So if you were lucky enough to get hold of the ever so hard to find new
Nintendo Wii U, you are probably already strapped for cash after
coughing up nearly $400 for the console. I myself already went down that
road, and the inner battle on whether or not to buy the New Super Mario
Bros video game taunted me. Do I buy this game for my selfish self, or
do I buy someone a Christmas present?
Oh well, sorry Aunt Katherine. I know, I'm selfish. I couldn't help it
though, it felt as if I have waited for years for a new Mario Bros.
game to hit the gaming world. I got so sick and tired of the sport
bundle Mario games that the original Wii kept flooding us with, which
offer a completely different sort of game play in comparison to
old-school Mario games.
Was the game worth my $60.00 though?
This is hard to say yes, and to say no, because I have been waiting so
long for another Mario game in general. But let me get down to the pros
and cons when it comes to this game.
The Graphics:
They are sparkly, shiny and new, and this is primarily due to the
Nintendo Wii U having finally given us high definition gaming. However
even with the Wii U's HD cable, and stunning new graphics, Super Mario
Bros. U did not actually use it to the fullest.
While the graphics are pretty, it is easy to overlook them because
they are only semi shiny and new, but when it boils down to it, the
games grahics just felt as if it had been done before. Then with a setup
very similar to the original Super Mario Bros. on the Super Nintendo,
with side-scroll playing, things just felt as if they were new, only
re-invented. Nothing grabbed me or had my jaw dropping the way it did
back when Nintendo 64 introduced Super Mario 64.
Also lack luster. The sounds in this new game are the same sounds we
have heard time and time again in old versions of Mario Bros. games.
While naturally this is what draws us to the Mario Bros. game in
general, I feel as if they could have upped their game a little bit.
The Plot:
The one thing that never bothered me about Mario games was the over
use of the exact same plot. Koopa, later Bowser, kidnaps Princess Peach.
I like this plot, it is easy, basic, and non-complex. Although they
have done it time and time again, this plot in Mario games never seems
to grow old.
The plot remains exactly as it should in the New Super Mario Bros. U.
Game Play:
This one is tough to pick apart because the game play in Super Mario
Bros. for the Wii U, is actually really fun. The map is set up in a very
similar fashion as it was in Super Nintendo's, Super Mario game. You
crawl your way up through different parts on a vast map, and enter
different worlds filled with either ice, desert sands, or water worlds,
as each game becomes more challenging than the last.
When it comes to the actual in game play though, like I said, we have
that same side scrolling game play, which entails Mario getting to the
castle flag before the time runs out. In each world you play however,
there will be 3 hidden large star coins. You will want to collect these
and not just race through each board.
Now there is nothing wrong at all with a 2D side scrolling type of
game play. In fact I enjoy it, but I guess as a fan of Nintendo, and
Mario all around, I was expecting this game to really wow me, as Mario
games so easily did in the past when a new console was released.
What I did however like about the game was being able to play with
multiple players, which allows you to use both a Wii Mote and the new
Wii U Game Pad to reach hidden coins, or areas.
Primarily though, even with the multiple player options and games
added, this one truly feels more at home when played singularly.
Super Mario Bros. for the Nintendo Wii U, also allows you to play this
game primarily on the handheld if you wanted. You can play it by
looking at the TV if you wanted, but it tends to actually feel more
natural when viewing it on the handheld. This feature is nice to have
because it will free up your TV while you play the game.
I cannot lie, Super Mario Bros. is a very decent game for the latest
console. However that price tag is not justified due to that lacking wow
factor, and believe me I hate saying that about a Mario game.
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