Thursday, July 31, 2014

Candy Review: Crackheads, the Chocolate Covered Caffeine Bean

When I first came across the website, I was amazed at how many neat out of this world gadgets and doo dads their were for the geek in just about everyone.
One cute fluffy plush that caught my eye was the Giant Plus Microbes.
The Microbes come in sizes varying from 5 to 7 inches. Each one is designed to look like the actual microbe. You have the option to purchase different plush microbes, such as the common cold, black plague, lice, the flu, malaria, mange, heart worm, bad breath, HIV, sore throat, Ebola, and many many more viruses.
All of the plush microbes come in appropriate colors, and have little plastic eyes attached to them to give them character.
Besides cuddly stuffed virus plush's, the site also offers neat things such as die cast Bender figures from the show Futurama, staple free staplers, anti gravity tops, hard to find toys and gadgets imported from Japan that include toys such as Mario, Godzilla, Mario mushroom chairs, and much more.
Aside from that, the site also offers items specifically designed for desktop geeks. You can find extremely unique gadgets such as Albert Einstein figures, magnetic monkey benders, the cubicle doorbell, dancing plants, Monty Python killer rabbit slippers and bobble heads, finger drums, a build your own Stonehenge kit where you can put together your own Stonehenge on your desk.
There are more things that ThinkGeek offers besides just desktop gadgets, at the site they have a section solely dedicated to science. Here in this tab you can find ant farm kits, curiously strong magnets, instant snow that just requires you to add water, make your own slime kits, and more.
Other odds and ends that you can expect to find on the site are alarm clocks with new twists, such as ones that roll off of your counter and around the floor while screeching, water powered clocks, and flying alarm clocks that will launch a miniature helicopter like device when the alarm sounds.
On you can also pick up t-shirts, blankets, and other household gear.
However what really interested me in the site was their section dedicated to caffeine. I am a caffeine addict, and when I came across this unique page with unique caffeine goodies, I had to order.
What I ordered:
I went with Crackhead. These are white and chocolate covered espresso beans. I ordered them because each bean packed in 120mg of caffeine. I figured one bean would be more than enough to get my day kick started. The beans came to $8.99 for a pack of 5. You can also order them in a pack of 1 for only $1.99. I figured though I would like them, so I up-scaled my order.
The packaging is probably what makes this suckers such a hit. The word Crackhead is sprawled across a multi blue colored box. On the cover there are pictures of what the actual beans look like.
Each box contains 30-32 Crackheads, so it could last you all month... or all week, depending on how hooked you are.
Let me tell you, these beans taste like funk. It's like chewing on an old stale cup of moldy coffee with a cigarette butt floating around in the coffee for flavor. Crackheads are truly nasty, and if you are after just energy, I recommend you just swallow them.
Energy results:
As far as energy went.... meh... not so much if you eat just one bean. However, I was more awake and alert than usual when first trying them, but over time I must have grown a tolerance because I wasn't granted much energy after the first few days of eating them.
It took about 3 to 4 Crackheads to really get my heart pumping.
Overall though, if you eat more than one, they will give you some energy...however...keep Crackheads on you because when you come down from your caffeine high, you come down hard.
They're okay, they truly are excellent for those days when you are stuck in the office and you cannot get out to grab a cup of coffee. A few Crackheads will do the trick. Yeah! Crackheads! Hehe.
I do recommend them, even though they taste like funk. Like I said though, swallow, don't chew.
For caffeine addicts like me you can also pick up caffeinated soap, body wash, mints, drinks and more at the site.
Overall I was happy with my order from thinkgeek. They deliver fast, and their items come packaged neatly.
I recommend the site for geeks and non geeks worldwide. is sure to have something to please just about anyone. From the neat one of a kind gadgets to espresso beans with names like crackhead. You truly cannot find that in your average store.

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