Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Palmsize R/C Helicopter: Bringing Dull Offices to Life!

Those of us who work at a desk all day with a slew of other annoying people who occupy the room find themselves in situations that sometimes just outright suck.
Here at my office we have a woman who likes to bring her kid to work, another one who thinks it is cool to stop in and show everyone her smelly pissy puppy, and another one who always leaves pubic hairs on the toilet seat after she uses the bathroom.
I never make big issues of their actions, nor do I point them out; but I do however always look for ways to annoy the hell out of them-right back! Usually I do so by flicking rubber bands, shoot staples at them, or find some annoying stupid gadget online... I now have them send my goods straight to the office. Hehe!
ThinkGeek has recently become one of my favorite websites as of now...especially when it comes to office doo dads, and annoying little useless pranks. One fun geek toy that caught my eye was the Palmsize R/C Helicopter. When I clicked on the page to view this bad boy, I was in awe. The site put up a video of the mini R/C in all it's Helicopter glory; to me it looked like a giant mosquito, and to me it looked like the perfect office annoyance.
I went with the red one, even though silver is also available. I read the sites claims on how flying the Palmsize R/C Helicopter takes practice. I figured since I am so damn smart, I would get flight down right away.
As soon as the lil' guy got here I began practicing. I had flight within seconds...but the damn thing took a nose dive. The controls allow you to move left, right, up, and down, while the copter itself always propels forward. Once I had it down though, I was a mini copter pro.
The Palmsize R/C Helicopter is made out of durable EPP foam...the same stuff they used to make that awesome R/C UFO. Durable, however if you smack it into something hard enough things can take a turn for the worse; when I say that I mean your Palmsize R/C Helicopter can and will end up broken.
I took my red mosquito to the office and waited for someone to annoy me; I held R/C in the palm of my hand and let him take flight over to Brian's desk. At first he was startled, but then when he heard my cackling, his cackling started. Of course it was not long after that he was trying begging to fly my super cool desktop helicopter.
Seeing how the R/C Helicopter only has about 7 minutes of flight time, the fun ends fast. The copter can be plugged into the infrared remote control for more juice, and it takes about 2 hours for a full sized jump. In an office though, the time flies by, and before you know it you are ready to give the R/C another flight.
My Palmsize R/C Helicopter lasted about a month before I slammed it into a wall too hard, which caused it to take a pretty heavy dive down to a hard floor. I don;'t know what broke because the copter itself looks fine... however it must of banged a wire up or something inside of the R/C, because the copter no longer takes flight. It sits on my desk now looking cool, but really it's just taking up valuable space.
I recommend the Palmsize R/C Helicopter, but seeing how it is so fragile and a bit expensive don't expect it to last long. It is fun for a few laughs, but until the price takes a dip, I would avoid it for now. When the price does take a dip, then I would definitely recommend it to those sitting in office's bored out of their minds. It brings some excitement to a dull atmosphere; which as a result makes you and those around you at work happier. A happy worked is a productive worker.
*I recommend hiding your flying copter when the boss walks in. Tee-hee!
You can pick up your own Palmsize R/C Helicopter at for $29.99

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