Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Toy Review: The Fart Machine No.2

I think farts are the funniest thing in the world. I laugh every time I hear one; even if it's not mine. Farting causes laughter, it's a fact, I don't even need to look up statistics to prove that one.
However sometimes when I'm looking for a good laugh, and I have no farts I am left sad an depressed. Ii want to hear a fart everyday. I want other people to hear my farts, I want them to react to it... either laugh, move away, or point and call me gross. I live for reactions, whether they are good or bad. I love getting people to react to my behavior. Perhaps I have ADD? Eh... whatever.
When I found myself a Fart Machine No. 2 at my local mall with 5 different farting sounds I was as excited as all hell. I had so many plans for this machine, to put it into my pocket and activate it while strangers looked at me with disgust, or humor.
I bought the Fart Machine gag gift for $9.99. Sadly the machine only came with batteries for the remote and not the actual fart machine. 4 AA batteries later though I had myself an all out fun fest.
The fart machine boldly states on the package that is is a fart machine. The machine itself is black, with a built in speaker. It comes with different volume settings from low to high. High is the one you want to set it on. The remote control is also black, with a square orange button in the middle. The button activates the fart machine.
The 5 farts all sound realistic except for one, which wheezes the juice for far too long in too many high and low frequencies to sound real. Sadly you can't pass over this fake sounding fart on the machine, because with each press of the button the machine plays each fart in order.
My use:
Oh the fun!
I gathered my brother and my cousin while we were at work. The plan was for my brother to put the machine in his back pocket while he moved closely to other people waiting on line to get food. I was to press the button and watch the customers either yell at him or move away.
Well we got a lot of reactions really, some good, and some bad. All though, we're frigging hilarious.
He walked up to an entire family waiting on line to be served their McDonald's. A mom, dad and 2 little kids. He stepped up to the counter next to them and positioned his behind right in one of the kids faces who was standing too close. Man this was funny as hell.
I pressed the button, the noise was activated. A fart was blown right in little Sue's face. My brother turned around with his hand over his mouth as if he were surprised. The father then grabbed his kid and moved her back away from my brother! Man it was too funny!
The next test was on a guy in his 40's. My brother moved close to him while standing at the counter... FFFFttttsttststt... out came the fart. My brother then walked back to out table, where we were all cracking up. The 40 year old guy came up to our table and angrily began slamming his hands down on our table while he kept repeating, "What's wrong with you, what's wrong with you!?"
My brother shrugged and said he was gassy.
I activated the machine again while he was in mid-sentence, the plastic seating caused the fake fart to echo...the man walked out of the store that time. Hah! It was funny, what did he expect? A big I'm sorry for farting? Puh-lease! Get lost... acting like he never farts. God that was too fun! I will never forget that guys face!
The next guy was in his late 20's, early 30's. Again Joe walked up to him, placed his butt a little too close and wedged it over as if he was flirting. The man looked at his butt before I activated the fart. Just as he was staring at Joe's butt, I pressed the button. The mans eyes bulged, and he began laughing his A blank blank word off. It was too funny! Finally someone with a sense of humor.
In Southampton too many folks have no sense of humor, too many folks act like they never fart... yet here was one guy in the bunch getting a kick out of it. I pressed the button again, and the guy nearly keeled over.
Overall, the fart machine is great for laughs, and even if the victim is disgusted, it is still worth a gnarly laugh for you (at their expense).
Find the farts:
You can purchase a Fart Machine No.2 at any local joke shop, mall or in Claire's for around $10.00. As of now this very fart machine is for sale at for $15.99. It is a bit steep, so I recommend buying it in a local store. I have seen them for sale at nearly every Spencer's.
Of course man!!!!! Who doesn't love a good gag on an unsuspecting person? I know I do! I love the reactions I get from complete strangers every time I decide to use the fart machine. This is also awesome for in the office. Duck tape it under someones chair and activate it when they go to sit down. The fart machine is is worth it's weight in gold man, it will keep you laughing and laughing. No matter how many times you use it, the joke never gets old. This is probably the only gadget that I have actually wanted to buy new batteries for it when it died.

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