Thursday, July 31, 2014

Review of Comfort Calm Doggie Bites

Our newest addition to the family is a big drooling pile of energy. His name is Bully, and he is a 5 month old Bull Terrier. He's a great dog, but there are times when he goes bonkers. I mean running back and forth in the house that causes cabinets to shake. He becomes a terror, and eventually his rampages are enough to piss you off.
No matter what we tried doing, it didn't seem to work. He was a puppy, that was understandable, but there has to be a limit, he has to know when to stop, only he doesn't. He will keep on keepin' on with his rebellious ways.
We tried petting him to calm him down, we tried playing with him till he was tired, we even tried crating him till he calmed down. Only removing him from the crate afterward seemed to make things worse.
While my boyfriend and I were browsing out local Petco we came across something we thought was worth trying. Comfort Calm Doggie Bites. The bag promised that these 'calming treats' would calm your dog down while you are away, while traveling, or while there are changes occurring, or visitors over. We were doing none of the following, we weren't traveling, having visitors over, or anything like that. We just wanted something that would calm Bully down. A chill pill. Alright!
It all sounded promising, so we bought the bag for around $6.00 and went on our way. Once we got home Bully went nuts, the perfect time for us to give him a calming treat. Raymond opened the bag and gave him one to start with, even though at his weight, he could have 2.
Weight guide From and also found on the package:
Under 25 lbs.: 1 treat
25 - 49 lbs.: 2 treats
50 - 75 lbs.: 3 treats
over 75 lbs.: 3 - 4 treats

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