Thursday, July 31, 2014

Review of Booda Pup-RRR-Mint Sticks Regular for Dogs

We have a giant mammoth of a dog, with a giant mammoth appetite. Our Bull Terrier will eat just about anything, from bugs to worms, to socks and dirt. With an odd appetite like his it is no surprise that his breath will be rocking every now and then. Not a good rocking either.
We had tried ridiculous mints in tins that we found at our local Petco, but the dog would swallow then, not chew. Swallowing a mint does nothing for him. However I am sure that when he burps they smell minty fresh; however I have no intentions of sticking my face near his mouth when he burps. No, no, no.
When we came across Booda Pup-RRR-Mint Sticks Regular for Dogs, we figured they were big enough as to where he would actually have to chew them, so he would have no choice but to get fresh breath. We also knew though that he would chew and swallow them so fast that they may do nothing at all. Either way though, we took our chances.
Booda Pup-RRR-Mint Sticks Regular for Dogs come in a pack of 2, 2 ounce mint sticks. These sticks actually resemble snausages as to where they have a white roll wrapped around a mint moist green flavored chew in the center. The sticks were hard but not too hard as to where he'd loose interest because he can't sink his teeth into them fast enough. You see our Bully looses interest extremely fast if he cannot swallow his treats down fast enough. He enjoys swallowing his food, and not having to work at it. Lazy? Maybe. Impatient? Most likely.
The Booda Pup-RRR-Mint Sticks Regular for Dogs were not too bad in price, and in the store they only came to $6.00 after tax. It was not to steep, and the promise on the package pretty much sold us. The sticks promised a dental care outer layer, while the inner layer promotes fresh breath. It all seemed good to us, not only would he be getting fresh breath, but he would also be brushing his teeth by himself. Sweet!
At home we removed one of the sticks. I took a sniff, and I could easily detect a heavy mint scent. I wondered if he'd actually eat it with that stink. This dog will eat anything, but I wondered how his palette would feel about a mint stick.
I handed the stick off to Bully; the damn dog nearly took my hand off. He ran into his pen and began chomping down. Cool. I guess he liked it.
Bully managed to down the entire stick in about a minute, give or take a few seconds. I made my way over to him and took a sniff of his breath. (Weird, I know, but I had to see if they had done anything).
His breath was sort of minty, but I wondered how long this 'fresh' breath would last. Perhaps an hour, or maybe when he gets a drink of water to wash it down.
After he ate a real meal, I left him alone for a few hours. Just before bed though, I pryed open his mouth to see how his breath was. I had to test it, yah know, to see if they were worth a second purchase.
Sniff, sniff, sniff. The dog began to smell me, as I began to smell him. There was nothing horrible about his breath, it was sort of clean. No scent of really anything. I guess they worked, his breath had no scent. Clean, but not minty. Whatever though, so long as it was clean, thats all that mattered really.
We gave him the second stick the next morning, and we got the same results. At night there was no scent to his breath.
However seeing how Petco is almost a 30 minute drive we can not get up to Petco enough to re-buy them as often as we'd like. They do sell them online at, and right now there is an online sale going on where the sticks only cost $4.49.
We usually though just buy them at the store once a month, we will stock up on 4 or 5 packages. Bully gets one stick every week, so they do last quite some time when we buy in bulk.

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