Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Toy Review: Pete the Repeat Parrot

Pete The Repeat Parrot has been around for years, I remember getting one for Christmas when I was like 10. I thought he was so freaking cool, he basically would repeat everything and anything I said, all with the push of a button!
Then whoever walked by him would hear my 'message', or comment.
Pete The Repeat Parrot is still being sold, and years later his design has yet to change. He does exactly what he did 10 years ago, and kids are still enthralled with him.
Perhaps it is because they get a kick out of hearing the bird cuss? That's really the main reason I wanted him. I thought I would be cool to have the parrot cussing at anyone who walks by..
Anyhow, today Pete the Parrot comes just like he always came, on a free stand where his feet plant into the stand, or on a hanging stand. On this stand there is a yellow or brown button, you hold in the button and speak your mind. The bird will pick up about 15 seconds of recording and repeat what you have just said.
Yay! He really does nothing else besides that, and more than half the time, he repeats it, then forgets what you have said. Some birds will repeat it when people walk by, and other Pete's will only repeat what you have said twice, and then totally forget what you have said after that. How that is fun, is beyond me, but kids and parents still buy it up.
Pete will open his mouth and make loud electronic griding of gear noises when he speaks. His wings will also obnoxiously flap whenever he is repeating what you have said.
Pete is the same color as a parrot. The main part of his body is red, his belly is yellow, and the hair on the top of his head is blue. His eyes are blue, surrounded by white 'feathers' (fur). Pete stands in at 7 inches tall.
Pete requires nothing. He comes with batteries now.
Where to find Pete?
You can find Pete at local K-Bee Toy stores for around $15.00. If you can't find Pete just open your ears; there is bound to be some little idiot kid in the store having the bird repeat the F word. You can also pick him up at
A big no from me, I had this toy as a kid and ended up hating the annoying thing. Most of the time he chops your words up in half, and even though he has about 15 seconds of recording time, your words will always chop off at the end. It's more like 4 seconds of recording time.
Even though I strongly can't stand Pete, parents will have a hard time persuading their kids. However do know if you bring this annoying toy into your home that you are in for a ton of headaches, and cuss words. Hehe.

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