Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Flyware Fly Journal: Software for the Leap Frog Fly Pen

I got the Fly Pen the year it came out for Christmas. I enjoy writing and drawing, but when I saw the commercials for this pen, I was less than impressed. However, I am not here to discuss my disappointments with the Fly Pen; I am here to discuss the Fly Journal.
What is the Fly Journal?
It is additional software for purchase to be used with the Fly Pen. Yep the pen calls for software in order to get it to do different things.
The Fly Journal software comes with a 50 page journal, with a lock and key, a cartridge that is meant to be placed inside of the Fly Pen, and a key card that when pressed will speak out ideas that you can write about. Basically it is a starter click the pen on it, and it will give you something like...tell me about your first pet...and so on. It has over 500 ideas for you. The journal also comes with a sheet of interactive stickers and a bookmark. When you tap the pen on the stickers they make a noise. You get about 10 of them, but they're all lame and girly.
First major disappointment:
My first sigh came when I saw the actual journal. It is such a piece of crap, and at the time when the Fly Journal software was selling for $30, it was a huge disappointment. Now the journal can be found for $13 or less...but when you spend $30 for this software and you get a crappy journal you are naturally going to be pissed.
The journal is small, and is made very cheaply. The cover is very flimsy cardboard with some paper over it. The paper is a glossy yellow. The pages inside of the book are high gloss, and it is difficult to write on and annoying on the eyes.
The journal is so poorly made that the paper can easily rip out, and with too much use it will tear at the spine. In the book there are also 10 photo sleeves...if you really want to add photos into this crappy journal go ahead..but mostly the 10 sleeves were a waste of natural resources.
The next big sigh came when I realized how little writing space I had. There were 50 pages, 100 using front and back. However each page has decorations and stupid sayings that take up 40% of the page. You really are only able to get 2 paragraphs of writing in before needing a new page; and when I say 2 paragraphs, I mean 2 paragraphs written small. If you use larger lettering you only get about a paragraph in.
The third sigh was not really a sigh for was a sigh for all of the children out there who wanted privacy. I myself do not care much for locks and keys on journals so I usually toss them. Children though enjoy their privacy, and would want to use the lock and key; but with just a small tug the lock gives, and opens. This book is not designed to keep prying eyes out.
Even though the fly journal had secret codes and what not...discovering them is pretty freakin easy if someone gets hold of the actual pen while reading your journal. A quick click of the pen, and your secrets will be revealed.
Avoid purchasing the Fly Pentop Computer, and avoid this Fly Journal if you already have the crappy pen; it's a waste of money.
If you really, really think you still want it, make sure you have the Fly Pen 1.0, this journal will not work with the newer Fly Pen Fusion.
For those of you who want this program...make sure you have the pen. The pen does NOT come with the Fly Journal like so many ill informed folks believe. The pen is about $100. Use yah head!

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