoy you. If you mess this mini game up, the fish gets loose.
7. Casting the pole is all types of messed up. I can cast, and cast, and cast, and still my line goes nowhere, or it ends up right off the side of the boat.
8. There is not much going on underwater. I at times will sit there tugging the pole and not a single fish will swim by. At times a fish will swim right by my bait not even taking notice.
9. Each different lake/sea looks the same as the last. There is nothing different, and this causes things to get boring extremely fast.
10. The game gives options to buy different types of bait, poles, and boats. However each of them seem to work the same. There is nothing new, and obtaining the new gear is a hard, long, boring task. You will get bored before you can even afford a better pole.
11. The graphics are seriously equal to an old original Nintendo game.
Overall Rapala Tournament Trophies absolutely sucks, from gaming controls that do not work properly, to repeated environments, and awful graphics. I got a bad taste in my mouth when it came to the Nintendo Wii, seeing how this was one of the first games I played.
Avoid this garbage. It seriously is not even worth a rent.
It is my opinion that you avoid all games in the $39.00 category. Anything less than the usual $59.00 is seriously crap.

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