Thursday, July 31, 2014

Review of Smokehouse Chicken Breast Tenders for Dogs

When my boyfriend and I came across a large 1 pound bag of Smokehouse Chicken Breast Tenders for dogs, we were interested in them only because they looked like real chicken pieces; unlike so many of them processed chicken strips they have on the market, these strips looked like actual dehydrated chicken cuts.
The reason we paid close to $15.00 for the bag was because the tenders looked like something even we would not mind chewing on. Mmm chicken jerky! They looked good and If they looked good to us, then most likely they would be good for the dog, so we bought them.
We brought the bag home, and opened it up and gave all of the dogs a strip, one by one. The little dogs happily took their tenders, and ran away to chomp down on them under the bed.
When we bought the strips though, we had our Bull Terrier in mind. He works well with treat training, so we knew he would love these.
The tenders themselves are hard, but moist enough to where you can break them into pieces. This is what we did with Bully's tender. We broke it up in half, and gave it to him. He barely even chewed it, he sort of just swallowed it, which concerned me because the tender was sort of jagged.
The next time we decided to give him the entire tender, and perhaps he would chew it up seeing how it was larger. He did manage to chew it for about 4 seconds, and then he swallowed it. Or so we thought. He managed to get a jagged piece of it stuck in the roof of his mouth. After pulling it out for him, the bastard nearly ripped my hand to shreds to get the tender back. It was obvious he liked them, but we began to wonder if perhaps these good looking tenders were in fact dangerous for him.
The smaller dogs didn't have any issues. They actually chewed on their tenders and only would rip and chew off small pieces at a time; Bully however is so greedy he tries to swallow it the second he gets it into his mouth.
After thinking that perhaps he just got an odd shaped piece, we gave him another one, and again it stuck to the roof of his mouth. It turns out Bully is just not the type of dog that could be given the Smokehouse Chicken Tenders. If we continued to give these tenders to him most likely he would end up choking on a piece of the tender. It was a risk we were not willing to take.
The rest of the tenders were given to my mother for her smaller dogs who ate them like NORMAL dogs would. If your dog is a quick gulper, these tenders are not for him/her.
Although the dog will love them, they can be potentially fatal is he/she swallows them the way our Bully does. Whole.
I do however recommend them to dogs who do not wolf down their treats. Usually our smaller guys are picky when it comes to treats, and for all of them to like the Smokehouse Tenders is a rare occasion.
You can find the Smokehouse Chicken Tenders in nearly any local pet store. The price is a bit high, but when you see the tenders quality vs the crap that sits next to it on the counter you can easily see why they are priced higher. Other flavors these slow roast tenders come in are beef, lamb, and pork.
Smokehouse Chicken Tenders are 100% natural. No added ingredients or chemicals.

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