Thursday, July 31, 2014

No'Squito Indoor Insect Control Trap! Eliminate the Blasted Mosquito's!

Who hates mosquito's? Hmm... just about everyone I am assuming. They bite, they leave itchy marks, and worst of all they could be harmful to your health.
It's summer time right now though, and it can be a little hard to avoid the son of a monsters.
I use Off, I use sprays, and still the damn things bite. It doesn't matter how much I use, or how many chemicals I pour on myself, they find me. They love me.
Recently while browsing at a local Kmart I found sitting in the garden section something that seemed like it could possibly work. My boyfriend also took a look and thought it was a good idea, so we bought the No'Squito Indoor Insect Control Trap.
The No'Squito uses no harsh chemicals and it plugs in safely eliminating all flying bugs. It uses a replaceable UV bulb that when turned on draws in the bugs. Once the bugs come to the light it sucks them into a separate chamber and into an enclosed trap. This trap can later be opened to allow harmless bugs out, or you can leave them in their to die. Muuuahhh ha ha!!!!
We have an outdoor outlet so we figured we could plug this in and leave it on our picnic table under the gazebo, that way it would be protected from rain. Initially this trap is for indoor use, but we didn't care, mosquito's get us outside more than they do inside, so using it indoors would just be wasteful.
The trap itself said it came with an extra bulb, but the bastards forgot to add it in, or it was returned and the last owner stole the replacement bulb, so if you buy this one at any local stores check its contents first.
I plugged the trap in and placed it on the table. I loved it, the light switched on and gave off a bright UV shine of blue. It was pretty, and the moment it went on all the fun began. I watched as moths got safely sucked into its trap, and as beetles struggled for freedom. I intended on freeing them later.
As the night went on, the trap got less interesting and I was able to focus more on our barbecue. A few hours later I brought the trap inside to see just what I had gotten.
A mother lode of bugs were trapped inside of the tray. I had to be careful releasing them, because I did not want any mosquito's to get out in the process. I opened the trap door and the beetles all flew out quickly. Some stuck to the bottom. As mosquito's tried flying out, I was able to squish them before they even could spread their wings. Haha!
I also checked my legs for any new bites, and to my surprise I had not a single one. It was a hot steamy night, and usually on nights like these I get at least 5 to 6 bites on my exposed legs and arms. Had this trap really been that successful in keeping the mosquito's occupied with the light and not my blood? You betcha it did.
We use it every night, and are not assaulted by mosquito's, the mosquito's are now assaulted by us! Hahaha!!!
*Tip- if you are using this for outdoor use, do bring it inside with you after each use. If it rains, it could ruin the machine.
Minor Issues:
1. Sometimes it can be difficult to free the good bugs vs the bad ones. You have to shake it, and be quick for the kill in order to kill the mosquito's as the other bugs are released.
2. This machine does not stop the stubborn squito. Do not think you will be bite free by using this. Bites will be eliminated in quantity yes, but you still will suffer a bite every now and then. Be sure to use spray as well as the machine at the same time to eliminate bites.
Overall the No'Squito eliminates almost 90% of all mosquito's in the area, and for that I rate it as an excellent product. The use for harsh chemicals is eliminated, and so is the nuisance of other flying bugs. I also enjoy how it is safe for other flying bugs, and it does not kill them unless I leave them in their to die.
What No'Squito says, "No Chemicals - Environmentally safe / No zaps, glues or poisons / Clean and effective / Silent Operation / Replaceable UV Bulb-Light attracts bugs"
Pricing and availability:
You can purchase the No'Squito trap at Kmart for $29.99 or online in ranges from $25.00-$40.00. Right now this very machine is being sold at for $23.72.
Honestly it is well worth the money, and you will be enjoying a nice relaxing day and night in your back yard while using the No'Squito.

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