Thursday, July 31, 2014

Review of Kitsune, Krypt Kiddies Series 3

I've been collecting Krypt Kiddies since I was about 19 or 20. I fell in love with my first doll Raven, and since then have managed to collect quite a few of these evil looking dolls.
One doll I managed to scoop up the moment she was released in 2006 was Kitsune, whom is a series 3 doll.
Kitsune is dressed in a black and white Catholic school girls type outfit. Her dress is black and white plaid, her shirt is a collared white button up, and around her neck she wears a tie that matches her skirt. She sort of looks like Britney Spears (now).
Her skin is a sickly zombie colored pale blue with gray hues. She has a few black scars or veins that run across her face. Her eyes have no soul, they are black, with deeper black hues to give her a pupil. Her eye lids are colored purple. Her lips and nails; like her eyes, are also colored black.
Kitsune's mouth hangs open, which displays rows of sharp white teeth. Her hair hangs to her shoulders, while her bangs just manage to cover up her horns. Yep, that's correct, Kitsune has 2 cute little horns that poke through her hair.
Like all Krypt Kiddies Kitsune comes with her standard death certificate which will tell how Kitsune died, when, and why she is doomed to walk to earth as a Krypt Kiddie. She also comes with a baby bottle of fake blood.
Finding Kitsune:
Sometimes getting your hands on Krypt Kiddies can be difficult seeing how they don't sell them directly on the site at However you can click the sites ebay store, and see what they have available there. If the stars are lined up perfectly in your favor you may also be able to pick Kitsune up at your local Spencer's store. This is where I always pick up my kiddies.
Kitsune if found at Spencer's will run you only $29.99. However online and on auction sites I have seen her in ranges from $40-60.
Why Kitsune?
Why any Krypt Kiddie really?
Well these dolls are not your average dolls, and it is not like I buy them to play with them. I buy the Krypt Kiddies only because they make for an awesome Halloween prop during my yearly Halloween party. Seeing how I already had a few of these creepy looking dolls, I figured Kitsune would make for the perfect addition to my growing collection.
Besides the neat Halloween prop Kitsune makes for, her price also rises with time. She is a collector's item, and in a few years this very doll will fetch anywhere from $90-$150, depending on her condition. I recommend you save the box if you open her.
-These dolls are not meant to be played with by children. Kitsune in particular has a row of sharp teeth, and children could get cut.

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