Thursday, July 31, 2014

Nintendo Wii: My Love, Hate Relationship with the Video Game Console

I was so hyped up when the Nintendo Wii was released. I visited my local gaming store every other day in hopes to get my hands on the console, ad finally 3 months after it's release I was able to obtain one.
When I turned it on I was happy, and yet disappointed, and here is why. I will give you 10 reasons why I love the Nintendo Wii, and 10 reasons why I hate it's guts.
Things Wii hate about you:
1. Even still walking into a game store and actually obtaining a Wii is close to impossible. There just are NOT enough consoles to supply to those still seeking one. However everywhere I look there are PS3's just collecting dust. Every time the console is delivered, my local gaming store is still only getting 5 or 6 at a time. What gives?
2. In order for me to hook up online I need to buy a frigging wifi adapter, or I needed to have wifi networking. For those of us who have NEITHER, are forced to shell out another $40- $120. That stupid adapter should ave come with the console. I think it sucks that so many consoles ask for more gadgets that cost even more money. As if buying the games are not pricey enough.
3. My next point, game prices. I find it insane that the going price for almost all wii games are $59! Then Nintendo thinks it is being nice by releasing a $39.00 game. But as a wii player I have found that these cheaper games truly, truly suck.
4. Batteries! They run out so goddamn fast! I either have to continuously stock up on batteries, or spend $40.00 for the wii remote charger... that is if it is actually IN STOCK!
5. The exchanging of wii friend codes is just retarded. Why don't you just allow us open online gaiming without the tedious process of finding wii friend codes online or in real life. This process just takes away from my actual gaming.
6. The non-stop process of having to get the console to recognize a second players remote. I have to go into the settings a re-establish a connection every time the game calls for a 2nd, 3rd, or 4th player. Why does the console just not recognize the controls, it did the last time the console was on! Argh!
7. The Mii Parade? What the heck is the point?
8. I don't like knowing if I am secure in my online purchases. Not secure in the manner that someone will steal my credit card...but what happens if I purchase $300 worth of online games for my console, and my console breaks? Do I have to re-purchase all of those games again? I would hate to loose my gaming menu, and I would hate for Nintendo to not give them back to me if I have to buy another console.
9. I'm not too fond of the rate new games are being released. I mean the menu of available games right now sort of sucks, and there are only a few worth buying. I don't get why all of the good games are due to be released in the fall. The wait is killer.
10. Sick of waiting for the release of an online game man! I never have been one to like smash bros, and as of now this seems to be the most talked about online compatible game. Why was rayman not release with online gaming capability? Why was Mario Party 8 not release with it! Christ Nintendo has no idea how much that pissed me off. To be able to play online MP8 would have been the bomb.
Things Wii Love:
1. I love how the wii allows for me to actually get up and get active while playing games. Instead of just sitting on the couch, I'm actually getting in a good hour of exercises every time I turn the system on.
2. I enjoy the channels. I like popping on my Nintendo Wii and quickly and easily getting a glimpse at the weather, and the news.
3. I love how I can download old games off of the Internet right on to my console.
4. I love how Nintendo's graphics have remained pretty much the same. I have always loved the charming colorful lands Nintendo includes in their games. I'm glad they didn't over do it with ridiculous graphics.
5. I love how I can view how many hours have gone into my games, and the activities that went on with my machine. I know who played, when, and for how long.
6. I love how I can email friends from my system.
7. I'm loving the line up of games to come.
8. I love how small and classy the system is. I can place it right on the counter next to the television, and its size and color does not cause a clash, nor does it take up too much space.
Overall, I'm enjoying the system, but to be honest it as of now is collecting dust waiting for online games to become available, and I also am waiting for games that will not be released till the fall. So until the fall it will sit there looking pretty.

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