Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Ouija: A Paranormal Review!

Ouija boards have been present in my home since I was a child. My mom used to make contact with spirits, my grandmother did, and her grandmother. I guess the attraction to Ouija's have been passed down from generation to generation in my family.
Whether or not you believe in the Ouija, is not my concern.
I am not here to convince you, nor to blast on you for not believing, or believing. I am here to review the Ouija. Seeing how so many people have a 'story' to tell about a scary Ouija incident, yet no one has really taken the time to review a board, I figured I'd write one up.
The board:
The Ouija has been made for centuries, but ones you see which are the most common today are the boards made by Parker Bros. The 'game' is sold in local toy stores world wide, and many Christians argue that they DO NOT want to see the board placed in the same section as regular children's games, and that the board is evil. can still find it there.
The board is a thin hard cardboard with a large sticker placed on top of it. This sticker has the alphabet running across is in 2 rows. A-M on on the top row, and N through Z on the following row.
On the very top of the board, you have the word Yes on the far left corner, and the word No on the far right corner.
On the very bottom of the board you have the word Goodbye, and underneath that the numbers 0-9.
The board usually comes in a standard burnt orange color; however you can buy the very same board as a glow in the dark. The glow in the dark on though does not glow very well unless you have it under a black light.
There are old antique boards that you can find at yard sales or on good ol Here sellers like to put claims on their boards by saying they are haunted. Don't get suckered into buying a cheap board, only because the seller claims it is haunted. If you think of it, all boards are haunted; so...
To take a look at some older antique boards visit this website at
The Ouija is meant to make contact with the dead! You simply place the planchette on the board and place the tips of your fingers on the board. You can also place the board on the laps of 2 players.
You can ask for a specific spirit, such as a relative or friend. However most of the time spirits will lie, so never ever trust one to tell you the truth. (That is... if you make contact with one).
Some people say not to use the Ouija alone, where others argue that it is perfectly fine.
My experiences:
I have had many odd experiences while trying to make contact with spirits using the board. I have made contact with a 5 year old little boy named Ted who died in a fire. I have made contact with a man who claimed he had murdered his entire family and then killed himself. I have made contact with spirits that claimed they were buried in my yard. (after digging where the spirit claimed we were shocked to discover...nothing).
I don't care whether or not you believe me, I am just claiming what has come through on the board for me.
I have never had anything bad or negative happen while or after making contact with these spirits... even stronger evil ones. I truly believe that when people make contact with an evil spirit, that the negative things that happen are caused by their own fears, and of course they need an outlet... or someone to blame the negativity on.
Not saying evil paranormal things couldn't happen because of an Ouija... just saying I have been using a board since I was a child, and my mother, my mothers mother... and so on. So far nothing evil has ever happened, aside from the toss of a planchette for no apparent reason while no one was touching it. The board seems harmless besides that one incident, which was cooler than it was frightening.
Making your own:
You can make you own Ouija with some index cards, a glass table, and a cup tipped upside down to drag across the table.
Line a circular table up with the letters of the alphabet. Place the glass cup upside down on the table, and try to concentrate n making contact with spirits. You can speak out loud and ask questions, or you can ask them in your mind.
Ouijas that you can buy now in today's stores range from $14.99 to $19.99. However the really neat ones are the all wooden antique boards.
Yeah, if you'd stop being such a chicken. The board is awesome, and you will fell your heart skip a beat the first time you have something drag your hand across the board.
Ouija's are also awesome for parties. We always whip out the board and see who's partying with us that we can't see.
Words of caution...always say goodbye, and always have the board say it back. They say if you leave the board without saying goodbye, you must say goodbye, and so must the spirit, or it will linger.

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