Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Finger Hooks: One Sweet Coat Hanger

Oh yeah, I'm busting out the weird and wild this week. Todays top weird but awesomely cool item is Finger Hooks.
I came across finger hooks in a local Halloween store in New York City many, many years ago. I bought 3 of them, and planned on hanging them up to the side of my door. The finger hooks were $1.99 at the time, and I could not resist them. Besides I was about 15 when I bought them.
9 years later I can proudly say that my 3 finger hooks still do the job, and still manage to raise an eyebrow here and there.
What are Finger Hooks?
Finger hooks, are finger hooks. Heheh. Basically they are plastic fingers, with a screw attached to the back of them. The screw gets screwed into the wall; what you are left with is one gnarly looking coat hanger.
It's odd, it's creepy, and it's friggin' awesome.
Each finger hook is life size at 3.5 inches long, it curves in a 'come here' point position, which is perfect for hanging of coats and other things. I use one hanger for my coat, another for my scarves, and another for my purse and keys. They get the job done, and look cool while doing it.
Why Finger Hooks?
Well they are not for your average (boring, yawn) person. Some folks like keeping their homes simple, with regular old gold or silver (boring) coat hangers. But even these average (boring) people can find use with these Finger Hooks come Halloween time. What an awesome way to greet your guests; to have them hang their coats on fingers. Pretty sweet, pretty neat!
For the unique, artsy, tarsty, fartsy, person like me... finger hooks make for awesome coat hangers year round. It does not have to be Halloween for me to use them, I use them year round. Why not? The 3 fingers I picked up still do the job even 9 years later. That's pretty dang neat if you ask me.
Where to get fingered:
You can pick up your own Finger Hooks in Halloween shops that open up seasonally. You can also pick up a 4 pack for $4.99 at They are the best value here, because they come in the 4 pack. Usually these fingers sell for $2.00 each. So buying them at the site saves money. Duh!

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