Thursday, July 31, 2014

Review of Canine Fashion: Dickens' Closet Ghost Tattoo T-Shirt in Blue for Dogs

If it is blue it is meant for a boy, if it is pink, you give it to a girl. So everyone says; every time my dog has a pink jacket on people either mistake him for a girl, or those who know he is a boy call him the cross dressing dog. Bah!
I have always clothed my dog. He even has shoes, but I never knew people would make such a hissy fit over his pink selection of clothes. They do though, and they are right, he looks like a cross dresser; but he loves them. Yep, I can say this is the only dog I have ever known to get excited when I bring him home a new sweater or pair of pajamas. The tail wags right before he is about to get dressed, and he will prance around like a prince when he sports new duds. He looks bold, and proud; this is why I love buying him new pieces.
His latest piece I got at Petco a few days ago on our most recent trip there. I came across a BLUE, (yes Bubba can wear blue too; sheesh) Dickens' Closet Ghost Tattoo T-Shirt in Blue for Dogs. It was made of lightweight material, that I knew would be perfect for the weather we have been having lately. Not too hot, nor too cold. Perfect weather for light material shirts. The shirt itself had what they were calling a ghost tattoo. It however looks more like a tribal tattoo on it, than it does a ghost. The little tattoo on the shirt though was not what attracted me to it. It was actually the boy color and lightweight material. Usually I only come across hot knitted sweaters and ridiculous fluffy jackets for dogs, and finding t-shits that are well made and durable can be difficult.
The Dickens' Closet Ghost Tattoo T-Shirt in Blue for Dogs was well stitched and neat looking. Nothing like them cheap Walmart shirts people like to buy for their dogs. Those Walmart shirts do not fit right, and they always fall apart and fade with just a few washings. This shirt though had nicely ribbed sleeves and a ribber collar. It was like a smaller designed polo only without the pop up collar.
I bought the shirt in a small for him, which is designed to fit 8"-12" from neck to tail. Bubba is about 9-10" long from neck to tail, so I knew this one would fit him like a charm.
At home he was excited to get his new shirt on. The shirt pulled over his head with ease, and I placed his feet through the arm holes. This was where I ran into a problem. The shirt was the correct size, and he fit in it like a charm. But his legs however were too short, and the arms hung down too low. I knew once he started walking that he would get his paw caught into it and be stuck or fall. I have come across many shirts like this, and knew that folding it up would provide a temporary solution. It's annoying really, and in the long run I would either have to pin up the sleeves, or hem them. I went with the pin.
After he was all pinned up and ready to go I noticed another not so hot thing about the shirt. His pee pee area was covered. The shirt was not designed correctly for boy dogs! It seems that a lot of clothing available for boy dogs are not designed with their pee pee's in mind. As we all know, if the dogs private spot is covered, and he goes outside to the bathroom, he will end up pissing all over the shirt, and as a result you end up with a pissy wet dog that needs a bath. Not cool.
Why designers do it this way is still a question.
I left the shirt on though, and hoped that maybe he wouldn't take a wee. However it was not long till I picked him up and found a drenched shirt and wet tummy from the pee. Great.
The shirt remained on him for about a half hour till it needed to be thrown in the wash. This shirt is more of a pain in the neck than it is worth it. Yes he looks very cute in it, and yes it keeps him warm on cooler days, but he only has it on for a half hour to an hour at a time till he does his business.
Due to the amount of times it needs to be washed, it's nice blue color is already somewhat faded. I find it ridiculous that this higher priced shirt, fades just the way the cheap walmart brands do. I spent $10.00 on it, and expected it to look and fit better than the cheap $5.00 t-shirts. Turns out I was wrong.
I most likely won't buy another piece of dog clothing from this company.
If you are going to buy dog clothes for boy dogs, remove them from the bag first and make sure it has the proper cut under the belly area for access for his private area. If the shirt does not have the proper U-cut leave it on the counter.
The Dickens' Closet Ghost Tattoo T-Shirt in Blue for Dogs would make a perfect t-shirt for female dogs who don't have to worry about peeing on their stomachs.

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