This Halloween while browsing around a local Halloween costume shop, I
came across a collection of the funniest looking pacifiers for baby's.
They were a large collection of Billy-Bob teeth made into pacifiers,
designed to basically mock your baby while they busily suck on it, not
knowing what the heck is so funny.
It is more like a silly gag gift, but trust me you will be laughing
when you pass one over to your baby and watch as it transforms their
We picked one up for my niece, and decided on the Chomp design. The
Chomp set of teeth are basically a pair of big red lips, with a few
lifelike looking teeth poking out of it. Other designs had big kiss
lips, vampire fangs, rotten teeth and so on.
The Verdict:
The Original Billy-Bob Pacifier- Chomp need to be boiled before you
hand the pacifier off to your baby. Once we had done that, we handed the
pacifier over to my niece, who is 8 months old. She took it happily and
put it into her mouth. The issue she was having though was that the
pacifier is a little too heavy. She ended up dropping it, and picking it
up over and over again with the same result.
It was in her mouth long enough for a few pictures, but that aside,
she was having more of a hard time keeping it in her mouth, which
resulted in her frustration.
The baby does however go back for it time after time, until she grows
bored of trying to keep it in her mouth. We imagine when she gets a
little bigger, she will not have an issue keeping it in.
Granted it is too heavy for her right now to keep it in her mouth for
long periods of time, it served its purpose and offered a good laugh and
memorable photographs, which was primarily why I bought it anyway.
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