Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Ball of Population: Toy Review

While browsing a really neat site, I came across a bunch of stupid toys and gadgets that I already own. Who would of thought that stupid geeky toys I had years ago were still available on the market today? Well they are, and I am here to review all of them stupid toys I once owned. Man some of these stupid gadgets bring back some memories. Hehe.
While browsing I came across the Ball of Population. My Ball of Population was actually scooped up at a local yard sale a few summers ago. I planned on giving it to my dog for a toy, because he loved squishy balls. Hehe.
What is a Ball of Population?
The Ball of Population is basically a bunch of different colored wiggly humans all stuck together from the head. What you have left is a bunch of dangling arms and legs. The shape you get is a round one...sort of. Although the figures are supposed to be human, the fact of the matter is that their faces which are etched into the rubber look more like aliens. The 'humans' are colored blue, green, and purple. I do know though that my ball had yellow in the mix. Not that it matters, the concept is the same.
The ball is neat only because you can yank on their feet and arms, and they will retract back. However yanking too hard can cause rips.
What does it do?
The Ball of Population does not do very much at all. In fact the thing is pretty goddamn stupid and useless. Its fun to toss around and what not; but after a short while the whole thing gets boring.
I however found a cool use for it. After owning it for about a month, I decided it wasn't cool anymore, and I wanted to free the population. I cut them free from their heads where they were stuck together.
Who would of thought that this ball was more fun once you cut the population loose. The 'humans'; now free, made for the best human slingshots. All I had to do was stretch the body out, and let it fly. Eventually the human slingshots had my brother and boyfriend involved. It became an all out sling shot war. Little rubber bodies were flying through the air. Although the war lasted only a few moments, it was fun...for the time being. (Don't worry, they are very soft stretchy rubber, and it does not hurt when you get hit with them).
Over time the loose humans were eventually sucked up with the vacuum cleaner or chewed up by the dogs. The ball was fun for a few minutes, but in all honesty it is useless, lame, and just plain stupid. However, something about it makes you want it. I know... been there, done that.
You can pick up a Ball of Population at for $3.99. Colors do vary. The ball measures 5.5 inches in diameter.

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