Thursday, July 31, 2014

Review of Veterinarian's Best Fresh Dog Gas Busters Doggie-Bites Damn Dog Keeps Farting!

Our dog Bully is probably the biggest handful we have had to deal with in quite some time. He is one dog, yet it seems as if he is 10 all at the same time. He is a Bull Terrier, a large, muscular, drooling, energetic, spoiled, dog. Although he is tons of work, and keeps us busy, we love him to death. I could not have asked for a more patient, and loving dog. He is more human than he is dog.
This dog however, can fart like a human, but not just any human, a giant. Imagine a 40 foot giant placing his butt crack down by your face and farting a cheese like rancid rotting gas in your face and mouth. This is exactly what a Bully fart smells like. Enormous, intoxicating, and damn do his farts linger. I have never had a dog before that farted like this guy. I have never even heard a dog fart before living with him. He seems to think it's cute too, because every time he farts, his ears point up and his head tilts, as he tries to figure out where the noise came from. It is cute to watch him do that, but not cute when the fart hits your nose. Not cute at all!
While in our local Petco we came across Veterinarian's Best collection of doggie bites. Within the different options of doggie bites, I saw a pink bag that was basically made just for our dog Bully. Gas Busters! I had used the comfort cal doggie bites in the past and I knew that Bully had grown tolerant of their effect, so I knew if these gas busters were to work, I would have to use them sparingly, which sucks because I don't know when Bully is going to decide to have gas. I was hoping that they would work all the time, and that he wouldn't grow a tolerance to them.
Product Description:
Basically they are a veternary formula that was made to work with the dogs digestive system to reduce excess gas.
I had to buy them, I knew if they worked, they were heaven sent, and if they didn't, oh well.
The Gas Busters come in a 1.3 ounce pink bag of around 30 pills. The pills are large alka seltzer like tablets with a brownish base color and small specks of white and brown mixed throughout.
The bag had a chart of appropriate serving sizes for the dogs weight. Bully was able to have 2 of the bites. The chart is as follows: Under 25 lbs.: 1 treat
25 - 49 lbs.: 2 treats
50 - 75 lbs.: 3 treats
over 75 lbs.: 3 - 4 treats
The recommended number of treats can be given twice each day and are best given with meals.
Easy enough. However we were going to only give them to him an hour before bed time, because that is when he seems to start farting the most.
We gave him 2 pills, and they actually worked. Bully usually farted every single night, sometimes 4-5 times a night. The first night worked like a charm. No nasty green gases! Yes!
They also worked the next night, and night after that...and night... Phhfffftttttttt Raaaaannnnnnnyyyyyyftfttttttt....The dog farted a fart that sounded so powerful. As if these pills were just bottling the gas up into one giant monster fart. It was bad, the smell hit us almost at the exact moment we heard it pouring from his butt. Out with the room deodorizer, and out with Bully! He can't sleep in the room anymore with us.
The pills worked, just like the calming pills by the same company, they worked, but only for a limited time. Eventually the dog built up a tolerance, and his gas only got worse now when we gave him the pills.
Honestly I cannot recommend these, they may have worked at first, but towards the end of the bag, the gas got more potent, and more nasty. I don't know if the pills caused this new smelly change, but I wasn't about to buy another bag to find out.
Where to find Gas Busters:
They can be bought in any local Petco, or online at They are on sale for $4.66 right now. I'm sure they are on sale because the company finally woke up and realized their farting pills do nothing after the dog is used to them.
Hopefully we find relief for this farting problem soon, that way Bully can come and sleep back in our room. Until then, there is no way is his smelly butt sleeping next to me.

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