Thursday, July 31, 2014

Wicked Little Things: Movie Review

I had been waiting nearly a month for a copy of Wicked Little Things to be available at my local Blockbuster. I was even willing to buy a copy, yet couldn't find one no matter where I searched. What attracted me was not only the fact that it was the last film in the 8 Films To Die For collection, but it was the only one that actually had a cover and back description that I really liked. Best of all the movie surrounded children. There is nothing creepier than possessed kids, or evil dead kids.
Wicked Little Things starts of with a bang; literately, and after the big boom what's left is a curse mine where many children had died.
The dude lights the match and blows up the mine. However Mary is not the only child who died that day, other children miners also got caught and buried alive in the mine as well.
So up it a few years, and there is a family of 3 about to move into the same town as to where the mine incident happened. A mother, and her 2 daughters, Emma and Shara. Emma who is the youngest immediately bonds with a local girl named Mary, while Shara bonds with a few local teens in town. The teens tell Shara about her home and the zombies that live in the woods. This is where she learns that the mine is not too far from her home, and that at night these evil zombie children come out to kill.
So fast forward it a bit, and before we know it, we are all caught up in zombie kids that eat anyone who enters the woods at night. However what confused me most about these flesh eating zombie children is why? There really is no reason as to why these children kill and devour anything that sort of just is, and this is what made the movie kind of lame for me. It was the unanswered questions.
Suddenly as we sort of see the zombie kids, we are then taken to the fact that seeing how Shara and Emma are of Tunny blood (a descendant of Mary), the zombies won't kill them. However mom isn't safe because she only married in...Uh oh!
So now that we know this fact, I am confused as to why Shara still fears them. Seeing how she is pretty much invincible to them her fearing them in the movie is sort of pointless and pretty damn lame.
Soon mom discovers that Emma's playmate in the woods is actually Mary Tunny a girl who had died in the mine, and this is when the movie begins to begin, yet begins to end. Yep, pretty lame.
Mom is now on a mission to finding Emma in the woods, and she drags Shara along with her. To the mine they go, and soon the zombie children follow. The 2 end up running for their lives, and running into the man who owns all of the land. It turns out that this man's great, great, great, great, grand-pop is the one responsible for the death of the children in the mine, and that these children are now seeking vengeance, and until this man is dead, the children will continue to kill, kill, kill.
I won't give away what happens, but I will say that the whole thing was pathetic. There were so many unanswered questions I had on my mind while watching the film. One question in general is, why do the kids kill random people who walk through the woods, if they were seeking vengeance from just one family?
What I also disliked about Wicked Little Things is the lighting. I have enjoyed a few of the 8 Films To Die for, but they have all had the same awful dark lighting. I like to see the gore in films, and I like to see the expressions on the actors faces. Yet more than half of this flick was done in such poor lighting, that there were times I had no idea on what the hell was happening. Actors would be screaming, yet you'd see nothing. Scary!
In my opinion Wicked Little Things started off with a great story, and totally turned it into a pile of crap. Zombies of children, yet you could barely even see them in the movie, they were nothing more than stiletto's in the woods most of the time, and the ones you did actually see looked poorly done up with makeup.
This is another one of the 8 Films To Die For that really sucked.
Age Recommendation:
Seeing how there are a few yucky scenes, I would not let children under 13 watch this... if your kid is not a big ol' cry baby though, age 10 or less is fine.

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