Thursday, July 31, 2014

Bath & Body Works Temptations Orange Freeze 3 in 1 Shower Gel

I used to love orange creamsicle pops when I was a wee one. But as I got older the frozen treat became less and less luxurious as my palette got introduced to ice creams such as Hagen Daz and Godiva. Orange creamsicle bars slowly slipped from my mind and I had not had one in years. A few months ago I came across Orange Freeze a 3 in 1 shower gel in the Temptations collection. I know the Temptations collection all too well, and usually love everything, and anything they come out with.
When I first clicked open the bottle, the scent was the exact scent of an orange creamsicle bar I remembered sucking on as a kid. It was actually to the tee. A perfect match. But that day, my mood was not orange creamsicle ice cream, so I left the bottle alone. Months later though, BBW was having a semi annual sale and this particular 3 in 1 was on sale for a steal at only $5.00. How could I not buy a bottle?
The bottle itself is a clear, with the name Orange Freeze on it. Behind the name sits an orange creamsicle bar. It's pretty hard to miss, seeing how the gel is orange, and the bottle is pretty large. 16 ounces to be precise.
Just what is a 3 in 1?
A 3 in 1 is 3 bathing products all slapped into one bottle for a high, yet lower price than it would be to purchase all 3 separately. You can use Orange Freeze as a bubble bath, a shower gel, and a shampoo.
I usually drip some into my bath tub first and do the official bubble bath test, followed by the shampoo and wash test.
I had a feeling that Orange Freeze would produce duds, usually 3 in 1 products produce crap when it comes to bubbles. I poured in a generous 3 to 4 capfuls and ran the water. The bubbles did form, but they were pretty pathetic when it comes to a bubble bath. The bath water smelled like the ice cream bar, but the bubbles died out pretty dang fast. Overall I would rate this bubble bath a 3.
As Shampoo Orange freeze did produce a nice smelling thick lather. It was silky, and I knew though that once I rinsed it out of my hair it would leave it feeling dry. Sure enough it did, so I simply followed up with some nice conditioner and all was well.
The ice cream bar scent stuck with me for quite some time afterward, so that was really a nice surprise. Usually 3 in 1's don't have long lasting scents when used as shampoo, and then one in the bunch surprises you out of nowhere. The scent however is subtle, and really only I was able to smell it. As shampoo it easily gets a 7.
Orange Freeze was a champ when it came to using it as a shower gel. I only needed a small drop on my shower poof to get a nice luscious lather going. The lather was silky and produced tons of bubbles. The scent wrapped me up, and I was taken back to childhood memories. It was a nice feeling, and a nice childhood scent I remembered.
The lather washed off easily without leaving any residue behind. I liked it, a lot. The scent however only stuck around for a few minutes after drying up. I was expecting it to last longer because it had when I used it as shampoo. It was no big deal though. I enjoyed it without its scent sticking to my skin all day. As a wash I rate Orange Freeze a 7.
Overall Orange Freeze is a lovely childlike scent that anyone will enjoy. My boyfriend is crazy about it, and I have a feeling he has been hitting it up as well. I would buy this one again and again; the scent that I almost never bought.
Where to buy it:
You can buy Orange Freeze at any local Bath & Body Works, or online at Orange Freeze is now on sale for only $6.00. Thats half off the original price, so act now!
What Bath & Body Works says about Orange Freeze:
"EVERYBODY'S MAIN SQUEEZE. She claimed to detest social affairs but she never missed a party. She thought fashion was trivial though she never missed a sale. To all who knew her, she was an alluring sphinx and the perfect contradiction. She was sweet, all right, but despite her sunny disposition, she was often known to freeze out the competition with just one look. Imported."

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