Thursday, July 31, 2014

Animal Crossing: Wild World for Nintendo DS: 10 Things to Love & 10 Things to Hate

I was first introduced to Animal Crossing back when it came out for Gamecube. Turned out though that they had released a game for the Nintendo 64 that was actually the true birth of Animal Crossing. This game however was called 'Animal Forest'.
I enjoyed Animal Crossing for the Gamecube, so it was no big secret that I would also purchase it for the Nintendo DS. The DS version is called Animal Crossing Wild World, and with a title like that one would expect to see some wild new changes, however this was far from the case. There was nothing wild about it, in fact it seemed like the Gamecube version just miniaturized.
I liked it though, I was able to carry my town around with me in my pocket, able to play anywhere, and whenever I wanted without having to be glued down to the television set.
I figured though, since I'm such a fan and know the ins and outs of the game, I would share 10 things to love about the game, and 10 things to hate about it.
1. The fact that I cannot play with online friends unless they have my friend code in their system, and I have their friend code in mine. At my age most of my friends don't play this game, and those select nerd like me who do, never seem to be playing while I am on. Obtaining friend codes on the Internet is the only way to go, and this actually takes me away from my DS and wastes a lot of time.
2. The fact that Wild World has only a small selection of new things. It seems the greatest thing they added was a frigging sling shot to shoot down balloons with gifts attached. However seeing these balloons float by are so random that it is pathetic.
3. There are no new surprises, I at least thought that this game would include something completely new, but it seems everything is exactly the way it was since the beginning.
4. No new fruits! Man, I'm sick of the apple tree, orange tree, cherry tree, coconuts, and pears. When Nintendo made this game they didn't even consider throwing in something new. A blue berry bush, or strawberry vine would have been nice. Instead though, we got the same fruits.
5. May as well throw in the same plants. Nothing new here. Tulips, and plants that look like weeds. Some new flowers should have been added, but in DS they are all what we have already seen before.
6. The fish and bugs are also all the same. I caught them all in the Gamecube version, and now I have to catch them all again in this version.
7. The fact that if I don't play my game for a few months weeds over throw my entire town. It's a tad annoying to have to weed my entire town just because I don't play everyday. It's almost as if I'm being punished for not becoming 100% addicted to the game.
8. There is no more garbage dump. The garbage dump was my favorite spot in the Gamecube version. Everyday there would be new items for me to collect and sell to Nook. In the DS version there is a garbage bin, and usually there is nothing in their for me to collect. It is always empty. The game should not have included this if they intended on never having items in it for collection.
9. Lost and found is now at the front gates where you exit to go to someone else's town. However I would have rather of seen lost and found located within my actual town, a little shop or something along that line.
10. I hate how the other 3 human players must live in MY house, and not have their own. I don't like coming home and finding my nephew on my game knowing he is changing MY house. Dammit!
1. I love how when I get a visitor to buy something in my town, Nooks will add on a hair salon. However it only appears when you have a visitor buy something from Nook's. Weird rule, but once you get hooked up with another player it comes a lot easier than you would think. With this new salon, I can change my hair style for some bells. I am able to change my hair style only once a day, until I find the one I like.
2. I like how I can go up a new flight of stairs in the museum, and I can create star constellations that are viewable in the sky at night.
3. I like how if I place certain flowers next to others I can grow hybrid flowers, such as black roses. However they take on the same shape as regular roses, only they are black.
4. I like how I can have my fossils identified at the museum, and that I don't have to send them out in the mail anymore.
5. Messages in bottles. I can buy empty bottles at Nook's and write a letter. I can then toss it out to sea, and another wifi player can receive it.
6. I like the new size you can have your home built to. There are many spacious additions for you to purchase once you have enough bells. There are plenty of rooms for you to decorate and you won't be running out of space any time soon.
7. This version has added a new incident besides just bee stings. Your character, and animals in town can now get sick. You can buy medicine in Nook's to cure yourself, and other animals.
8. I like how some special characters allow you to draw their face on for them using the stylus. This character will then visit other wifi players, allowing them to change his face too. It is fun to see what other players have created as this face dawning cat circulates through wifi.
9. I like the fact that if I feel a visitor from wifi is breaking town rules I can simply turn off the game and have them booted out immediately.
10. I like how I am able to shoot down flying saucers, that drop gifts from their ship if I hit them.
Overall Animal Crossing Wild World is a good game. I can't call it excellent because it truly lacks unique qualities that sets it apart from it's Gamecube version of the game. I'm truly hoping that the game developers really give us a make-up treat when they release the wii version.

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