Thursday, July 31, 2014

OFF! Deep Woods Insect Repellent Review

Mosquito's suck! No pun intended.
It's summer time and it's also the time of year where everyone and anyone wants to be outside enjoying the hot weather. However we are not the only ones enjoying the weather. The damn mosquito's are having a ball; on our flesh that is.
Mosquito's bite, cause itchy bumps, and cam even cause death if you are bitten by a diseased one. They are pretty hard to avoid though. They are everywhere, and can live in almost every and all conditions. There are some species of mosquito's that will even bite in daylight, where others come out in drones at dusk. Honestly though, it does not matter what time of day it is, if you are outside the probability of you getting a bite is high. There is no avoiding it really.
Off though, a mosquito repellent company thinks they have solved out mosquito biting issues with their many different OFF mosquito sprays. I however, am here to tell you how this crap just does not do justice, at all.
My latest OFF! purchase was called OFF! Deep Woods. On the can is a couple who are out camping. It's just a drawing though. The bottle is green and orange, and comes in a 9 ounce aerosol can. You can also purchase it in a 6 ounce aerosol can, 6 ounce pump bottle, 9 ounce pump bottle, or as 12 and 20 count towelettes. Off! contains 25% DEET.
OFF! claims on their website that Deep Woods will provide long-lasting repellency for hiking and camping, especially in heavily wooded areas. They repel disease carrying ticks, mosquitoes, black flies, sand flies, chiggers, fleas, gnats, and no-see-ums. Without the constant bother of insects, outdoor excursions become more enjoyable.
Directions for use:
You are supposed to hold the can 6 to 8 inches away from your skin and clothing, and spray it on in slow sweeping motions. Avoid cuts, wounds, eyes, and mouth. Also do not use on children unless they are well supervised. After applying it to your skin, when you come inside wash off with soap and water. Keep away from flames, do not puncture, yadda yadda yee...I honestly though, think that those reading this, know the rules by now. You'd have to live in a cave to not know how to apply bug spray.
So moving on...
How was it?
Well, I sprayed the OFF! Deep Woods all over myself, and went about my outdoor business. The mosquito's seemed to leave me alone for about 10 minutes, or shall I say; they left me along until the stink of the spray absorbed into my skin. Then they went on the merry ways happily biting away. I grabbed the OFF! again, and this time sprayed it into the air. The mosquito's left for about a minute and came back in full force.
I guess OFF! needs to amp up their formula, because these damn mosquito's are immune to their ancient sh*t for repellent. That is being said for all OFF! products. All of them I have tried have the same issue. It works for a few minutes, and before you know it you become a giant mosquito feast again.
OFF! is manufactured by SC Johnson, and is the leading brand of insect repellent. That's pretty damn scary to know that OFF! seems to be the leading bug repellent. Wow, we are hopeless aren't we?
No, OFF! only provides a minute or so of relief from getting bit. My recommendation is to buy No'Squito, the harm free insect trap. This trap collects all flying bugs in a harmless manner. You then have the option to release them or let them die in the chamber. OFF! is the leading bug spray company, simply because people are too stupid to go out and find other alternatives

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