Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Ex - Unique Knife Holder

A few months ago my cousin had a boyfriend, he is now of course an Ex. To put a long story short, the slime wad cheated on her. After a few lessons in revenge and a new home; I wanted to find ways to cheer her up. I would buy her fun little gadgets, and Ex voodoo dolls to cheer her up. Whether or not she ever got any satisfaction from her Ex voodoo doll is beyond me; but she seemed to enjoy it either way. She seemed to enjoy all of my fun Ex gifts, but nothing put the icing on the cake quite like the Ex Unique Knife Holder.
When I came across the Ex Unique Knife Holder, I knew it was something that I just had to purchase for her.
What is the Ex Unique Knife Holder?
It's probably the sweetest knife holder one can find for a recently dumped or dumper. Instead of a regular old wood block knife holder, this unique knife holder allows the user to place knifes through the body of the Ex. (That's if you can use your imagination enough).
The holder is basically a large stick figure in the shape of a human. There are 5 knives that fit in slots through the figured head, heart, stomach, thigh, and knee.
I figured by having this on her counter she would look at it and feel happy as she imagined her Ex's face on the small red dude (seeing how she wanted to kill her Ex, I assumed this would make the perfect gift, and put a smile on her face). The red stick figure is made of hard durable plastic, while the knives are all razor cut precision, and includes an 8" chef knife, and 8" bread knife, an 8" carver, a 5" utility knife, and a 3.5" parer.
The figure itself stands 14.6" tall, I worried that because the figure was made out of plastic, that it would be flimsy and could end up falling, which would be very dangerous.
As soon as I gave her the Ex Unique Knife Holder though, my mind was at ease, because even though he was made of durable plastic, he had a heavy base that planted him firmly down on her counter. The figured knife slots were also magnetic, so the knives stood in place. There were also built in knife protective sleeves, so cutting yourself while they stood in the figures body wouldn't occur.
She placed her Ex on the counter, got a huge laugh, and thanked me. I cannot comment on how well the knives work, but I will say that the son of a guns looked pretty damn sharp, so wearing most likely will not happen for years, and seeing how the Ex Unique Knife Holder comes with a 25 year warranty, I assume that these knives will be designed to last that long.
The Ex Unique Knife Holder is probably one of the neatest most unique knife holders I have ever seen. I don't have an Ex... but because it is so unique I want to purchase one for myself. However I knew my friend/cousin whom was dealing with a broken heart at the time would have enjoyed it way more than me.
You can find the Ex Unique Knife holder online at, or at No matter where you get him/her, the price will never go over $60.00, if you find it on a site for more money pass it's the same exact holder, why pay more?
I have seen the Ex Unique Knife Holder in pink, blue, silver, green, red, yellow, black, and white. I am sure though that their are more colors available, but I have yet to see them.
This Ex Unique Knife Holder makes for an awesome gift for men as well, women are not the only ones who will enjoy the Ex Knife Holder on their counters.

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