Sunday, July 27, 2014

Book Review: A Shade of Vampire, By Bella Forrest

A Shade of Vampire happened to be one of those e-books that everyone seemed to be talking about in forums and on book blogs.

It was being stated that this one would captivate in the same manner that Twilight had, only better.

I was skeptical, but seeing that the book was on sale on for a limited time for less than a dollar, I figured I would go ahead and see what the big deal was.

The Plot:

Sorry there was just nothing all that thick about A Shade of Vampire. But I figure perhaps the following books in the series will help deepen the shallow waters I had to tread through in this particular book.

We start off we Sofia getting all pissed off at her male BFF Ben because he forgot about her birthday. She takes a walk on the beach and is kidnapped off of the beach and taken to some place called The Shade.

The Shade is basically a veiled island of vampires, where there is never any light and humans aqre kept as blood banks and slaves.

Lucas is the vampire who captures her. He wants to claim her as his own but instead Sofia is an offering to Derek who is a vampire who has been asleep for 400 years.

When Derek awakes he is smitten by her almost immediatley. Her gesture of humanity for when she went to hold another victims hand when Derekl awoke for some stupid reason caused the whole attraction.

Derek decides to keep her as his personal slave in his penthouse to teach him to acclimate to today. Basically she will teach him about the world we now live in.

Sofia toward the end needs to find a way out of The Shade in order to survive Luca's threats. 


The only thing that thickens the entire plot is that Lucas still wants Sofia. A very Vampire Diaries sort of twist, but there is nothing really heightening about it, nor even remotely captivating.

Connections between Derek and Sofia are made, but as a reader I cannot seem to connect to when, where or why such emotions even exist. One page he is captivated by her. Another page she is repulsed by him, and a few pages later they are somehow in love.

For me there was just no build up of emotions for this to have even occurred. It left me feeling as if it was all rushed.


The author has an interesting plot to work with, I cannot deny that. However things between Sofia and Derek were not real and I made no personal connections to any of the characters.

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